Friday 14 October 2022

Perfect Day

 It is a perfect Autumn day today - hardly a breath of wind and wall to wall blue sky and sunshine.  It is so quiet you can hear it if you know what  I mean.  I had a walk along the patio and back but it has been windy and I found it too much.   I really must walk at every opportunity or I shall lose the ability.   The last few days of sunshine have brought out various  clumps of different colours in my osteospermum - pink,white,yellow and several two tone ones - and also a patch of the Johnson's blue geranium and a few clumps of Michaelmas daisies.  Sadly it will be their swan song and I shall miss them when they go and look out eagerly for those first patches of white - the snowdrops and the Hellebores - the Christmas Roses.

We have moved on a day - I never got round to finishing this post so it is Friday now - the day when for tomorrow and Sunday I have my relief carer and then I am back to J again. After that one lovely day weather-wise we are back to distinctly Autumnal weather.   But I have made myself have a short walk - yesterday's struggle gave me a bit of a shock so I am determined to make myself go every day unless it is raining.

Not tonight Josephine!(anyone  know where the expression comes from? - it was one of my father's stock of sayings)   I see from today's Times that, contrary to expectations, nine months after the first Covid lockdown the  birthrate fell across Europe.    The research was carried out by the University of Lausanne.  The researchers  say it is similar to previous crises - also long days of lockdown dulled the nation's passion.   And at the beginning researchers were not sure how Covid might affect unborn babies.

I think folk around here are beginning to be aware again of Covid as steadily but surely it is beginning to rear its ugly head again.   Now everyone aged 50 and over is advised to get another 'jab'.  I, and most of my friends, are now vaccinated up to the eyebrows.  What is the position where you live (or are you anti vac?) 

Whilst I have been writing this the wind has dropped, the sky has cleared and is blue and the evening sun is shining.   But the central heating has come on!

See you tomorrow.


  1. Now sure of your father's phrase but Every Night, Josephine is the title of a book by Jacqueline Susann and refers to her pet poodle!? Wonder if there is a connection?

  2. Keep warm and keep moving.

  3. My family, friends and neighbors are vaccinated. In the US we are told children 5 and up can get a booster shot now. The booster is highly recommended and there is expected to be an increase in Covid as Winter starts. The Fall color in your garden sounds beautiful. Today, our leaves are falling steadily and it is cloudy and raining lightly.

  4. Not tonight Josephine, is said by Napoleon. Lovely to have your plants still throwing flowers out. I have nasturtiums and yellow dahlias still holding on.

  5. There was an advert for hairspray in the 1970's that used the phrase, "Not tonight, Josephine" - that's where I know it from, anyway. I am usually a lurker on your blog, so while I am commenting I will wish you are very happy 90th birthday when it comes. Nicola

  6. I always thought it was from Napoleon, but googling now I see there is no evidence for that.

  7. I always thought it was Napoleon, but googling now there is no evidence for that.

  8. Good you push on to walk when you are able. Quick search, Josephine appears to be from the name of a 1911 song.
    Here in Vermont, boosters are the vaccine wave. More folks wearing masks. More chat about worry of a surge.
    I think some folks will be caught by surprise if they don't go back to masks, hand washing, and social distancing.

  9. Still wearing a mask on entering shops, dentist and doctors surgeries and I have had my 5th booster and flu jab today. Feeling rather tired but otherwise OK. Temperature up and down weatherwise, quite a lot of sunshine, breezes and the odd shower. Quite acceptable for this time of year, and the trees are colouring up nicely too.
    Keep up the walking. I know I don't have your problems but, if I didn't get a short walk in each morning I would get very lazy and not bother at all.

  10. I had injections Jan and Feb last year…booster September last year…so many side effects was told better wait…second booster this August…I will continue them…I mask…avoid crowds…avoid inside restaurants etc…I believe should be mandatory…ver 900,000 died America.

  11. Good to hear you push yourself to walk...a lesson I need to learn. No clue on Josephine! Mask wearing in social situations, though I went without all last weekend in very close contact almost all day. I've had my third booster, which is supposed to be against the Omicron version. But honestly, I was "off my feed" all this week until today with allergies or cold symptoms, so perhaps I had a touch of fever though. My worst thing was jabbing my arm into the edge of a door handle and tearing this paper thin now I've got a lovely wound to care for. Have a good weekend.

  12. My husband and I have had 2 vaccinations and 2 boosters (we got the second booster last week).
    I also got my flu shot a couple of weeks ago. We are still being cautious and hoping we stay healthy! Wishing all the best for us.
    Linda from Alabama

  13. My wife and I have had our 5 shots since all this started, and our Flu shot. We are full of holes.We try and walk a little every day because we believe that you use it or loose it, and that applies to most actions. You are our inspiration, so keep walking. The Fall color here in the Virginia Blue Ridge is spectacular this year, the weather must have been just right.
    Stay well. Terry

  14. Fall brings all kinds of changeable weather. However, we know it just keeps getting colder.

  15. I think Not tonight Josephine is most likely an apocryphal line attributed to Napoleon.

  16. Our family and friends all have had four jabs. Next week my husband and I will get our flu jabs. We both da Covid almost without symptoms, and this should also protect us agains a new infection.
    The numbers are rising here, too. I have started to wear a mask in the shops etc. I don´t mind it, I am quite used to it now.

  17. We've made enquiries about getting a second booster, but all the online sites draw blanks. I suppose we'll have to wait until invited.

  18. Cro, your Brighton vaccination offers seem once again out of step with the rest of the country where invitations are already down to age groups lower than yours for those who want second boosters, NHS Covid centres and local surgeries.

  19. I can only encourage you to keep up your daily walks, even just inside from one room to the other and back again is better than nothing.
    What you say about the wind puzzles me; you say there is hardly a breath of wind but then it was too windy for your patio round?
    Through one of my clients, I have the opportunity to get my fourth jab next week Friday, and I am going to do that. On poblic transport, in hospitals, surgeries etc. wearing FFP2 masks is mandatory here. I also wear mine when I go shopping and where ever there are too many people at too close quarters for my liking. It makes sense not only because of Covid but also in view of the flu and cold season.

  20. I know what you mean about silence you can hear. A hot summer day is like that. Everything goes crashingly quiet.

  21. It is fall here, and it moves from rain to cold to warm to sunny...I scarcely know how to dress!

    I am headed out to pick up a batch of pie pumpkins and apples from the Amish and will spend this day in the kitchen.

    My best to you.

  22. I'm surprised at the number of people still wearing face masks, it's certainly not the case wear I live, clearly Covid has left a lot of people a tad paranoid. I'm having my 5th jab on Monday, plus I've had my flu one, why would I want to still wear a face mask?

  23. Derek- my son amd his wife are 'up to date' with their jabs but my son's wife is an invalid and prefers to wear a mask when she mingles with others,,
    Tom I like your word 'crashingly' in this context too
    Librarian - sorry I mean that it had been windy for several previous days.
    Celie Poor old Napoleon - he gets blamed for a lot.
    Tasker thanks for sticking up for poor old Napoleon.
    Thank you for the good wishes Nicola.

    Thank you all.

  24. Goodness. We wear masks not because we are paranoid but because Covid is alive and well. We are elderly and can’t risk being around those not vaccinated. People are still dying. I wear seatbelts for safety. I wear a mask.

  25. "Not tonight, Josephine". Obviously, Napoleon had a headache. Not least when trying to work out how to conquer the Russian bear. Far more intriguing when, on his way back from his many battles, he'd send message to her "Don't wash. Will be home in three days' time". I have this on good authority (my father's). Well, whatever turns you on.

    And, yes, keep walking. Don't want to keep rust settling in.


  26. PS Before I forget, and anyone hating me is welcome. I haven't been vaccinated. Not once. I have shared my roof with the Apple of my Eye who was vaccinated and, despite of it, came down with Covid twice. Maybe I am one of those bastards who go against the trend as happens so often in my life and had it, but asymptomatic. Touch wood. For all I know I'll return from one of my forest walks foaming at the mouth (rabies) or, worst case scenario, a tick sucking out my life blood.


  27. Those who are not vaccinated do not spread Covid, Brenda. People vaccinated and not vaccinated can get Covid. You are just as likely to catch Covid from a vaccinated person as an unvaccinated.

  28. That might be but here those who are not vaccinated aged are more likely to die. If those who don’t vaccinate do not care about themselves then care about others…we have lost many…those who were not vaccinated spread it to hundreds of thousands before the vaccine came. Sorry but those are the facts here.

  29. Brenda, I don't mean to be disrespectful but your last statement is incorrect and doesn't make sense.
    As a matter of fact Dr. Brix who was Dr. Fauci's side kick when Trump was still in office recently admitted in a televisied interview that she knew before the vaccine was even released that it wouldn't prevent anyone from contracting covid. It would only help to make the symptoms less severe to prevent hospitalization. Rachel is 100% right.
    I live in the U.S. And yet Biden and the whole far left media for over a year on national tv spewed the lie that covid was the virus of the unvaxed and they were killing innocent people by not being vaccinated. Declaring if you get the vaccine you won't get covid.
    Also recently a Pfizer director admitted their vaccine wasn't tested for transmissibility.

  30. I guess I know little…my friends who have died can blame politics..enough said please. The vaccine saves lives…
