Tuesday 7 June 2022

Where has it gone?

 Another fortnight and we are half way through the year, the longest day will be here and it will be all downhill  then  until we get to the shortest day in December and  start all over again.   I would say that up here in the   Yorkshire Dales we have not had a really warm day yet.   Perhaps today (14 degrees) is as warm as it has been here yet this year.  Sunshine?  Yes indeed  but such a lot of wind off the North Sea and that has kept it chilly.

I would quote 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' but I know Tom likes to be first with that and in any case to me September is the month for that.   It always strikes me as odd that the first day of Summer is officially June 21st and yet June the 24th - three days later - is mid Summers Day.

My Laptop has an umbrella up in the right hand corner and tells me rain is on its way.  We desperately need it here.   We have had dribs and drabs of rain but no real downpour for weeks so I hope it is correct.

I have been tired all day today and slept most of the afternoon.   I am happy when my body tells me to do just that.   I usually wake up at around four in the afternoon feeling refreshed and I did just that today.   It is now 11pm - so goodnight until tomorrow.


  1. It is raining cats and dogs here as well, and I am delighted for it. After two days of this, my vegetable garden should spring to life. I always love watching everything come up.

  2. Finally rain and I'm supposed to have rain as well tomorrow. It's been hot today at 80 degrees and windy with yellow pollen from our pine trees wafting everywhere. Our gardens will be very happy with the rain. After a good rest today, you will feel refreshed tomorrow.

  3. We had been so dry for the last couple weeks and I have been procrastinating about carrying water to seedlings in a new bed, so its wonderful that we are now several hours into a slow steady rain - no water carrying this week. I hope your carer continues to progress in her illness and that she didn't share it with you inadvertently.


  4. We are under a lot of rain right now, and it has been a wet spring, but I fear we are still short.

  5. You've had some miserable weather this spring.

  6. I believe we may have rain today, but yesterday was lovely with the pool water having risen to 26 C.

  7. Since our very dry Spring, it been regularly wet down here and like you we have been experiencing, often winds off the Thames Estuary keeping it cool. The regular rain has meant that everything is growing like mad, especially the weeds and it's really difficult to keep things under control. My roses are giving a fantastic display at the moment but too often end up with the blooms sodden with rain and hanging like wet cabbages. As I write this this morning, overnight rain is still continuing.

  8. The torrential rain woke me up at about 2am and then Suky the Pug woke me at 3am wanting to go out ... and brave girl she did, running up and down the garden until she found a place to 'go' and then she dashed back in out of the rain. I tried to get back to sleep but gave up at 4am and got up and made myself a drink. I'll most likely be snoring away in the chair by midday!!

  9. All weekend was a mixed bag here of sun and rain, thunderstorms thrown in for good measure. Everywhere looks much the better for the rain but ground water levels are still dangerously low, and as soon as a bit of wind picks up, the soil looks bone dry again.
    Hopefully your afternoon nap and a good night's sleep make you feel well rested today!

  10. In Anglo Saxon times there were two seasons, Winter and Summer, on farms, and Summer commenced on April 21st, thus Midsummer Day was in June and on the old calendar, was set at 24th June. It was celebrated as a festival and has been retained in our time. The crops are half way growing so it was a significant point, and still is in arable lands. This year the crops are well on and all being well will be a good harvest. I hope that helps.

  11. Well here it rained fiercely last night, seedlings flattened against the soil. Though no warnings of floods. It has never been warm here all this year, but I suppose this is the beginning of climate change, whether it be cold or hot, the weather is a-changing.

  12. Too late, Weave. You now hold the record. May I be the first to wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year?

  13. I've been thinking along the same lines as Rachel's comment for some time. For a few years now it has been difficult to separate the year into four seasons, despite what the calendars might say and I think that we are now seeing a two season year.

  14. Where I am, it rained most of the day yesterday. As much as it made for a ho hum kind of day for me, it was satisfying to know everything was getting a much needed watering. I just snuck into the garden, still wearing my pajamas, and was pleased to see my plants thriving after their soaking. Even talk about winter coming makes my shudder. Snow is pretty at times but I find winters here in Canada way too long.

  15. It is raining here in Naperville, Illinois (USA) too. We have been having lovely weather lately with just the right amount of rainy days for the grass and sunny days for me!

  16. Hope you got the most needed rain, and that it was long and gentle on the plants! We've had forecasts for yesterday and today of heavy thunder showers, and yesterday stayed cloudy all day. I'm going to celebrate the Summer solstice on the 22nd probably...it is hard to think of days shortening again.

  17. ( Anne Bee 🐝 )
    Lots of rain here in South Yorkshire followed by bursts of warm sun.
    You can almost hear the plants growing!

  18. We are having very welcome showers. The earth was parched and our waterbutts dry!
