Wednesday 8 June 2022

BIts and bobs.

 Sad this week to say good-bye to Paula Rego.   I loved her work; it is always good to see a woman up there in the forefront of art and at the age of 87 she has had a good innings.   However good their work I still think women are swimming against the tide when it come to getting their work recognised - maybe not as hard as they did in the past but still not easy.

It's an odd sort of day here today;  not cold at all but quite a stiff breeze we just can't seem to shake off.  I am going for short walks again but just can't seem to get up the enthusiasm to go far - or the energy.   I sometimes wonder if I shall ever be able to go 'round the block' again or are those days over.

It is three weeks before my two great grand-children come to see me - for the first time since Covid began.  U is almost six and H is 6 months and I haven't seen him at all yet.   Did I tell you I had bought some small presents for them.   For Ula a ballet tutu in rainbow colors, a sketch book, pencils and crayons . And a very kind lady I blog with (and I am sorry to say I have forgotten your name) machine embroidered her name  and a toy in the corner of a special facecloth and a toy and and name on a bib for H.  People are so kind.   A long time ago, before H was even a twinkle in his father's eye (as my father used to say) I started knitting a teddy using materials left over from one friend C had made.   Eventually I got to the almost finished stage but my shake meant I could not do any more.   Friend S has finished it beautifully, sewn it up and stuffed it.   It is lovely.   H's presents  as well as the bear,come in the form of a twenty pound note so that U can buy something for him with her Mum.   It will be lovely to see them.

Well after a delicious lunch brought by my carer (I can't tell you how good it is to have her back) -salami. blue stilton, green grapes, small salad tomatoes, cucumber, iceberg  lettuce, sweet baby beetroot, all in a lovely dressing, I am just wondering what to have for my tea.   I have just bought myself a new kettle and toaster and I have a fancy to try the toaster out so might have a poached egg on toast.   Friends S and T have hens which roam most of the garden , not the raised veggie beds) and their eggs are a golden yellow yolked and taste delicious.

It is The Sewing Bee on UK television tonight and the subject tonight is underwear and sleepwear (can't imagine how the men (only one or two left I think) will cope with frilly knickers).   I love the programme - how on earth can any amateur sewer make a parka in four hours - if that was me the zip would be in either upside down or inside out

See you all tomorrow.


  1. Your always find interesting things to write about and it's always a delight to visit here. Ta!
    Hope the windy weather will settle down so you can resume your longer walk. As my Dad used to say, "Only walk half as far as you want to so you have the energy to walk back home!" Those of us who are life-long readers can always go anywhere and everywhere between the pages of a book. Not that that kind of travels helps your muscles, but walking around the house helps that when you cannot go outside safely.


  2. I received fresh eggs from friends - 4 duck eggs and 8 chicken eggs. I look forward to seeing if I can taste the difference. I have never eaten fresh eggs before - just the store bought eggs...

  3. You are so right in saying women struggle to be recognized. It is said, a woman has to work twice as hard to be recognized. Seeing your great grandchildren will be wonderful. As for walking, you are wise to do just what you feel comfortable doing. I'm glad to hear your carer is well and able to prepare meals again.

  4. The presents for the little ones will be spot on.

  5. I think that the gifts for your great grands are just GRAND!

  6. The presents for the little ones are just delightful. So much thought put into them.
    I envy your lunch. Lettuces here (Australia) are either the equivalent of your 6+ pounds each or impossible to get.

  7. I don't know why, but I find the Sewing Bee programme fascinating. I usually watch a repeat if I see it advertised. I have seen two of the current series. I suppose we can all become fashion critics for an hour or so.

  8. I am being very frugal with my bits of lettuce here, and some fast food outlets are mixing cabbage with their smaller offerings of lettuce in burgers. Flooding in Queensland has affected supply, and yes $12 ( 6 pounds) for an iceberg lettuce is too much.
    Such fun for the children with your thoughtful presents.-Pam, Sth Aust.

  9. Your great-grandchildren's visit is certainly something to look forward to! I had to smile when I read your sentence "Did I tell you I had bought some small presents for them."
    Not only did you tell us about it here on your blog, we were all involved in discussing ideas for presents and how you intended to hide them for the little girl to find them in your living room.
    Good to know your carer is back!

  10. H.I. spent a weekend with Paula Rego in Portugal when she was young. Apparently she went out and killed a chicken for lunch, which quite impressed her.

  11. Glad your carer, delicious provider of food, is back. First time I have come across Paula Rego, a very distinctive style of work.
