Sunday 26 June 2022

The Sun is up!

And there is a strong wind blowing so it is not very warm.   Last night was a pizza night(for those who asked I am not adventurous and always have a vegetarian one with extra pineapple) and greedy as I am where pizza is concerned, I ate it all!

My son and his wife left at ten so that she could take her medication and I quickly settled down in time to watch Macca at Glastonbury.  A very enthusiastic crowd (as my son pointed out - not many black faces in the crowd and a very middle class looking crowd but as he pointed out the price of the tickets it did rather all add it.)

I worried that as he was 80 Macca's voice might not go the course but it did.   I didn't watch it all - a quarter of an hour of it was plenty and then I switched on again a bit later - just in time for Hey Jude.

I had to be up early this morning to tidy a bit before my relief carer came.   At present they have a really seriously ill patient and are both working very hard in quite distressing circumstances so I try to make my hour of care as easy as I can for them.

My son had a good sort out of my computer (thanks Dom) -still not how it used to be but he did show me a few things.   My ability on it is so limited to things I do more or less every day and straying away from this always seems to throw a spanner in the works.  There are still one or two posts I can't get on, read and coment - I can read but it says comment with Google and then doesn;t allow me to.   Cro and Sparrow Tree Journal are two if you are reading this.

My carer has left me salad again for lunch today - I would love it every day at this time of the year but she gets cross with me because when it is salad I tend to graze at the salad all morning and by lunch there is not a lot left  for lunch.  So far today it sits in the fridge (might just have a look what I might graze when I go past in a minute with my morning coffee).



  1. He continued for another 40 minutes after Hey Jude! His 2-hour set turned into a 2hrs 50 minutes one. Whilst his voice is no longer what it was (how could it be), there was no mistaking his energy and the joy he got from performing. And he did two very mice tributes to John an George.

    It's windy here too, but still warm.

    I hope there is still some salad left at lunchtime!

  2. Macca played at the tiny Cheese and Grain venue in Frome the other night. Diana Ross also played at Longleat. I think they use these places as little rehearsals on their way to Worthy Farm.

  3. Perhaps a grazing salad and a lunch salad are in order? Glad your computer got squared away.

  4. During the summer months, salad is perfect. Prawn, crab or lobster are my special favorites. I remember once you mentioned that you particularly liked crab and had a good source for crab. Your pizza night sounds good and getting your computer sorted is always very helpful.

  5. I had no idea that Paul was referred to as Macca so it took me awhile to realize who you were writing about! Huh! I figured it out when you mentioned "Hey Jude!"
    I was amazed to hear that he went on for such a long time and I wonder where he gets his energy from!
    Eat what you want when you want! You are old enough to choose! :)

  6. I can't stay up that late to watch TV and music blasting away in the evening is not my cup of tea. I have always liked The Beatles basically because they seem honest and in love with their profession. But, and not being rude here, they are getting a bit past it!

  7. I love that you referred to Paul McCartney by his nickname!
    I was a so called Beatles "maniac" - 15 when the Beatles did their first tour in !963.
    They performed in a Dublin cinema in matching collarless suits and we screamed the place down from the moment they came on stage - which was quite a cathartic experience!

  8. Paul McCartney performed in Toronto two weeks ago. I have Facebook friends who attended this concert and they are still excitedly posting about their evening. These old songs bring so much joy to people. I just finished watching a video of Paul performing "Hey Jude", (in Toronto), and I was hit with a wave of nostalgia.

  9. You care about your carers - and they certainly care about you, not just out of duty or because it is their job, but because you are such a kind and thoughtful person.

  10. "not many black faces in the audience and mostly middle class" seems a strange thing to say. Who bothers to count the colour of the faces and why? and how do you tell that people are middle class - all seems a bit odd to me.

  11. I can't leave a comment with Cro. For a long time, couldn't comment on John's site, Going Gently. Recently, for some reason, that changed and I'm so glad. I love that dear man. Actually, I love both of those men.

    Without a doubt, the sociability of your life keeps you healthy and sane.

  12. I'm so glad your son and DIL live so close that they can pop over for pizza. I love chicken and pineapple on my pizzas since I no longer can have beef after being bitten by a Lone Star tick about 4 years ago. I miss pot roast, burgers, chili, ...!
    Count me in with you and others who can no longer post comments on 'sign in with google' blogs. Sigh!
    I'm sewing Rail Fence blocks together today for a donation quilt that is going to Quilts Without Borders. They will machine quilt and bind the little boy quilt and send it so some wee fellow who needs it somewhere in the world.


  13. The demographic of Glastonbury attendees I would say is a fair representation of the British demographic which is predominantly white. The festival attracts people from all ethnic backgrounds as well as the white British and it representative of our population. I have no idea how one can say they are mostly middle class because this is not apparent from looking at photos of festival goers who all look much the same, young, happy, singing, enjoying themselves, sitting on each other's shoulders, tattoos spread around, bopping, bare midriffs, fat, thin, tshirts on, tshirts off, you name it you see it at Glastonbury together with a few oldies doing the same.

  14. We sing from the same hymn sheet Rachel.

  15. I have just watched Diana Ross - how everyone was enjoying themselves -all the cleaning up to do tomorrow! It seems to have kept fine allweek end so for once no mud either. What a happy occasion it has been.

    Thanks everyone for joining in.

  16. I have had salad every evening for the past week in the hope of keeping my weight down. Tonight I needed to eat some veg. before it spoiled so had a hot meal. I don't think I could cope with the huge crowd at Glastonbury and wonder how safe it is - Covid-wise. However, it is completely out of doors. My laptop seems to be behaving itself though I will need to have it updated as it is Windows 7. Practically out of the Ark!

  17. I'm totally fed up with Google's policy of who can and cannot comment on blogs. Today I appear to have done something right. I signed into my own blog first and my photo appeared top right. Accessing through Chrome on the Mac, it's now allowing me to comment - but I've nothing really to say! Except that I hope my method is useful to others. Weaver, your settings are unusual on your blog, in that there is a "I'm not a robot" stage to go through before a comment can be published.

  18. Your story about the salad is so funny.
    I have been having problems with my computer and phone so now with the blog problems, what a mess.

  19. Much the best way to enjoy Glastonbury - at home with your feet up. Priscilla would not enjoy it there at all.
    My weakness is my box of muesli - I keep going to it and picking out all the bits of dried fruit. I've even tried the one that boasts that it's 50% fruit, but it still ends up looking like the contents of a horse's nosebag by the time I get to have some for breakfast.

  20. Oh that my husband would pick out bits of dried fruit rather than the lovely bits of meat in casseroles sitting in the fridge.
    My workmates used to laugh at my descriptions of little craters where the meat used to be.
    Being a vegetarian for decades now , it doesn't worry me, but it used to drive me crazy, and his mother before me.-Pam.

  21. Thanks everyone for your comments. I don't know what to make of my computer - it seemsto be dveloping a mind of its own and choosing what it wishes to do. Soon I shall consider closing down and opening up a new blog but I WILL LET YOU ALL KNOW IF i deide on such drastic action.

  22. You don't need to do that. You are not locked out, you are still posting.
