Saturday 25 June 2022

Half way there.

Well at least it has righted itself in so far as I can now get on to more of your sites  and leave comments - that is better than nothing.   One step at a time.   So many of you have tried to be helpful (especially Rachel) but I follow step one and then I am totally lost.   But without blogging I really would be totally lost - it keeps me going in so many ways.   I have made so many friends and look forward to their comments almost daily.  It exercises my brain in that I have to keep thinking of something to write about - then about putting it together - then typing it up - then reading and commenting on your posts - and before I know it a couple  of hours have passed - a goodly part of the day when like me you are more or less house- bound(this week's house visits twice on jollies plus a lovely long visit from a friend is an exception).

Well the weather had been the typical English example - a week of very hot weather with temperatures up in the thirties in the South of Englad but now today a sudden drop and a chilly wind to boot.   Saturdays are my day for attending to all my pots.   I managed to water them all but had to give up on the feeding - it was just too windy and I was in danger of being blowing over. 

A nice evening to look forward to my son and his wife coming round for a pizza, so the table is  set ready and my carer did a covid test this morning.   My  son and his wife have not had covid and because of his wife's poor health he would rather she didn't go down with it so we try to avoid it.  Luckily my flow test came out cheerily in good form. 

So I shall go and make myself a cup of tea.   See you tomorrow. 


  1. Well done in getting halfway there computer-wise!!
    Oh, it's always good to avoid being blown over so you were smart not to attempt feeding your potted plants while it was so windy.
    I did go look at the clothes at the Seasalt website and appreciate your enlightening me that it wasn't a catalog of sea salts!! Cute clothes but I cannot imagine what overseas shipping costs would be.
    Be good to you!


  2. Enjoy your pizza... and fingers crossed that Blogger stays on your side.

  3. You're so wise to make every effort to keep your mind sharp. Computers are a challenge at any age. Don't let some young whippersnapper tell you otherwise. ;-)

    Enjoy your pizza dinner with family. Meals shared with family or friends are always special.

  4. How great to plan a pizza evening with relations. I hope you all have lots of laughs. Glad the blogger dilemma is clearing up for you!

  5. Sorry you have a chilly wind up there in the North. It's a nice mild one down here.
    Have a lovely Pizza evening.

    As to the computer problems - touch wood mine has been far so can't advise.

  6. Oh Weave, now that I am in my seventies I agree with you, blogs and our online friends are lifelines, especially during the pandemic. I hadn't thought about it, but yes, thinking of a topic, gathering photos and words for our blogs just might be keeping us young! And making and receiving comments is part of that camaraderie.

  7. To be honest Weave I do not know what your computer problem is but one thing I never do is sign out of Blogger, I just close it when I finish, not sign out. Lovely day here and hope you have a pleasant evening and don't let computer problems get in the way of it.

  8. Well, Blogger can't mess up a pizza evening with your son and daughter-in-law, so your evening should be good! I am glad you keep blogging as you have connected me to many other enjoyable blogs, too, and I wouldn't have found them without you! Thanks so much!

  9. If I were more computer-savvy, then I would have chimed in as well with hopefully helpful tips, but I am not, sadly. I understand how much of a social outlet blogger can be. It's good to stay connected. :)

  10. Well it may have been hot in the south all week Pat but I'm in Somerset at the moment and today has seen a gusty wind, heavy showers, chilly temps. and it's not looking brilliant for the next week.

  11. I'm glad your computer problem is mostly resolved. In my experience, everybody occasionally has issues with the computer. Only once or twice over the years did I have to have a technician right my computer. This was due to a virus and it had to be cleared. It's quite hot in Massachusetts today, 80 degrees F. A real summer day.

  12. A few days ago I was melting, today the breeze was almost chilly but so much more comfortable.
    My laptop is limping along, but I can read your post and leave a comment so that is a relief. If I can read my emails too I shall be happy to jog along for a bit longer with it.
    Hope you all enjoyed your pizza supper this evening.

  13. Hi dear Pat. I'm just back in the USA from Devon where we enjoyed a wonderful visit in perfect weather every day. Based in hometown - Torquay - we stayed close by with just a few day trips to Totnes, Brixham, Teignmouth, visiting family and friends. Brother flew over from his home in France which was great - had not seen any of my UK family in three years due to Covid!
    Sending hugs - hope your computer problems are over by now.
    Hugs - Mary

  14. Very cold here Weave. Husband and I had a lovely long drive South for an outing.
    I happened too be wearing my home-spun winter woolies and fitted right in with the crowd at a farmers market we discovered which was most enjoyable.!
    Unfortunately my well worn English Leicester headband is a bit harsh still - I thought it may soften.
    I have enjoyed reading up about the breed in Australia .Evidently Sweden requested to be involved in breeding programs with the English Leicesters here - I would have thought U.K. was closer, but I guess its a matter of reaching out to expand the genetic pool.
    All the best with your computer, and have a lovely family catch-up. -Pam, Sth Aust.

  15. Enjoy that pizza. What toppings?

  16. Blogging certainly becomes a very important part of your day. I find that it's a good conversation with many people.

  17. I have one tiny problem with Blogger, but will bore you later with it on my own page. I know it's fixable, and someone out there will know how!

  18. Thanks bblogger pals - my son has sorted one or two things out on blogger for me so I carry on - live in hopes things will resolve themselves. He has shown me one or two things I didn't know about so now I can work the sound on anyone's post if they put a video on. So here goes.......
