Sunday 19 June 2022


 Lovely surprise day today  .   I had a business letter to write - these days as my trembling has got so much  worse this is always a real chore.   Various tidying jobs intervened and then it was cross the road to the post box and carry on round the block on my morning walk, arrive home and make myself a coffee.   I had just sat down to drink my coffee when a text pinged up on my mobile :"Thought we would go out for a drive - fancy coming?   Can you be ready in a quarter of an hour?"

Can I be ready ?   I was already half way to the sink to throw away my undrunk coffee (think loo and how long can I manage without paying a visit!) and I just about managed to be ready when S and T arrived, loaded Priscilla into their car and we set off.   The countryside was at its best - although very dry everywhere the fields are all silaged and I would guess it has not been a bad year.   Rain needed now I guess to make the grass grow again but this is not an arable area and the fields were full of contended milk herds, beef cattle with their young calves and sheep with their half grown lambs.   The wild roses are coming out in the hedgerows (is there a more beautiful flower?). the hedges are full of elderflowers (soon berries for anyone keen to make elderberry wine)  and the cottages had climbing roses up their walls and round their doors.    The sun had brought Sunday diners out in force, many to sit eating out amongst the pub roses.   A lovely British Summer Sunday.

We went through the villages, over the A66 and eventually to the little Roman town of Piercebridge by the River Tees, here to call at the farm shop for a coffee and a cake (no I  shall not tell you what kind of cake except that it had a million calories in it!) - and a mosey round the tools (don't ask), the fancy kitchenware and plants which all looked very happy and healthy (this is by no means always so at present in this hot spell when many plants look exceeding thirsty by early afternoon).

We came back by a slightly different route as T kindly had a little job to do for me in town.  I went through many places  I have not seen for the last four or five years and never really expected to see again.

I had a lovely time, so thank you T and S for a lovely 'jolly' .   Half past nine in the evening now and soon to bed for me I think.   Tomorrow is another day - see you then.




  1. What a lovely surprise. You do have some very kind friends.

  2. How nice. You do have some lovely, thoughtful friends.

  3. Sounds like a great day. It is lovely when friends think of you like that! Sleep well!

  4. The very best cakes have a million calories! Glad you got a day out, Pat. It does wonders for your spirit, doesn't it?

  5. Great to hear about your outing...a big surprise indeed! And coffee and cake too, not to mention looking at plants and kitchen stuff. I'm so glad to hear that you got to go all those miles from your own doorstep!

  6. This sounds like the perfect outing. Beautiful sights everywhere, a bit of the shops and a lovely coffee and cake to refortify for the trip home.

  7. What a lovely day you had.

  8. After a very hot day, last night we had quite a violent storm. It was blowing, flashing, thundering, and raining. Quite a show!

  9. How lovely to be taken out. What good friends S and T are. Are they old or young?

  10. What wonderful friends to have - not everybody would have thought to ask if you fancied a trip out. Everything in the countryside seems just that little bit behind what's happening here.

  11. I am so pleased to read of your surprise "jolly"! Your friends are wonderful, but THAT is no surprise, since you are wonderful to have as a friend, too.

  12. That sounds like an excellent trip out and a lovely surprise for you.
    Hope today has some surprises too

  13. What a lovely surprise.Cake too.Barbarax

  14. Going for drives just to take in the views are one of my favourite things to do. It sounded like a wonderful trip. You have excellent friends.

  15. As much as I like to plan, a surprise treat is a wonderful thing. I'd like to be surprised by a slice of the cake you are keeping secret!


  16. What good friends you have.

  17. It sounds as though your morning had already started out with a bang-- what with the business letter, tidying up, the post, and walk around the block. Nice that you were up and about so getting ready wasn't too frantic. Lovely that you could then sit back and relax with dear friends as you toured the lovely countryside. I'll bet you slept like a baby.

  18. S and T Seventies,

    Cake - Millionaires' shortbread.

    Thanks everyone.

  19. What a lovely treat for you. When one doesn't get out much it is so reassuring to find that the countryside is still there, and looking beautiful!

  20. Can we call them by their names?
