Saturday 18 June 2022

Back to the old weather

 Well everyone seems to have been sweltering and steaming in the record temperatures but here in The Yorkshire Dales it has just been pleasant Summer weather - that is until yesterday when it clouded over at lunchtime and got blacker and blacker until a thunderstorm seemed inevitable.   But although it was still like that  when I went to bed - no rain and today just back to the normal pre summer weather - temperature about 18 cloudy, breezy and pleasant.

Saturday is my day for watering my tubs - a great chore but I like to see them so I shall go on doing them as long as I feel able.   This year they are filled - all six of them - with a mixture of creeping plants, dahlias, pelargoniums, bedding plants - a real mix and I am very pleased with them.   This morning, as they are all along the front of the bungalow I decided to water them with the hose before their weekly feed.   As I started who should come along but friend E who immediately took over and did it for me as she "didn't want me falling over the hose."   It was good of her - people are so kind.   Now they are all fed and watered well and I can relax for a couple of days.

E tells me you are reading my blog L and that you usually tell her what I have been writing when you meet at the village coffee mornings.   I had forgotten you read me so welcome aboard.   Why not try and have a blog yourself.   I can't tell you how much I enjoy mine - it is a true lifeline for me.  Most of my contributors have been around for years now and are old and valued friends and I hope they all realise just how much they mean to me.

Reading Sue's blog "My Quiet Life in Suffolk" this morning about how she begins to wonder if her life has become  just that - a quiet life in Suffolk - and whether perhaps she should be spreading her wings a little more, I thought of my own life.    And I thought - surely it comes to us all if we are lucky (?) enough to survive to old age - we slow down and our pace of life and ability to get around get less - but we have our memories don't we?  And by golly I am lucky enough to have plenty of them.

See you tomorrow.


  1. After the searing heat of yesterday here, today started off very warm and sunny but gradually got cloudier with odd spits of rain. Tonight as I write this we have heavy clouds, a strong NW wind and it's a lot cooler, almost cold.

  2. It has been pleasantly cool here today and it's now raining so the gardeners will all be happy. Your tubs must be a picture. I have been without landline or Internet for almost two weeks but am now 'up and running' once more. I have missed your blog posts and have managed to comment once or twice when I had a few minutes before the Internet cut off again. There was a fault somewhere which has been rectified, thank goodness.

  3. In Massachusetts, we went from mid-70's and delightful to overcast, breezy and 63 degrees. Lack of rain has dried things up quite badly. Watering has continues to be important to keep everything moist. It feels cool without a light sweater or jacket. Tonight is to be quite cold outside. Odd weather for sure. Your garden tubs sound lovely and I'm sure all your excellent care ensures their continued beauty. I also agree with your statement about having many wonderful experiences and memories. We must be grateful for good times and blessings; both past and present.

  4. While you're here you're still making new memories and passing old memories on for someone else to keep. someone like your grandson.

  5. Yesterday evening at about 10PM we had 27° in the bedrooms on the second floor, 23° in the living room and 17° in the basement. NOw it has "cooled down" outside to 23°. I really hope for a thunderstorm and some rain to bring us down to more tolerable temperatures.

  6. We've been hoping for a quieter life over the past few years, but it seems to have become more hectic than ever. Too hot here yesterday at almost 40 C, but down to 35 C today. Phew!

  7. Well Yorkshire never had the heatwave they had down South, we all had around 17/18 degrees. It was pleasantly warm here in Tod but most mornings it is dull until the sun beats the gloom away. Plants are such a godsend in summer, I have joined Monty Don's F/B garden and he delivers absolutely glorious photos of his garden. A slightly wild riot of flowers and shrubs but with the hedges trimmed back to formalise it.

  8. Our "heat-wave" only lasted one day, so I was able to avoid going out and spent a pleasant, if uneventful, day reading and listening to music. Who needs "events" anyway?

  9. Too hot here to do much right now, yesterday 34 Celsius and even at 11 pm it was still 28 in town. Does not make for particularly good sleep, and we are tired this morning, trying to do what needs doing before the thermometer reaches 35 or more. No rain in sight; we really need it, though.

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  11. Wendy - how did you join the Monty Don thing please?

    Derek. - our weather exactly but the day before you. From lunchtime onwards very black but no rain. Sunny again today but almost cold.

  12. Well trusting you meant me Pat not Wendy, it is on facebook, and his photos are not transferable so I can't give you a link.

  13. It's a glorious day here in Ontario, Canada. We have blue skies with a breeze. I just walked in from watering the garden and am now sitting down with a cup of coffee. My life has certainly become quieter since retirement. I'm the "chief cook and pot washer" in this household which means I have some "have tos" in my days but mostly my time is my own. I am definitely meant for the quiet life.

  14. Your tubs sound like lovely colors and textures, exactly as gardens should be. I'm rather envious, all our flowers at the moment are anticipated rather than actual, except the hydrangea which is having an off year after being smothered a bit by an overenthusiastic (and under pruned) neighboring shrub.


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  16. Thanks everyone as usual for your contributions. Lovely to read and join in with.
