Friday 3 June 2022

I have been invited out to Jubilee Tea tomorrow by a couple higher up the road who I know slightly mainly because we are keen gardeners and chat about the garden as I walk past.    They are providing all the food and we just have to take anything we usually drink (in my case applejuice) and I intend take a bottle of sherry so that we can drink a toast to HM.   It may be a logistics exercise getting into the house (apparently it is an inside party) because I never take Priscilla in anywhere in case her wheels are dirty.   But H, my neighbour, has promised to carry my Zimmer if Priscilla turns it down flat (she is prone to jealousy).

 Did you watch Trooping thhe Colour?   I love it because of its history, and because of the absolute precision and spectacle.   I loved it on the Balcony where without a doubt Prince Louis stole the Show.

I am still without my carer, who is still testing but my relief carer is coming Saturday and Sunday so at least I shall have a shower in the morning.   Saturday is the day when all my outside pots have a birthday - 1   jug of water and then five minutes later a jug with Tomorite.   Friends S and T  called today and we had a pleasant hour's chat.   Now the dilemma - do I watch a programme on the Crown Jewels or do I watch Monty?                      


  1. The Jubilee Tea sounds a good "get to know your neighbours" day. How lovely.

  2. Oh Monty, most definitely

  3. How nice for the neighbors to invite you!
    I would flip back and forth between the channels to watch them both!

  4. Knowing your love for Monty Don then I hope you chose him. I am pleased a relief lady is coming at the weekend, no point in being a martyr and struggling. Pay and enjoy help if you can.

  5. They are both BBC programmes, so you will be able to watch on iPlayer, no matter which you opted for tonight. Enjoy your outing!

  6. Yes of course I chose Monty - and as Veg Artist says - I do have iplayer.

  7. The Jubilee Tea sounds like fun. It will be nice to visit with neighbors. I'm so glad you will have a relief carer over the weekend. You've done well but a little help will be good.

  8. It is wonderful that you have the option of bringing in your Relief carer. Nicely done. The Jubilee Tea sounds delightful and a sherry toast to HM is a lovely gesture. Enjoy the celebration.

  9. How fun, a tea and toast to HM. I've enjoyed seeing some of the pomp. Amazing how many men were involved.

  10. Personally I would have watched Monty.

  11. As an anti-Royalist as you know, I still watched Trooping the Colour because, like you, I enjoy all the precision of the various regiments and their music, I love marching bands. Only thing that spoiled it for me was The Sussex's attendance.
    I watched Monty but find his adherence to old gardening time-tables a tad frustrating - holding the planting back of a lot of plants until June in case we might get frost. He doesn't to realise that the climate has changed and that many of us have had our dahlias, tomatoes, runner beans outside for the last month, in fact my dahlias stay in the ground all year round.

  12. After you mentioning Monty Don several times on your blog before, I am not surprised to read you chose him over the jewels :-)
    I have not yet been watching anything about the jubilee on TV; what between a business trip to Berlin earlier this week, plenty of work on returning back plus frequent hospital visits (where my Dad is at the moment) have made it a rather full week.
    You will love being at your neighbours' jubilee tea - and they will love having you!

  13. Tea sounds good, and choosing Monty Don is the obvious choice. There was a radio programme yesterday about Cromwell breaking up some of the crown jewels and selling them on. Still seems to be a lot around though.

  14. In these days of catch-up you can watch both, Weave.

  15. We had our Jubilee tea party in the communal gardens here on Wednesday. It was lovely and the weather behaved itself. I am sure you will enjoy yours too. I thought this year's Trooping the Colour was one of the best in spite of Her Majesty not taking part. Those young royal children are such a delight aren't they?
    Glad to be able to leave you a comment - haven't been able to get online for a couple of weeks. Things should be back to normal soon, I hope.

  16. Thank you everyone and yes of course I chose Monty. And incidentally Derek - last year we had a very sharp frost on many April nights - including the last one. Up here in North Yorkshire we don't get your climate.

    Thanks everyone - last Friday's Monty programme was particularly good I thought.
