Wednesday 1 June 2022

A Lick of Paint

 Well I don't know whether it is just coincidence or whether the Post Office is brightening up for the  Jubilee but yesterday a white van drew up outside my bungalow and out stepped a man in smart overalls and attacked the post box opposite my front lawn.   He scraped it all down - stalk, box and  all,cleaned up all the debris and then got a couple of tins of paint out of the van - black for the stalk and pillar-box red for the box itself and gave the whole lot a  coat of paint.   Today  it looks very smart.

Today - the last day before the whole place closes down unless you are in the Royal Family, Marching up and down the Mall or organising a Street Party- I had to be at the Hairdressers for half past nine this morning.   I got up at half past six and just about managed to be ready when the taxi came at twenty past nine.   I am really missing my Carer and although I feel it may well be doing my muscles good, I do have aches in places I had forgotten about.

Bunting is going up here and there - as yet nothing has appeared around here - just a smattering at the top of  the road,   As to a street party nothing has been said so I presume nothing is happening.   One  thing is ce rtain - I can't do anything about it.

Round here it also coincides with the Appleby Horse Fair.  I am sure there will be something about the Fair on your computer  if you are interested in reading about it further.   Local opinion is not as a rule pleased about it.   Many of the horses have travelled far to get here - the lucky ones have come by horse box.   And of course a horse pulling a caravan does rather hold up the traffic.   It has a long tradition.

Not warm here for June - let's hope her Majesty wraps up warm  for any public appearances.   Ninety five is too old to be leaving off warm woollies.


  1. You will be able to watch the festivities on the TV and celebrate in your own way. I hope Queen Elizabeth has a wonderful day. What an amazing woman she is!

  2. Or even 96 as she is. There is lots of bunting and flags flying around here. You did splendidly to get to the hairdressers today, you are clearly doing well.

  3. You can now relax after your hairdresser outing today and watch the festivities on TV.

  4. The Jubilee festivities sound widespread and each community adding to the celebration. Lots of heartfelt pride and that's always great. Queen Elizabeth is an amazing woman. It is good to hear you are managing well.

  5. The Queen and the Gypsy - the only people to travel by horse-drawn vehicles in this day and age.

  6. Your long Jubilee weekend sounds like so much fun! I admire your Queen.

    I'm glad you're feeling okay, dear Weaver.

  7. Good job on getting out for your hair appointment! Everything sounds wonderful all fixed up for the Jubilee!

  8. How exciting to have the queen’s celebration

  9. You're clearly coping with your unexpected/unwanted absence of helpers. We are also coping with waves of Covid are in New Zealand. After largely avoiding all the earlier versions, the Omicron and its cousin is sweeping through thee country, and shops and restaurants are being hit hard. One of our favourite Italian places has just closed, with staff down and deciding it won't reopen. So sad.

    We're looking forward to seeing the fanfare of the Jubilee on our televisions here. There's not a great groundswell of republicanism, and most people I am in contact with have huge admiration for the present Queen. What the future brings, after Her Majesty is replaced by His Majesty, is anyone's guess!

  10. I am so looking forward to all the Jubilee festivities on TV and Youtuve.

  11. Lady M was getting out the bunting and smart tablecloth yesterday. I don't know what she has planned, but possibly a street party for TWO.

  12. Well the weather is turning out to be good for the festivities. A time of relaxation and partying for people after the dreaded Covid. Though as your carer shows it is still hanging around. This anniversary for the Queen is in some ways sad, as she slowly retires from public life and we have the next monarch to look forward to.

  13. Can only hope that the Sussex's don't spoil the party - bad enough them even being there.

  14. ( Anne Bee ) For many years my godfather was the GP for Appleby and the surrounding area. He once said he’d have preferred to be a vet as he liked animals more than people! But I think he did enjoy Appleby Horsefair as people would drop in with the most unusual and original injuries!

  15. Prepare yourself for a Royal visit; there can only be 1 reason why the post box outside your house has been painted!!!Obviously, word has got to Her Majesty that here lives a wonderful lady who regularly writes an interesting and charming blog which holds her many friends/readers in thrall. . . . The Weaver of Grass. Woohoooo!!!!!

  16. Rambler made me laugh! Yes, Pat, the post box was painted because you are due a visit from HRH herself. With all the ceremonial pomp and ceremony you will be crowned 'The Queen of the Realm of Blogdom." Ooooh. I'm so excited! You should get someone to film it for those of us who will miss it.

  17. John and Ann Bee - interesting bits of informatiion - I love it when one picks up bits of info likeT this on my blog. Thank you everyone

  18. It sounds as though lots of local preparations are being made for the weekend.

    The traditional gypsy caravans and their horses have been holding up traffic on the A6 near us for the last few weeks as they gradually make their way up to Appleby, as you say it is a very long journey, but I guess setting off early they only do so much in a day. And a lot of the caravans actually have a man walking beside them and ... the occasional dog ... so they obviously don't push for too much distance or speed.
