Wednesday 13 April 2022

Thank you

Can I just say a huge thank you to you all.   When you get to 90 next October it is not always easy to keep cheerful.   Some days, especially at the moment when my dearest friends have covid and are not calling in for coffee and my mobility has taken a beating with a couple of falls, some days it has been very hard to keep positive.   But you help me a lot.   Please do keep it up.   You remind me that we all have our troubles and that many people are in a much worse situation than I am.   Also, because I like to 'chat' to you every day if I can it gives me a purpose.   Alright, so I am not meeting you face to face but I feel I know you all very well now, having 'spoken' to most of you for years.   I look forward to Tom's dry wit, to John's great stories, to Cro's chat about food,  to Rachel's words of wisdom,  to John's wonderful photography, to Sue.s talk of country life, and to so many of my American friends who talk about life in the US, so different in many ways to life over here.  And that is just the ones I can remember off the top of my head - and all those I have left out.   It's not that I don't appreciate you, it's just I shall remember you when I have switched off.

I think we have probably had the nicest day so far this Spring - warm and sunny as long as you keep out of the wind.   I sat in the front garden for an hour - that way I get to chat to folk going past. Then I walked round that back to look at the garden, had a chat to a neighbour and then went in to get my stuff ready for my early start through Wensleydale for my Covid jab in the morning.  My taxi is coming for me just after half past nine and my son is coming round just to help me down my steep drive as I have not yet been down it since coming out of hospital.

The breeze has dropped - Mr Winkle will be pleased  - he always looks quite chilly standing there.   I'll be back for a chat tomorrow on my return from Hawes,   My chiropodist rang to say she will call just before one - I should be back by then.   So see you all tomorrow dear frriends. 


  1. Thank you, dear Pat, for always have something interesting to write about, for your honesty in writing, and for your cheerfulness. You're my role model now and if I should manage to be approaching 90 in the not so close future.


  2. I think of all the times you have brightened my day with a tiny glimpse of the world through your wise give as good as you get, my friend.

  3. As a new reader I wonder how you all found each other. It's a lovely interconnected web of blogs. And your resilience helps all of us cope with our lives. Thank you for sharing.

  4. We love keeping in touch with you and get as much out of it as you do. Reading the comments is so good as your followers are such a nice and entertaining lot of people. We read all their blogs too and feel as though they are friends through you.
    Wendy (Wales)

  5. Hope your outing and vaccination go smoothly - we just got second boosters and aside from having to wait a while beyond our appointed time (in an airy uncrowded grocery store so no problem really) it all went smoothly. Its supposed to be in the mid-80s today here on the east coast of the US - that would probably count as summer in your part of the world, but here its just making flowers burst out everywhere.

    I especially enjoy your gardening stories - usually I have to look up the plants.

    Warm regards,


  6. Yes, I suppose there's always someone worse off - even if it's only Mr Winkle, standing out there in all weathers. Hope all goes well tomorrow for you.

  7. If your son is helping you to the taxi why doesn't he whip you down to the chemist and back?

  8. I think it is we who should thank you, Pat, for showing us how to age gracefully and meaningfully, and to remember to take pleasure in the small things in life. Such things are easily forgotten in our busy worlds. I wwould so love to see photos of your gardens, but maybe one day you will manage it. Computers can be devious friends, I think.

    Wishing you well tomorrow.

  9. We all look forward to your writing too
    Sending a big virtual hug x

  10. It's a two-way thing as we get cheered by your interesting and thought provoking posts, and always look forward to them.
    How lovely that you sat out in your garden and had chats today. It was quite a bit warmer, as I noticed on my way back from the supermarket. I felt definitely over-dressed and opened the windows as soon as I got in.
    Pleasant journeys too and from your Covid booster tomorrow, and happy feet when the chiropodist has done her stuff. A visit from mine seems to benefit my whole body.

  11. Thank you, Pat, for your lovely posts! I always look forward to your report on your garden and your life. It lifts my spirits and gives me a visit with you that I always appreciate! Good luck with your jab tomorrow. Enjoy the drive!

  12. I'm glad you've had a good day. I always look forward to reading your posts and I admire your positive outlook on life. X

  13. We had a very close family friend who lived well into her nineties - born in 1901. Once when she was having a bad day I said, well, you are a year younger than the Queen Mother and she keeps going and always looks cheerful. "I'd keep going and always looking cheerful if I had all her money" was the reply.

  14. As a child I had to visit an elderly great-aunt every Saturday. She'd have been in her 80s at the time, and the hourly visit was quite the ordeal for me. As I left, and said that I'd see her the following week, she'd say in a martyred tone "If I'm spared.". She was spared for another 20 years!
    Visiting your blog is the opposite of that experience Weave, you are so positive about life. But how does Mr Winkle look when the weather is warmer???

  15. Pat, your blog is a comfort. I read it for many years without leaving a comment - in the years of dear Farmer and Tess.
    Life was rocky for me in those years, Dad died, my husband had serious health issues and two major operations, I struggled with health issues and working and I really missed my daughter living overseas.Your life and doings provided stability and a great deal of cheeriness. Like others have mentioned , I always look forward to your posts - even if you feel you have not been up to much, you're daily life is lovely to hear about. Thanks Pat - Pam, Aust.

  16. Veg artist - haven't had <r Winnkle through a summer yet - I'll let you know later in the yea

    Rachel. My son can't leave his wife for the hour it takes there and back to Hawes. His wife is much more of an invalid than I am and cannot get to the toilet unaided.

    Wendy - as a new reader - a warm welcome. How did we find one another - we just did over a year or two

    Thanks you cheerful lot. Cheered me up as usual.

  17. It is truly a nice part of my day to read your blog. I love hearing about your day and about your part of the world. I wish you all the very best.

  18. I guess I'm one of those who is worse off, paralyzed after heart surgery at 73. Plan to reach 92, but not sure if I will! So remain positive and good luck.

    1. Dear Pat,
      I have read your blog for many years but I am challenged in knowing how to reply. My husband helped me tonight.I love your sense of humor, biographical stories, notes about your garden but most of all, your honesty in sharing your good days and down days.we celebrate you and your wonderful spirit.

  19. Your blog is always a good read and I enjoy the exchange with you and noting what other readers have to say. You have gathered a very nice group of people on your blog. Let's keep the conversation going!

  20. It's not warm here yet. Well, warm enough. It's happening, though.

  21. You sound very cheerful today. Looking forward to things keeps us occupied and happy.

  22. Thank you for your blog which I never miss reading. I live in Western Australia, so as you look forward to spring, we move into autumn. It’s a great relief for us after the hottest summer since records began. I often wish for some of your snow!! Sending you. Dry best wishes, Tink.

  23. That should read very best wishes!!

  24. I see comments by a few bloggers who I read, and I'm now adding your blog to my daily reading. Thanks for your down-to-earth chat about your day, and your plans. I do hope you have an easy trip to get the booster. I've had my second booster, and my 83 year old friend is getting hers soon. Before you have your next birthday I'll achieve my 80th. Going to have a family reunion hopefully. Thanks for being there writing here! I'm in North Carolina, US.

  25. Love your blog…Brenda in Florida

  26. Pat I would like to say thank you to you! I learn so much from you and I appreciate your friendship. Like everyone else here, I truly enjoy your blog and admire and respect you. I'm happy you had a good day and were able to sit outside for a while and chat with friends. I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you go to get your Covid jab. Enjoy the drive there and back!

  27. And we love reading about your life in beautiful Yorkshire too.

  28. Joining the choir of those who love reading your blog, Pat!
    You always have something to say, something to make us think or simply entertain us with memories of the past, or what your daily life is like now.

  29. A sea of accolades for you Pat, we all come and visit you for your wisdom and your take on life. Blogging is good for you. X

  30. Hope all goes well with your adventure today - the sun is shining here, hope it is for you too so you enjoy the views

  31. It's always lovely to stop by and read your friendly and optimistic musings and catch up on what you're up to, other peoples lives are fascinating aren't they. Those of us who have been blogging for so many years are quite a good band and keeping in touch with everyone is so special.

    I hope it all goes well today, the sun is out here so it feels like a good day.

  32. Love to read your blog with such a varied mix of daily life, thought provoking topics, memories and all the snippets of garden happenings! Hope your trip out for your jab went well and you enjoyed the views.

  33. I love reading your blog and look forward to it each nd every day. I hope all went smoothly with the jab.

  34. Thank you dear blogging friends - you have cheered me up no end.
