Thursday 14 April 2022

A Good Day

 Today has been a bit like the curate's egg - good in parts.    But even the 'not so good' parts have been weathered surprisingly well and I actually felt like having a short walk - a very short walk really- but it is a start to getting back to relative 'normality'.

Dead on 9.30 my son turned up to assist me down the drive.   He needn't have come because the taxi was closely following behind him and backed right to the top of the drive.   I hadn't used that taxi before but he  was charming and chatted all the twenty odd miles to Hawes.   The hawthorne hedges were greening up,  the fields were full of gamboling lambs, the trees were coming into leaf, almost every village had been planted with golden daffodils and the sun was shining.   The road follows the River Ure the whole way - Wensleydale was at its best.   It is a long time since I was out and about - not over the Winter at all - so I really enjoyed every second of it both there and back.

The taxi driver found a parking spot right outside the chemist and went in to see him.   He sent out a piece of paper for me to write my name, telephone number and date of birth on and while I was busy slipping my arm out of my jumper the chemist emerged from the shop and put the syringe into my arm.  We had to sit and wait for ten minutes before driving off.   Hawes really is a pleasant little town.  There did not seem to be any unoccupied shops, there was plenty of activity and already a lot of folk about.   I so enjoyed just sitting there and watching the world go by.

The return was just as pleasant and the sun was still shining when I got home in time for my salad lunch before the chiropodist arrived to give my feet the 'once over' so I am also walking on air.   Then I suddenly realised that my pendant which  I ring in an emergency was not round my neck.   I knew it had been on yesterday - so where was it?   I searched everywhere but there was no sign of it.   I rang Lifeline headquarters and they told me the procedure until I found it or a new one arrived.   I rang my carer.   She had visitors but as soon as they had gone she came up and she found it quickly - it had slipped down between the beds.   So then I had to go through whole procedure in reverse telling them I found found it and things could go back to normal.

Then I had my short walk - not far but it is a start and the sun was still shining.   As I go home my neighbour saw me  and came out for a chat and a quick visit to my garden.  Then a five minutes sit down.   I don't know about anyone else - maybe it is something to do with old age - but some days I sail through the Mind Games in The Times and other days it is a struggle and I think I am 'losing it' but today was a good day and my mind was fully alert and I sailed through them all.   That did me good too.

Now at half past six in the evening I am winding down.  There are several programmes I feel like watching, everywhere is clean and tidy (my cleaner came on Tuesday), I have had my latest jab, the lady who does a bit of shopping for me mid-week has just brought it (which means toasted crumpets for tea) and I am not short of tulips in the back garden - all nodding their red or yellow heads in the breeze,

Take care - see you tomorrow.


  1. A good taxi driver should reverse up the drive for you. I was confused yesterday when you said your son had to come to walk you. Perhaps you can have this taxi firm and driver again, he sounds good. You sound like you had a good day and it all turned out alright in the end.

  2. That sounds like a pretty good day all round.
    What a treat to find such a good taxi driver.

  3. So pleased to hear you have had a good day, a trip out in the sunshine can make all the difference to one's wellbeing. Take care & hope you don't have a sore arm tomorrow.

  4. So happy you were able to ride through the countryside and enjoy the spring!

  5. How wonderful you had delightful views, frolicking lambs, a pleasant taxi driver, a helpful pharmacist, a good cleaner, and all the other happenings that made up a good day for you!

    If you can safely take aspirin or the like, you may want to take one before bedtime so you can skip the blah and aching feeling some folks get after that jab.


  6. Sounds like a great day! Glad it all went so smoothly and you enjoyed the drive. Hope you have a good sleep and another nice day tomorrow!

  7. What a good and busy day! The views on your drive there and back sound like a lovely picture of Spring. Enjoy your programs on TV and sleep well tonight!

  8. Oh! what a lovely day you have had. The taxi driver was very good and very thoughtful. Do see if you can get him again. I love the curate's egg; but all in all it was very good in part. My husband had his third heart attack last year so we have been taking it all very quietly. One day last week we decided we would go to Settle, about half an hour from where we live. It was lovely to see the new lambs and the daffodils. Green fields and tractors a perfect Spring day. I know I felt like you when we returned home. I am wondering whether to have my booster as I am over 75 but reading your blog I have decided I will. You are an inspiration to us all. Sleep well . Love Andie xxxxx

  9. What a lovely day.You sound so contented in your post.I hope for the same for you again tomorrow.
    Love from Barbarax

  10. I'd say this was a very good day. Very productive as well. Your ride through the countryside following the river with the daffodils blooming in each village you pass sounds picture book perfect. Hearing the shops were busy is also a very good sign. Your friends and neighbors will be glad to see you outside walking and visiting as well.

  11. Sounds like plenty more good than bad!

  12. I could picture the beautiful Dales as I read your description! So glad your day went well apart from a little blip. X

  13. So glad to have found your blog as I enjoy hearing about your days. Simple things make life so pleasurable, and you remind me of that. Glad the caregiver could find your alert button. It must give you a sense of security. Ditto to what others said about maybe a bit of pain reliever to counteract any pain in the site of the booster injection.

  14. That sounds like a lovely and most successful day. What a perfect day for enjoying the taxi ride to your appointment and how I would love to see all the tulips in your garden. They must give you so much pleasure.

  15. Andie do tell me where you live - are you outside The Dales or inside. I love Settle - have not been for years now.a

  16. I enjoy reading your blog. you are an amazing person with such interesting stories. Thanks for sharing.
    ( I'm a reader in Northern California, and almost all my favorite bloggers are in the UK).

  17. My favourite bloggers are in the UK too. I enjoy the local travels and reminisces you all have and share. It is even more Interesting as the seasons are in reverse. So happy you could get out and about and enjoy the Dales. Keep well. - Pam, Aust.

  18. Gosh what a nice post Pat! I could feel your pleasant day through the computer.. Hugs! debs

  19. Nice to have a change is scene, glad the weather was good!

  20. I also like puzzles and the same thing happens to me. some days I am not very successful. Have you tried wordle? It's interesting. It also meant that the old guy learned something new.

  21. What wonderful service from your chemist; if only they were all thus!

  22. The natural world is healing and your drive through the countryside made you happy. Good people all around you as well.

  23. I just looked at some photos of Hawes and Wensleydale and it looks so beautiful! Nothing is as lovely as the countryside in spring. We don´t have any lambs here, but just the new green leaves and the first flowering blackthorns fill the heart with joy.
    Hilde in Germany

  24. Years ago, my sister and I spent a day out with my sister-in-law and my niece, driving from Ripon to Hawes, visiting the Wensleydale Creamery and walking around Hawes. It was a beautiful day from start to finish, so I can very well imagine the lovely drive you had there and back.

    Good job your carer found the pendant so quickly! My Nan once lost her string of pearls and said she had been looking everywhere. Guess where I found it - between the beds :-)

  25. Librarian - next time you drive from Ripon to Hawes please do call in for a cup of tea.

    Thank you all for joining in with your comments. It is all of you who keep this blog going.

  26. Such a lovely day. It's uplifting just to read about it!

  27. That was a delightfully satisfying account of your day. When you were describing how much you enjoyed the drive it made me think of excursions with my mum. She loved nothing better than going for drives so that's what we did on my visits. Best of all were the times we'd pull off somewhere for a "mug up" before returning home. Perhaps I'll suggest my husband take me for a country drive today.

  28. What a lovely gentle day you describe. I'm happy to read it and for some reason has given me peace. Sending you hugs as you go through your lovely days.x
