Friday 8 April 2022

Quiet Days

 Oh dear!   How my life has changed over the past month or so.   Since my first short spell in hospital my walking has been very poor indeed.   Now, after another spell in hospital it is even worse and I dare not even go down my drive at the moment.   Added to that the fact that it is bitterly cold here - we had a snowstorm today, and you can imagine I dare not venture out.   My friends S and T, who usually call once a week for coffee, have both had very bad colds so have not been near.   Yesterday I did have two welcome callers - and very welcome they  were indeed.  Today, once my carer, J,  went, I have not spoken to a single person until about five minutes ago when I rang my gardener to speak about his putting in five osteospermum plants I ordered.

When I think back to my days with Tess and the walks round the estate with her - and the chats with other doggie owners - I feel sad that it is all over.  I am more or less sure I shall not get back to that state again.   Once the warmer weather comes at least I can sit out in the front garden and chat to folk going past - in the meantime I shall just have to grin and bear in.   Until tomorrow folks....


  1. Join the club Weave, I often don't see anybody. I dreamt about you last night. We were on holiday and you were wearing 6" heels and we were having fun. We were in Venice. (I had been looking up some work at the Biennale during the evening).x

  2. I think we are all ready for some warmer weather.

  3. We are sure that people will be specially passing by your home to have a little chat with you. I know that I would if I lived nearby.
    Wendy (Wales)

  4. The warmer weather is just around the corner. It makes everything seem more bearable.

  5. I hope you can ask for a physiotherapist to visit you ...they can be very helpful with the type of weakness you are having.

  6. Anonymous' suggestion is a very good one. Gentle exercises could very well reduce the weakness you have at present. The weather will improve soon and your garden will look beautiful once more with all those bulbs and other plants to watch as they come into flower.

  7. Chin up, Weaver! At least that's what I tell myself when I go a couple of days without speaking to any one. Sometimes my only conversations are with the cashier at the grocery store! At least I can get out for a walk or a trip to the library.

  8. Warmer weather is on its way, Black thorn is in flower and hawthorn is in leaf, a sure sign....and you'll soon be saying Hello to everyone who passes.. I'm like you very careful walking out with my trusty 'Rhett' but this week a Dr thought it was a sign I wasn't 'compos mentis' I felt insulted! I'm only 79!

  9. It would be cool if we could set up a skype meeting with you, Pat. All of us could have a nice chinwag with you. Does anyone have the skills?

  10. It will get better. Just hang on in there for better weather!

  11. Hope you feel better soon and can get out and about a bit.

  12. I think Pat we have to learn to live in the moment. Not think of the past wistfully.. I thought of Tiger Woods today playing the Masters Golf Tournament.. He will probably never reach his old form for various reasons. One he had a bad car accident last year.. , nearly lost his leg.... I'm sure that leg will never be the same again. Yet he loves the game .. if he can put away all those feelings of comparing himself to his old self and just enjoy the fact he can still play then he can have a long life of playing the game.

    Nothing stays the same Pat but it doesn't mean its still not good... just different.. Hang in there... the sun will shine tomorrow and i'll be thinking about you. Hugs! deg

  13. The physiotherapist suggestion mentioned above is right on spot. Make a request to your PCP. Soon it will be sunny and warm and we (including you) will be all outside enjoying our wonderful gardens brim full of flowers. Take care. You'll be okay.

  14. As we get older, we have to get tougher, is what my old Dad used to say. I hate that you're having these kind of days. Hoping better weather will improve things for you. And that you do get to have a physical therapist come to help you. They can do amazing things.

  15. Birds of a feather here. I have not walked since October 31, last year.

  16. Oh, my you do sound down. Everybody gets that way at some time or other. Things will pick up for you once the weather warms up and your flowers begin to bloom. It's hard to be discouraged in the spring with everything greening up and looking pretty.

    The suggestion about the physiotherapist is a good one and certainly bears looking into. Exercises tailored to your condition should be good to build up the muscles in your legs and get you back to walking again. Go for it!

    You have too much grit to just give up!

    Take care.

  17. I have swollen leg problems at the moment, and have just discovered that it may be due to some pills I'm taking. I shall stop taking them today, and see if the problem goes away. Being immobile is a terrible burden; especially if you are someone who loves to be out and about.

  18. You have been through some difficult times recently but things can change and improve for you. The fact that we keep getting this winter weather when it is supposed to be Spring is understandably discouraging. Warmer days will come and you will have more beautiful flowers in your garden. Rest and heal and give it time. You may be surprised! We all care about you dear Pat!

  19. I think we all echo Bonnie's kind words but we have to accept what the world throws at us. Physiotherapist work on your legs seem an excellent idea and you have all your friends around you dropping in. A charmed life Pat. X

  20. Rachel‘s dream of you in 6‘‘ heels made me smile!
    Every time I go walking after work, I am grateful for being able to. At 54, I hope to have many more years of walking ahead, but I suppose it is inevitable that, as I get older, my walks will gradually become shorter and eventually stop altogether. Hopefully, by that time I will still have many good friends who, like in your case, pop in for chats.

  21. Your story is so much like my own dear mum's who doesn't go out alone nowadays. As an independent social butterfly she finds it very frustrating. Her mobility definitely declined over the pandemic lockdowns. I am like Librarian very grateful to be mobile (I'm in my late 50s). Wishing you sunshine Pat!

  22. As others have said, warmer weather would help. Is there anyone who could take you out in a car?

  23. My mother went through all of the emotions you expressed. I have this memory of watching her from the window of our cottage when she was in her fifties as she strode up and down the beach for her daily exercise. In later years, her walking was very limited. She tried to make the best of what she had, but like you, there were times she was simply "fed up". I understand your frustration.

  24. Pat, I don't know if you would ever consider - as the next stage - an assisted living situation?
    A friend of mine and her husband, in their early 80s and fit in mind but not in body, became fed up with the ongoing hassle of running a home. They sold it and bought a two bedroom chalet within the grounds of a maintained complex.
    They can eat in the communal dining room but don't have to, having their own kitchen.
    They can see people but don't have to.
    He likes the daily bridge groups but she's not that bothered!
    Medical care is not on site but nearby.
    It isn't cheap but they are glad they made the move.
    This is in Ireland but I'm sure similar facilities happen here in the UK. xx

  25. I like what Granny Sue's dad said - "As we get older we have to get tougher."

    Our beloved Queen always comes to mind when I'm having to deal with a physical problem or pain. How she has, until very recently, been able to do all she did which couldn't have been easy in her nineties even with assistance. I read today that Charles will take over the Maundy Thursday service for the Queen this year.
    Hope you get to feeling better with warmer weather soon dear Pat - know we are all pulling for you and pray you get some strength back very soon. Wish we could be be there to take you for a drive over those beautiful hills and dales!
    Hugs - Mary

  26. Rachel - I wish!! Venice, probably my favourite place on earth.
    Thamks everyone for your kind thoughtsand words. I am a lot more positive today.
