Thursday 7 April 2022


 All appointments cancelled for this week on the advice of the doctor I have nothing to do today, tomorrow or over the week-end.   This is not usual for me and to tell the truth I don't like it - long days stretch endlessly in front of me.   I am not ready to venture forth - not sure my legs would carry me - but I musy keep moving.   I have my Covid booster next week when friend S is taking me to Hawes - must be ready for that.   But at least the chemist has said he will come out to the car to give me the injection if necessary.

Plants came late yesterday evening and need putting into their places in the garden.   I left a message on my gardener's phone and will ring him in the morning.   In the meantime  I have given them a good watering.

Just feeling a bit flat after lunch when friend M turned up for a chat.   It was so good to see her - we had such interesting chat and suddenly friend H from next door arrived too and the three of us chatted all afternoon. What a difference another human being makes.   I feel much better and much more more my old self this evening thanks to them both.

It has been another cold day - neither wet nor fine for a lot of it.   I have not yet been outside - it has to get a bit warmer and my legs a bit stronger before I venture out.   Thank you to all of you who told me the correct name for that pernnial wallflower and also gave me instructions for cuttings.   Now all I want is a bit of warmer weather.

What to write about today?   Not a lot really.  Looking at the world from the comfort of my armchair gives me a limited view - a dog's view really as plenty of them go past - and I must say with world events as they are it is as good a view as any wouldn't you say ?   See you tomorrow.


  1. Good friends, new plants, and a nice view out the window. It is the little things that makes life bearable, isn't it? My best wishes for you at this discouraging time.

  2. I wish we could all pop in for a chat.

  3. At least we have the prospect of milder weather to look forward to. Today the wind has been so strong I had difficulty in walking in a straight line! Emptied dustbins and recycling tubs were blowing all over the place, but the sunshine was lovely. Not particularly cold but I was glad of my scarf and gloves.
    Hope you get some more chats tomorrow and over the weekend, and that your new plants get planted for you.

  4. Hope you have a good book to enjoy and perhaps music on the radio or CD between visits from wonderful neighbors, friends, and family.
    You're wise to keep moving, too!


  5. It's been a good day in some ways then - with friends to talk to. Hope tomorrow will be even better!

  6. Having your friends visit for the afternoon sounds lovely. Being outside in the warmth on a sunny day is ideal. Now if we can just get the weather to cooperate, we'd all be very happy.

  7. When you mentioned dogs view, I thought you would be talking about a nap.

  8. So happy you had friends to stop by and spend the afternoon. Wishing you a good weekend. Perhaps friends will drop in and the weather will warm up.

  9. Confounded weather. It needs to improve.

  10. A visit with friends is a great way to lift your spirits! Take care.

  11. You are right in that you need to keep moving, but you are also right in not venturing out just yet. Of course you could always do your exercises in the safety and comfort of your home, and if you get really, really bored, you could clean and wipe out your fridge... (just kidding!)
    Good to know you have friends popping in for a chat or three.
    And I like that you have "a dog's view" of the world from your window.

  12. You describe a situation that I dread, the not being mobile or getting out. Not seeing anybody doesn't bother me, I've never been a very sociable person and rarely invite people to my house. But to lose my mobility and have to rely on other people for all manner of things would not be something I could cope with.
    Yesterday's weather was awful, with gale-force gusting winds the whole day, scattering anything that wasn't tied down all over the place and worse of all, ripping the petals off of many of my tulips.

  13. You can dream of your new plants coming into flower and the hint of the possibility of a warm summer. Do you have somewhere to sit outside and look at your garden?

  14. Sorry to hear about your fall . Hope you are not too bruised . Yes there are signs of Spring now for sure ,there is no stopping it now ! 💐 x

  15. How lovely to have good friends that pop over. I love casual, impulse visits with friends. I have two neighbours who also love to garden and sometimes we look up from pulling our weeds and join each other on one of our porches for tea and a gab. I often prefer this kind of visit over a scheduled one because I love the lack of planning. There's no racing around tidying the bathroom or worrying about dog prints on the floor.

  16. I'm catching up and very sorry to learn of your fall, but so glad to know you are now comfy at home once again. Having visitors always helps, especially good friends with whom you can share stories and memories. Keep soldiering on dear Pat. I'm sure you will soon be able to get out and enjoy some warmer days hopefully.
    Warm hugs from sunny but stormy North Carolina - Mary x
