Friday 1 April 2022

Geraniums and other things

I am a sucker for perennial geraniums (and if you are reading this Derek, Claire Austin sent a replacement for Anne Folkard as she has run out sadly.)   Claire Austin's catalogue had several I haven't got and they are such value for money - they flower for  a long period, they make neat, tidy clumps, and they are such attractive plants.   I ordered some I didn't have and also Helenium Red Jewel.   The box of plants came this morning and I was rather worried about planting them as we had had such snow yesterday and although it has all gone it is still cold.   So I rang the Nursery and was told that they had never been indoors so would be fine.   As luck would have it my gardener arrived this afternoon and as I write this he is planting them in my garden.   More colour for the summer including a blue geranium and Red Jewel helenium.   I can't wait.

It is frustrating that I can no longer garden but he is such a kindred spirit that my gardener and I are usually on the same wavelength. 

It is a marginally better day in that there is no snow and the forecaster tells us that there is going to be quite a dramatic change tomorrow - which can only mean it is going to get warmer I hope.

The last couple of days has brought out my dwarf tulips - all red they are springing up everywhere and they are all red.   I am grateful for every single one the mice have left for me.- perhaps the mice don't care for the red ones..

Off now as my gardener is calling for me.   See you tomorrow. 


  1. I remember you admiring the Helenium I photographed in the Cambridge Botanic Garden a year or two back, so glad to hear you'll now have them in your garden. Roll on that warmer weather.

  2. I too love the geraniums. Last year I planted Rozanne and it was brilliant and is just coming up again. This week I received from Claire Austin 3 x Patricia and 3 x Johnson's Blue.
    What did they substitute Ann Folkard with?

  3. I am just watching Joanna Lumley on Catch Up. It is great and thanks for the tip Derek and Weave. Tonight I am in Paris. I hope your garden gives you loads of colour this summer.

  4. 'My gardener is calling for me...' Sounds like a bodice-ripping love story.

  5. I love those perennial geraniums too and I have some we brought with us from Suffolk.. and I've bought new blue ones..such a pretty colour.

  6. I had a garden full of them once.
    I love New Zealand Black...dark leaves and wee white flowers

  7. Your garden must be lovely! It is good that you and your gardener are on the same wavelength as to what you like. I am happy to hear you have warmer weather coming. Enjoy the beauty of Spring!

  8. Our geraniums are still in pots in the greenhouse. Glad they're not out yet. I even wrapped up the outside tap again in bubble plastic yesterday.

  9. How lovely to have all that anticipation of the delights your new plantings will bring to your garden. The borders in the communal gardens here are beginning to look lovely with new colour popping up here and there almost every day, in spite of the cold weather.
    I like Tom Stephenson's comment!

  10. My gardener is my husband. He was never interested in gardening, but now he's newly retired he's taken over! "Why are the violets around MY rose!" he huffs."Don't plant that there' he bellows. If 'my gardener calls to me' it's usually to complain!,hahaha!-Pam.

  11. Like Tom, I was struck by the "my gardener is calling for me". Images of Mellors perhaps, or one of John's "little men" in a cloth cap. I take it you serve tea on a silver salver.

  12. Your garden will give you much pleasure throughout the growing season. Having color in the garden is always cheerful. High Tea in the garden with your friends will be a must.

  13. Oh, dear. I have never liked geraniums. Please forgive me.

  14. Perennial geraniums are a must in any garden, their leaves are so pretty to. I used to collect penstemons as well, mostly for their bell shape and colour.

  15. It has been snowing here all afternoon and night yesterday, and today seems to be the same. All the snow we did not have in winter is coming now in spring, it seems. Hopefully, the many flowers that are already out will survive, as well as any young animals that may already be around.
    Your garden will be so colourful! Could your son help you to upload photos to your blog?

  16. Joanne - are you sure yu are speaking of perennial geraniums - not the same thing at all as pelargoniums.veg artist - not so much of the Mellors if you don't mind!! Tasker - I think you mean as Joanne does Perennial geraniums are very hardy and not for pots, gz don't know that one - shall look out for it. Tom - at almost 90 sorry no bodice ripping.Derek - I will send you an e mail to tell you when I go to where the packing note is. They are a super firm aren't they - I rang them yesterday to ask what to do wih them as we had had such snow the day before - they said put them - they had been reared outoors and had never been inside.
    Thanks everyone for your comments.

  17. Me perennial geraniums...such a great show and so generous...for splitting. xx

  18. I have two beautiful bright pink geraniums. i babied them through our brief Texas winter. They do provide lots of color for little upkeep! Intend to find out if perinneal geraniums are available here. So wonderful that you are feeling so upbeat about your garden.

  19. I love geraniums! I have to coax them along through our hot humid summers, but their spring and fall blooms are worth it!
