Thursday 31 March 2022

The return of winter.

 Six inches of snow this morning.   I knew it before I got out of bed - somehow the light shining under the blind was too white.   It has gradually gone as the day has progressed but now and again a heavy snowstorm sweeps in.   The forecaster says a couple of days of this stuff then a bit warmer.   Can't come soon enough.

My last couple of days has been taken up with arranging my Booster Covid 19 injection.   These days things like this get me in such a fluster, my shaking gets worse and to quote my son I  'get in a  state'.  First my son found me a place in Northallerton - twenty five miles away.   Then my friend M told me that perhaps I could get it in Hawes - a little local market town.   I rang but couldn;t understand what they were saying, so friend S rang and - to cut a long story short I am getting it there in a fortnight.   S is taking me and, would you believe it, when asked about disabled access for me the chemist said not to worry - he would come out to the car and give me the injection.   People are so helpful.

I have just ventured across the road to the letter box - it is my God-daughter's birthday and I needed to post her card.  That  wind is cutting.  I am not surprised Rachel's cats had no desire to leave their comfortable cushions.   It is freezing cold and the North wind is blowing.

The North wind doth blow

and we shall have snow,

and what will the robin do then poor thing?

He'll sit in the barn

to keep himself warm,

and hide his head under his wing, poor thing,


  1. How kind of the pharmacist. There are many good people around still.
    I thought that we had got away with having a lovely sunny day up here but now, at almost 6 pm, it has started to become dark and we have a sleety shower.
    Time for a sherry.

  2. I thought you were happily waiting a few weeks for the 4th vaccination to come nearer home. My cats are still indoors in the warm and I have now lit the fire so we are all snug and warm. It feels like the coldest night of winter in my house. x

  3. We had some snow here in Norwich this morning, not a lot and it cleared by about 10.00sm. Wonder if we will get some more tomorrow. my husband still hasn't had his 3rd booster as he hasn't been very well and taking antibiotics, needs to wait for two weeks when he has finished them and then can't seem to find where to go.

  4. Bitter cold here on Sheppey, with frequent snow showers and an icy wind coming straight off the Thames Estuary. Pity the first Swallows that arrived at the weekend.

  5. That is a lot of snow for this late in the season! We also have very cold weather here and some snow but not much. I'm happy for you that you have worked how when and where to get your fourth booster. We've had the first three but have not yet worked out where to get the fourth. This is the first week it has been approved in this country. Stay warm and have a nice evening!

  6. Just a few flakes of snow here, but a mighty cold northerly wind today. The pharmacists and others who've done the jabs have done a remarkable job; if any of them stand for parliament I'll vote for them.

  7. We have snow in the forecast again tomorrow. Today though, the windows and doors are wide open to let in fresh air. Spring is a pretty fickle season.

  8. I hate to say I've got windows open after the rain came through this the 70s. Of course this won't last. I got my 4th shot last month, because of immune compromized health and age. It had not exactly been approved, but was allowed. I'd already gone 6 mos. since my last booster. I hope you get yours without a hitch! And that the snow is gone soon!

  9. Bitterly cold with snow in Dorset, dragged the Spaniel round the fields in super quick time. Def one of the coldest nights. Our surgery come out to car park if needed, gives the staff a change of scene. Sarah Browne.

  10. Very cold with a brisk northerly wind here in West Wales, and we're on a north-facing hill. I noticed today that there are buds on my lilac trees, and I'm really hoping that the next few cold nights won't get them.
    Having just come through a few weeks of Omicron, I dread to think what I'd have been like without my three jabs, so I'm in favour of boosters asap!

  11. Springtime snow is only welcome in the mountains for Spring skiing. The rest of us could do without cold and snow during Spring. The 4th Covid shot is available in the US for anyone age 50 and up. Most pharmacies are providing the vaccine. Today I had my 4th shot and I'm glad to get that out of the way. I have no snow on the ground but it is damp and cool with wind.

  12. It has been very cold here today but we got away with just a few snow flurries. I made inquiries about my Covid booster and was told to wait for a letter offering me an appointment.
    How nice that you will not even need to get out of the car for yours. What a wonderful pharmacist.

  13. These surprise snow storms are getting old! It's spring, for crying out loud.

  14. I believe a second booster will only be given after six months of the first, so we'll have to wait a while. Our original boosters were on Dec 29th. No snow here; just a couple of swirling flakes for a minute or so.

  15. That is very kind of the pharmacist. It has turned bitterly cold here, but the snow is keeping to the fell tops. X

  16. Great that you can have a "drive in" jab! My parents' GP is very good like that, too. He rings them to let them know that and when the next booster is available for them, and he will come out to the car (my parents don't drive anymore, so a retired friend who lives downstairs in the same house takes them).

    Snow in the forecast for later today, too; at the moment, it is rain, which was badly needed. The cherry tree in front of my kitchen window wants to open its beautiful white blossoms right now - I hope it won't be damaged too much over this cold spell which is forecast to last until early next week.

  17. 6 inches?! Why can't it happen at Christmas like it is supposed to?

  18. Pat, have you watched the three Joanna Lumley visits to Paris, Rome and Berlin. I think they have been quite brilliant.

  19. Yes Derek - yes watched all three - brought many many memories.

    Thanks for calling in everyone. wish you had been ringing my doorbell instead of writing!
