Sunday 27 March 2022

Make the most of it..

 because tomorrow winter returns with a vengeance with temperatures down from 17 to 5 by Wednesday.   Several repotting jobs I had been intending to do have now been put on hold.  Today is not quite as warm as it has been but the sun is still shining into my sitting room and warming it up nicely.   As British Summer Time starts today I fiddled about doing this and that last night only remembering at the last minute that the clocks needed to go forward so I didn't get to bed until midnight.  So I am rather tired today.

I must make an effort to wake up as today is Mothering Sunday and we are having Pizzas  round about 6pm.    Also a book of Raymond Carver short stories through my letter box last evening along with my card.   So a lovely day all round.

Friends S  and T called this morning but didn't come in as T has had a very bad chesty cold - not covid I hasten to add,   Because my son and his wife are coming round this evening I got my carer to test me for Covid this morning - I showed negative but always best to test when someone is coming.   It has rocketed up since all precautions were removed.

I fancy Mr and Mrs Blackbird have started constructing their this year's home judging by the amount of activity there is in the hedge at the bottom of the garden.   I wonder if they will stop this week when it turns cold (maybe snow by Thursday).

Speaking of time I have just looked at the clock in my computer room (also my bedroom) - my dear carer made sure the clock had been put on an hour before she left yesterday morning.   They could be here in an hour for pizzas so must get moving.   See you tomorrow.


  1. I hope you have enjoyed your visitors and pizza! Sounds delightful, though not the cold turn of the weather!

  2. Interesting that you stayed up late because of the clocks, I am afraid you lost me there. Have a good pizza and don't forget the coffee trolley.

  3. I'm sure you're enjoying your pizzas as I type this. Happy mother's Day, Pat.

  4. I'm wondering when I first had pizza - about 1985 at a guess.

  5. Hope you enjoyed your visitors and pizzas. Woollens at the ready for next week. I just hope we don't get any icy paths. Keep snug.

  6. Hope your visitors were able to come this time for pizzas. And I'm dreading a cold snap as my arthritis hasn't been so bad in the warm sun and we've hardly had our heating on.

  7. Happy Mother's Day Pat! I hope you enjoyed your pizza and had a wonderful day!

  8. Late 1970's when I had my first pizza.. A group of us had to work back and decided to order it in for tea. Enjoy your visitors and pizza Pat. It is lovely that you have good company. It is always something to look forward to.- Pam.

  9. W don't like to se the weather turn bad after it's been nice for a while. You'll survive.

  10. Happy Mother's Day! The pizza sounds good. I hope they brought your favorite pizza on your special day. It's going to be freezing tomorrow in Massachusetts as well. Our temperatures continue to have 20 degree swings.

  11. Same as Rachel, I was wondering why you stayed up late for the clocks?
    Anyway, thank you for reminding me of Mother's Day in the UK - I keep forgetting that yours is so early, while ours is in May. Must ring my mother-in-law in Ripon and apologise!

    We had an almost summerly day here yesterday at 21C, but by Thursday, we are to expect a day no warmer than 5C and night frost. Hopefully, not too many blossoms in orchards and gardens will suffer.

  12. I didn't stay up late because of the clocks. Usually I go to bed around half past ten to eleven o'clock - I just forgot until I looked at the clock,

    Thanks everyone for wishing me a Happy Mothering Sunday - yes I did have a happy day.
