Monday 28 March 2022

Late on Sunday evening.

 Late in the evening after a lovely Mothering Sunday. Friends called for a chat this morning.   Sausage and mash from my freezer for lunch.   A lazy, dozy afternoon and then on six o'clock my son and his wife arrive all ready for our pizzas which arrrived dead on the dot of  six fifteen.   Hot in their boxes on the doorstep and then hot on to our heated plates and a jolly half hour eating, chatting and generally having a pleasant relaxing evening.

It is now Monday lunch time.   I should have known better that to try a post late at night.   Pins and needles in my fingers, shakes and trembles in my arms - all make it pointless so I stored it until today.

There is welcome rain here this morning - it has been falling all morning.   Yes, I know my front lawn needs cutting and H next door is diligently doing a couple of hours in her garden each day but I am sure both H and my gardener would acknowledge that this gentle rain will do more good.  I don't know how warm it is - I haven't put my nose out  of the door, but my heating is set at 20 and it is not on so it can't be all that chilly.

Roast chicken and roast beef for lunch today - mycarer had a Mothering Sunday carvery for various people yesterday and included me  - I am sure it will be delicious.

Mr Blackbird just flew past my window at a cracking speed - it is obviously all stations go there.  Someone asked about blackbirds here in the UK.   The blackbird and thrush are in the same family - song thrushes are  in decline but their song is considered superior.  We do get fieldfares and redwings (also thrushes) in the winter and you might see a ring ouzel if you are lucky.   But by far the most common of the thrush family (turdus) is the blackbird one of our most loved birds,   Here on our estate it is no exagggeration to say that almost every garden has one.

Lunch (heating in the microwave for five minutes Rachel as I write this)calls and smells delicious.   See you tomorrow,


  1. I had a nice day yesterday too. Rather chilly this morning and very misty. Sunshine now but still chilly with a warning of much lower temperatures to come later in the week. Two cosy 'cardies' at the ready!

  2. Chilly and murky here today, sunshine has tried to appear without success so far. I hate having to say it but we could do with a drop of rain down here. After a couple of weeks of sunshine the ground is quite hard and grass on the grazing marsh isn't growing yet to sustain the cattle and their calves that are due in the next few weeks.
    The rape fields are also in flower, easily the earliest that I've known that.

  3. The song of the blackbird is my favourite sound. It was the thing I missed most when I lived abroad.

  4. It sounds as though you had a lovely Mothers Day.

    Yes, we too are having our first day without sunshine, and it's so much cooler. I knew it would be if I got my lighter weight clothes out of storage, it's a good job I still have cosy cardigans to put on top of my t-shirts.

  5. Kt is sunny here, no sign of rain or the cold yet. Still getting to grips with the change of the hour. Its a silly business but twice a year is enough for me.

  6. Glad you had a pleasant Mothers Day!

  7. Like Derek's area, we are in desperate need of rain. When you walk along the fields here, your shoes will look as if covered in powder, and when a tractor passes working the field, they pull a huge plume of dust behind them.
    Apparently there could be some rain later this week, can't come too soon, also to wash off the Sahara dust we are getting for the 2nd time this month.

    Your Mother's Day sounds very nice! As usual, I forgot to ring my mother-in-law in Ripon; here in Germany, Mother's Day is celebrated in May, and even then, my Mum does not want anything done specifically for that day, and so it goes by largely unnoticed in my family here.

  8. We in NC won't be celebrating mother's day till May 8. Glad yours was enjoyable. And rain that is welcome sounds great. We've been getting a nice downpour (and some rough winds) almost weekly. Living in the mountains means some flooding can happen if it rains too much. Have a great week ahead!

  9. It's Monday now and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Mothers Day. It's cold again and this morning a dusting of snow covers the ground.

  10. Mothering Sunday is a religious festival in Britain and not the same as Mothers Day in the US although the religious side of it has largely been forgotten but the date is connected to Easter and so moves around. It is always in the 4th week of Lent and the church is celebrated. Thank you Weave for the microwave tip. I am learning and becoming more confident. Beautiful sunny day here. Cooler than last week.

  11. Here in Germany, we seem to have adopted the American Mother's Day (not surprisingly - having been so long under US rule, a lot has seeped from there into our customs, popular culture and so on). My Mum always says that to her, it is just another day invented by marketing folks to sell more flowers, chocolate and perfume - a bit like Valentine's Day, which also has religious origins but is probably hardly celebrated for that reason.

  12. Your Mothering Sunday sounds wonderful! One of my favorite parts of Spring is watching and hearing all the birds sing and fly around making nests. Enjoy your evening!

  13. Derek - you will be envious - we have had a damp morning and a very wet afternoon. I am just coming to be dat half past ten and opened the door to look out and it is still raining now.

  14. I have always been a bit vague between the differences of Mother's Day (ours is in May) Mothering Sunday and the relevance and timing towards Easter. I remember being in an Anglican church hall for a playgroup and a young mother discussing with others how vicar had overlooked her mother for simnel cake... terribly offended so I had to look up what such cake was and to find the reason for such a effrontery!- Pam, Aust.

  15. ...spelling error, always thought it was affrontery, but autocorrect tells me forget the a.

  16. My first dog walk these days is at about 7 am, and the Blackbirds are still singing at the top of their voices. It really is one of the most beautiful sounds from nature.

  17. Thanks everyone - think we have all learned something one way or another here Thaanks for joinint in.
