Friday 19 November 2021

The Obvious Outcome.

 Yes, I should have known.   You will know from my posts that for me I have had a very busy week.    Well at last, this morning, it caught up with me.   I woke at six thirty and thought I would have another five minutes before getting up (my carer comes at half past seven),   The next thing I knew a voice was calling 'wakey, wakey' and a hand was shaking my foot.   Yes - I had gone back to sleep.

Once up and in my chair she brought what she had promised - scrambled eggs for my breakfast.   It is ages since I had them and she had scrambled them very well.   Some folk over-scramble but these were just the right consistency and I enjoyed them very much.

When she had gone I did what I always do - got out my pencil and pen and did the mind games- my mind is always sharpest first thing in the morning before it fills up with 'rubbish'.   Mind games done I promptly fell asleep and awoke at half past eleven!

I have not been out at all today but have sat in my chair and dozed after my salad, chips and scampi lunch followed by a fruit salad of grapes, orange and banana which I made for myself.   Now at around half past eight in the evening I have suddenly come alive - hope I sleep tonight.

See you in the morning.



  1. I had a nap late afternoon yesterday.I woke at 4am and hardly slept after that.So,I am trying to keep myself awake now and not doze off.Easier said than done!

  2. I stayed in bed until 11:30am this morning. I needed it. Congratulations on the sweet new baby. We have new babies in our family and they are such a blessing.

  3. You have had a very busy week and certainly deserve some quiet and restful days! I hope you rest well tonight.

  4. I had to be up early this morning to be ready to leave my flat for the electricians to do their stuff. The power was off until 3pm so I was definitely ready to relax in my reclining chair by then. Maybe a lie-in tomorrow? Hope you sleep well tonight.

  5. You needed that rest after your busy week. Now you are set for the weekend. Hope you are able to get out for a walk over the weekend.

  6. That's the problem with napping during the day - having trouble sleeping at night! I never used to nap but since all my afternoon activities have gone by the wayside during lockdown I find myself heading drowsily to bed right after lunch. One day I slept until 4:00 p.m.!

  7. Naps during the day work toward sleepless nights. I'd rather sleep the night. That said, possibly your extra busy couple of days required naps during the day. Next week will likely be less busy and you'll be back to regular sleep patterns.

  8. This is always the way, falling asleep again is so easy.

  9. You have had a very busy week, with lots of visitors. How grand that is--but tiring, I'm sure.

    I doubt I could do the mind games you do. I do crosswords, cryptograms, jumbles and such but cannot for the life of me figure out sudoku.

  10. It doesn't matter when you sleep, all sleep is good. If I wake up in the night I turn on my tablet and listen to a podcast, they always send me to sleep...

  11. It must have been a much needed rest. X

  12. Indeed, hardly surprising after your busy week - your body just said enough and took the rest it needed.
    Scrambled eggs for breakfast is a nice treat! O.K. and I sometimes have it for our Sunday breakfast. Maybe I‘ll make some tomorrow.

  13. Good to recharge batteries, especially after a busy week.
    Pirate usually has a siesta..and he is only 82!!

  14. I hope you are able to enjoy at least one lie in one morning in the week. It is a treat and often needed even when one isn't working, it still feels like a treat. xx

  15. If I overslept as a boy, my mother used to say, "You must have needed it"' In later life people have not been so sympathetic.

  16. I adore scrambled eggs and my mother made them the of the millions of things I miss about her.

  17. Oh yes, I know that all too well.... dozing during the day and then up at night. Pooey! I hope you got a good night's sleep all the same, my friend. It sounds like your body needed the rest & I'm glad you got it... no matter the time of day. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  18. Thanks everyone for your comments. Can't say I have had much energy today so have taken it easy again - but I have an easy week next week - good thing as the weather is set to be very cold.

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