Thursday 18 November 2021

Busy, busy and very tiring.

 Isn't it annoying that busy days always all come together rather than space themselves out?   This week has been enjoyable mostly, irritating in parts and very tiring.   The irritating part of course was going all the way to Ripon in a taxi (hugely expensive) only to find that the hearing aids were not any use and having to start again, which entails yet another visit.

Monday was my visit to the doctor which went off well and finished with a lovely walk back down the road looking at the gardens and enjoying the warm, sunny weather.   Tuesday was the hearing aid day - and even then the journey was pleasant and the Autumn leaves were so pretty everywhere.   Wednesday - yesterday - I did put more on my post that was readable but at the last minute (as happens often) I lost the lot.   There is no doubt that my shake is getting much worse and I catch something which wipes my post off.

So - yesterday half way through the morning I had a phone call from a friend who had been trying to contact me by email to say could she come for coffee (after she had gone I searched and - annoyingly - the email had gone into Spam.)   She set out immediately and not only did she stay for coffee but we shared the lunch my carer had left for me (home-cooked gammon with a good salad, piccallilli, cheese - to which I added my favourite baby beets in sweet vinegar and good bread and butter) and then I went with her to a poetry afternoon at W's.   By the time I got home again I was very tired but it had been an enjoyable day.

Today was hair cut and blow-dry day.   My taxi could take me down but not bring me back so I had arranged with my son to collect me.   Then this morning early he rang to say his wife, who is an invalid, had been very ill overnight after her third Covid jab yesterday.   He dare not leave her.   But luckily friend S stepped into the breach and arranged to collect me.   That went off without a hitch and back home she came in for a cup of tea and stayed a while.  A mutual friend rang asking for help on her computer and that took up quite a large part of the visit (S is my first 'port of call' too on computer issues - she has wide experience and also has a good, analytical mind).   After lunch another friend M rang and said could she walk round - she came and we had a good old chat for a couple of hours and now it is almost tea time.   Phew!   what a busy few days.

Luckily this afternoon my son rang to say the paramedic, the ambulance and the doctor had all been to his wife and after treatment with hydracortisone she was steadily improving and had actually requested something to eat.   The whole episode had been triggered by a third Covid  jab yesterday.

It is now 7pm and I shall go and find something for my tea -not sure what as a piece of my birthday cake this afternoon has rather taken the edge off my appetite.


  1. I'm sure you are much busier than me - You do so well

  2. There are days, and weeks too when everything happens!!
    I sympathize with your shaky hand...I have a once dislocated and badly mended little finger which catches unwanted things as I type...I do not like over sensitive touch screens!!

  3. You certainly have had a busy week and a lot of visitors too. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter-in-law and her reaction to the third shot. I hope she is feeling better now. I think you are due a few days of rest and relaxation! Take care my friend!

  4. I outlined to you what you can do to retrieve accidentally deleted typing with the curly arrow. I suggested you do a test. Visitors and 2 hours of chat is a lot. Your ear clinic sounded iffy from the start when they failed to de-wax your ears.

  5. My diary has weeks when hardly anything happens or is recorded but just lately all my appointments have come tumbling in, one after the other. I know how you feel and also find it exhausting.
    So glad your daughter-in-law is feeling better. I had my Covid booster on Tuesday and felt fine all day, but on Wednesday was of no use to anyone and felt totally washed out all day. Today has been a bit better so I have obviously got off lightly. Perhaps a quiet day tomorrow for both of us?

  6. Wow
    I would be exhausted
    I am still being careful
    No one was in my apartment in Indiana during Covid…I moved after family vaccinated…no one in my condo here in Fl but family…with all the breakthrough Covid just not taking chance…I had reaction to third shot…three in 8 months too much for me…but the alternative is worse…maybe rest tomorrow somewhat

  7. So pleased your daughter in law is feeling better.

  8. I also had a reaction to my third vaccination, although very mild in comparison to your daughter-in-law. So glad the medics could sort her out, but it must be very worrying.

  9. Rahel - the hearing clinic dewaxed my ears marvellously - I had an awful lot of wax the first time I went and he explained that it was so compressed that I really needed to put drops in for a week every morning and evening. When I went back a professional de waxer was there and she did a thorough job before they took the moulds. The man in charge thought the aids were at fault but said he had never come across the problem before.

  10. By keeping busy during the day you must sleep well at night. I'm glad your daughter-in-law is feeling better.

  11. So sorry about your aids not working out. Now you have to wait for the ones that will allow you to hear better!
    You are certainly busier then I am on most days!!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I am glad your daughter-in-law is starting to feel better. You must have been so worried. X

  14. I'd drop on my bed for a comatose sleep after such a day!
    Good to know your daughter-in-law is better. When are you due for your booster jab? Mine won't be before February, I think.

  15. Tim and I are now eligible for our boosters. We'll probably wait until after our Thanksgiving holiday here. I'm glad your daughter in law is doing better.

  16. I agree. Busy days do seem to clump together. Normally I keep a list taped to my front door with all my important events bolded so I don't miss any. Recently, however, I began adding them to my phone calendar and I activated the alarm feature to boot. I find it amusing to have my phone binging and bonging on a daily basis...makes me feel almost tech savvy.

  17. My goodness, you have indeed been busy... but it's a "good busy", isn't it. I go for my 3rd jab this afternoon at 3pm and I pray all goes well over this weekend. Take good care~ Andrea xoxoxo

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