Monday 1 November 2021

Still tired

Still pretty weary - I have come to the conclusion that birthdays are not meant for people my age - all the getting up and down to answer the door bell, the postman, the parcel deliveries, the neighbours - all too much.   Today I am very, very tired.

This morning was Book Group here.   I had a lovely surprise when I wheeled in the coffee and birthday cake to find that M, a member of the group, had baked some cakes, stuck a candle in and lit one and pushed in a trolley while everyone sang Happy Birthday.   It was very touching.   I have been close to tears many times over the week end.   How ever much longer one has to live when one reaches 89 it is certainly less time than one has lived already and certainly less activity!!

I haven't done much since - too tired.   It is now well and truly dark - time to draw the blinds and make a sandwich for my tea.   See you tomorrow.

Had lovely Pizzas delivered last evening - they were delicious and rounded off the week end nicely - a present (along with a book) from my son and his wife - hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow.


  1. I can imagine how tired you must be. I know that my cousin was very careful with my Aunt Grace on her 100th birthday, limiting the time people could spend visiting, etc. It is wonderful to be remembered by so many, but still, a drain on the energy.

    Happy birthday, Weaver. I've followed your blog since 2008, I think, and always look forward to what you have to say.

  2. Happy Birthday Pat. I am not surprised you are exhausted but it sounds like a lovely birthday weekend. Love Jan Bx

  3. Good to hear about your birthday celebrations and I hope a good nights sleep will sort you out.
    Take Care

  4. It's understandable you are shattered today, but 'tis only temporary. Sounds like you had a wonderful day though and certainly got your exercise !!

  5. Maybe start building up your strength again for the next one.

  6. Your entitled to however many days it takes to relax and chill, we look forward to your next blog whenever you feel up to it. So glad you have had a lovely birthday. Take care.

  7. I think the next few days should be guilt-free rest days for you. Celebrations are lovely but they take a lot out of a person...

  8. Belated birthday greetings Pat. Hope you feel more refreshed tomorrow.

  9. Belated birthday wishes, it was a lovely day but yes tiring.. I'm not your age yet but I get tired with the least little change in our routine. Early night and a nanny nap in the afternoon and you'll get your strength back. Nice to have pizza I think I'll ask for that for my birthday next month.

  10. I had my covid booster last week and it's left me absolutely exhausted.

  11. A full weekend of celebrating! Of course, you are tired! Hope you rest up and feel better tomorrow!

  12. I can sympathise with your tiredness and would feel exactly the same, but think of all the exercise you have had getting up and down so many times! Hoping you will be back to normal in a day or two after all that lovely excitement. What a good job we only have one birthday a year.

  13. Hope your batteries get fully recharged over night. Sleep well.

  14. I am sure the tiredness will pass. You will need to start building yourself up now for the big one next year!

  15. Just on my way to bed at half past ten - no point in going earlier as my body clock has not yet adjusted to that extra hour we got in bed at the week end and I am waking up at crack of dawn.

  16. I know you are exhausted now but I'm glad you've had a good birthday. You have many people that dearly love you! Maybe next year you can arrange to have a "Birthday Assistant" to take care of everything so you can just sit back, relax and enjoy it. Take all the time you need to rest up, your blog friends will be here.

  17. In a day or two with a good sleep and even a sleep in morning should make things right for you. Your B-day celebrations do sound wonderful and the pizza sounds very good as well.

  18. I'm 62 but only have to add on a trip to the supermarket after usual dog walk and I'm drained and wobbly-I just go with it-rest and restore and a bit of activity x

  19. Weave, I think you're very brave. I gave up bothering with my birthdays years ago. Frankly I never found too much to be happy about. Good to hear you survived; albeit very tired.

  20. Dear as long as you need and be is a time for resting as the days grow short and the nights grow long..."Soon we'll sing old winter's song"....I love the words of Autumn Leaves...much love to you.

  21. I was thinking the same as Bonnie; maybe for your 90th (which will probably bring even MORE rings of the doorbell and telephone) you can arrange someone to stay with you for the day.
    As for being tired after a special day - I am the same; it takes me two days to recover from one particularly busy day, and I am "only" 53!

  22. I would say that just keep quiet about birthdays and then you will have a quiet one.

  23. These days I feel older - and of course just having my 78th I am!!!!!
    I think it started with the arrival of the pandemic among us. No matter our age, so many changes in the world, and life in general, have taken a toll on daily living.
    So my dear, keep on keeping on - we love hearing about your still often days - and certainly hope we are all as magnificent as you are in our coming years.
    Hugs - Mary

  24. Rachel - bear in mind I have 1 son and wife, 3 grand children,1 step grandchild, 1 (soon to be two) great grandchildren, two step great grandchildren, two nieces and one nephew, countless friends from living in three different places before coming up here, friends from here,
    Need I say more?

    Thank you all.

  25. Happy belated birthday Weaver! It sounds like you have so many people who love you....including here!

  26. Birthdays are very low key in my family.
