Tuesday 2 November 2021

Better Day

 Maybe slightly wintry today temperature wise but there is still some warmth  in the sun (the tubs of violas outside my front door and up against the stone wall of the bungalow are suddenly growing like mad) but it has been a very pleasant day.   I have had to stay at home because our doctor's surgery conducts telephone appointments and I had one booked for today.   The doctor was most reassuring about my blood pressure so I feel happier  now that I have spoken to someone.

But it is on days like this that one notices the cold come down about three o'clock now that we have put the clocks back.   Once I had spoken to the doctor I resolved to go for my walk but having put out the recycling 'rubbish' for morning I realised  that all that would happen would be that I would get thoroughly cold on my walk and then take all evening to get warm.   So I 'chickened out', and came here instead.

4.39 and almost dark.    What long nights for the next three months or so.

I read about Cop26 leaders signing a pledge to 'halt and reverse deforestation globally by 2030' and then saw on TV incredibly poor people in Brazil sawing down trees to feed their families, and about the number of private planes arriving for the summit, and I do tend to rather agree with Greta Thurnberg's comment that it is often little more than 'blah, blah blah ' at these conferences.   Are we not almost always selfish about these things?   Can we do anything individually?  Do we always tend to blame it on someone else?

I think about recycling and how it has become part of our lives now, and that is an encouraging sign - I looked down our road when I put out the papers, the plastic, the tins and the garden rubbish tonight for tomorrow's collection at crack of dawn.   We have embraced that - maybe it is not too late to embrace other things as well.   We have to be hopeful don't we?

Back to normal tomorrow.



  1. Yes, those "summits" are nothing but blah-blah-blah just as Greta says. A bunch of blowhards gathering together and nothing more. I think all of us individually doing our part are MUCH stronger than any meetings anywhere, don't you? Yes, it's dark early these days. I'm ready for next spring already!! Take good care~ Andrea xoxoxo

  2. It is definitely chilly each day now and I find the dark afternoons quite miserable. I must be a SAD person!

  3. I was rather surprised to hear Boris when interviewed say there was no point to people recycling (and I think here he was referring to the general public not businesses) - why on earth then have I spent years now washing out rubbish and keeping and rotating 3 wheelie bins in my garden for him to say that. Surely he should be encouraging recycling - he might well have given some people the green light to stop just like not continuing to wear masks.
    Pleased you had a better day and some assurance from your GP about your BP.

  4. A lot could be done to assure survival, not to prevent natural, climatic disasters.
    Prevention is not in our hands. I'm afraid the tiny islands in the Pacific are going to wait till the last moment when evacuation won't even be possible.

  5. I reckon one is allowed one day off, but any more is the slippery slope.

  6. We must live in hope and keep doing what we can to take care of our planet. Climate change will take place whatever we do and we shall just have to adapt to it as others did hundreds and thousands of years ago.

  7. We can't change everyone and everything. We can only change ourselves and what is in our power to change. If everyone began to make those small changes, they'd add up to something big. I watched the starving children of Madagascar last night on the news and I cried. The country as a whole contributes less than .01% of the carbon emissions that drive climate change, yet they are paying a terrible price for our carelessness.

  8. Debby - didn't see anything about this in our News. What you say is really interesting and a good point.

  9. It's good to hear the doctor was reassuring about your blood pressure. I agree with you about the summit. It seems to be a lot of talk that likely won't be backed up with much action. We have been having cold winter weather here the past couple of weeks. I don't blame you for skipping your walk. Besides, you need to rest up from your birthday!

  10. 2030 seems like a very distant goal when "action" now is important. I agree that large meetings seem to be "pep rally" type gatherings. I'm glad to hear your doc has reassured you regarding your BP. Dressing in layers is now key. It's sunny but very cool here too. At night the heat is on so the house is cozy.

  11. It was a beautiful sunny day here yesterday. We took Billy to see the sea, watched the world go by, and enjoyed an ice cream. We felt like tourists.

  12. I think there are no quick and easy solutions for all these problems. E.g. wind turbines produce clean energy, but they also kill birds. Electric cars are only carbon-neutral when they can use clean energy, and their motors are much simpler, so a lot of jobs will get lost in the automotive industry. In northern and middle Europe, 80% of solar energy is produced during the six months around Summer solstice. I try to do my part but I am really happy that I don´t have to make the big decisions.
    Hilde in Germany

  13. Hilde - so interesting what you say. In fact to you all this is another instance when we could have interestingly had our own 'summit' in my sitting room over a coffee (and a piece of my birthday cake). Sometimes I am glad I am old (ish) and so know I shall not be here to see how it all works out.

  14. Like some of the others here have said, I do my part (for instance, I don't drive and do almost all my errands on foot, and longer distances by train) - but I still like eating meat (even though usually not more than once or twice on weekends) and of course I have all the mod cons like central heating, hot water, a fridge, dishwasher, washing machine, TV, computer, mobile phone and so on. So, I don't pretend to be holy, but I know things can't go on like that for much longer, and it is not just politicians that need to make decisions - each and everyone of us is challenged every day.
    Whichever of the big problems humankind is facing you take, break it down and you invariably arrive at overpopulation as its main cause. And nobody seems to want to address that.

    On a lighter note, I am glad to know your blood pressure is nothing to worry about, and you are feeling better now after the exhausting Sunday you had!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Don't beat yourself up about it Weave. You're doing your bit.

  17. You only need to look at the airport near Glasgow and see all the planes lined up ready to take the world leaders and their entourages back around the world, to realise that the conference was just a lot of yak - yak. Imagine the carbon footprint of all that travel, especially when Biden had an 84 car cavalcade in Rome. Do you really think that our little bit of recycling is going to off set any of that, if indeed it actually gets recycled.

  18. We recycle what we are told to recycle and follow the rules for garbage and yard waste pickup. I think that at least speaking about it all is better than ignoring the problems.

  19. I’ve heard a few Climate leaders point out that the effort we’ll need is like that of counties involved in World War Two. But together not in conflict. I guess that was at all levels- government, organisations and businesses, and individuals. We’ll need it all!

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