Sunday 8 August 2021


 When you live alone Sundays tend to become non-days somehow.   I am not a churchgoer, people tend to be either out somewhere or at home with their families and, certainly on our estate, there are far less people about.   I suppose dogs must take their owners for a walk on Sundays just as they do on other days but Priscilla and I rarely see them.   This morning's regular walk round produced not a single person to speak to - we went around ten o'clock -until a hundred yards from our own front door M came out of her front door on her way to chapel  and we walked as far as my front door together. And we arrived at the same moment as large spots of rain - so just in time.

Well, The Olympics is over - Paralympics to come in a fortnight - and the closing ceremony has taken place.   I understand that the idea of holding the games at all in the light of the Covid crisis was not all that popular with the Japanese people and I hear today on the News that Covid has really raged in the country while the games have been running, so I expect there may well be some examination as to whether it was a good idea or not.   Time will tell.   These are troubled times indeed.

And now on the News today is the issue again of Climate Change with the dreadful wild fires raging in Greece and people being evacuated from their homes and even from some islands.  How terrifying that must be.

So, all in all, not an altogether cheerful post today friends, although it has been good to see the proud faces of all those medal winners who have striven to get up to winning standard over the past few years and who have made it - and thoroughly deserved to do so.   A sincere well done to them all and a sincere thanks to them for the pleasure they have give those of us who have been following their progress.


  1. Just been explaining to Grandson that he will be 8 when we'll be able to watch the next Olympics. Wonder if he will remember me telling him that?

  2. Surprising what we do remember Sue - remember to ask him when the time comess.

  3. Surely all who competed, regardless of the outcome, deserve a "well done". Many had personal best results without earning a medal.

  4. Hopefully the Paralympics will be able to go ahead. If anything, the athletes are even more inspiring than those at the games we have just witnessed.

  5. I just got back from church, which gives me a happy attitude. Of course I took Bounce on a short walk beforehand, he is high priority and takes a nap when I am not here. I didn't watch the Olympics but to my mind, being a competitor there is a BIG achievement, win or lose, something to tell the grandkids about one day.

  6. Sunday is an odd day. Today, my neighbors were working on their property and I was doing the same. Sunday is another work day for those of us that do not go to church.

  7. With fires there are sometimes deliberate criminal acts by people who use the cover of heat and dry winds to set fires.

  8. I rather enjoyed snippets of the games, it was pouring here a couple of days ago so we watched some gymnastics with hoops and balls. Quite amazing.

  9. We just watched the closing ceremony of the Olympics this evening. I am hoping we will be able to see some of the Paralympics when it is on. Sometimes they don't broadcast as much of that unfortunately. I was excited to hear the Winter Olympics are just in six months as those are my favorites. I am a little concerned about Covid causing problems with that one in the middle of Winter. It sounds like you just barely got your walk in before the rain started! I hope you had a nice evening.

  10. I'm glad you got back before the rain. The sudden downpours can be very heavy. X

  11. Well as always they are already beginning to pick the Olympics apart, but it was good so many achieved their 'best' and got medals for it. It has been raining a lot here but no flooding as of yet.

  12. Who are "they" Thelma? I enjoyed what Olympics I saw and that for me is that.

  13. Sue in Suffolk, my father said once or twice to me during his life - "I want you to remember this" before we did something significant together.
    And I have.

  14. Even though I thought it unwise to hold the Olympic Games this year I have enjoyed them immensely and am so proud of our athletes who have done so well.
    The raging fires, floods and landslides around the world are terrifying - I do hope that enough of the worlds governments will take note and start making a real effort to help our poor sickly planet in order for it to begin to heal.

  15. Wildfires such as the ones in Greece at the moment are mostly linked to arson.

  16. I didn't know that Rachel. I think it was the same in California.

    Feelings on The Games are always going to be mixed am afraid that's life isn't it? Thanks for responding and giving us your opinion.

  17. DUTA also referred to the deliberate starting of wildfires in her comment.

  18. Rachel it was on the news this morning, only listening with one ear though, deafness is setting in. It was just grumbles about those who had only got through to silver, made me cross.

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