Saturday 7 August 2021


 Saturday again and I easily filled my quota of daily 'chats' - so important to me when I live alone.   Crossing the road to post a letter paying my monthly newspaper account I met B, a bachelor who lives alone a few doors down the road.   We had our 'usual' chat about possible weather for the week-end (wet) before separating and going our separate ways - he to presumably put his two heavy bags of shopping away, me to walk round the block before it rains - I dare not go on my usual longer walk because rain looks imminent.

Before I get back home B stops to chat.   She has been ill and in hospital having a stent fitted.   Now much better and having lost three stones in weight she was setting off on her daily walk suitably clad to turn any wet which might fall.

I haven't been home long before D arrives to mow my lawn and pull up all the wild poppies before they have time to shake their seed.   Much as I love them they are getting just a bit too much in my back garden.   How neat and tidy it looks with them up and in the green bin for collection on Wednesday.

After lunch T and S call in for a coffee and T kindly investigates my garage doors which will shortly need new batteries to keep them working up and down.   I feel much happier once T has done that little job for me and I know which battery replacements to buy.

Now it is half past five in the afternoon, slightly rainy - not at all a nice day- The Olympics are almost at an end - tomorrow is the last day.   I am sure the Japanese will consider it a great success despite Covid meaning that there have been no spectators.   Watching these young people pitting their strengths and skills one against another I have found inspiring.   That they should have devoted so much time and energy I find astonishing every time The Olympics come around.

So its back to normal next week.   Here we shall have Gypsies and Travellers passing through all week on their way to Appleby Horse Fair and of course it is not usually at this time of the year, when it is the peak holiday season, so it remains to be seen how the traffic will cope.

Enjoy the rest of your week end.


  1. I'm going to miss the Olympics too, I've had more time to enjoy it all than ever before but the Paralympics will be on in just over 2 weeks time

  2. I will miss the Olympics too but I forgot about the Paralympics that Sue mentioned. I always find those to be quite inspiring. Hopefully, you got your walk in before the rain. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. What a busy day.
    I just read your post about your Uncles I thought it quite wonderful.

  4. You've done very well with your quota of chats today. My day was definitely weird, as I went to a memorial day for the friend who went to Dignitas. There were at least 150 people there, many of them cycling club friends I hadn't seen since my husband's funeral; with that, and just being with so many people all at once, after Covid lockdown, I scuttled off home as soon as decently possible. Luckily, we were outside most of the time.
    I have had to do battle with poppies, too...if you let them go, they do rather take over!

  5. You've had quite a procession of visitors to help you pass your Saturday! The Olympics have been very odd this year and most of the competitors will be home long before any closing ceremony. I still keep going on to YouTube to watch Charlotte Worthington do that incredible BMX routine.

  6. That sounds like quite a full day with all those lovely chats. I enjoy watching the Olympic Games too, especially some of the track events, diving, and triathlon. The GB team have done us proud once again. The Paralympics are every bit as thrilling and so inspiring.

  7. I am on my own this week so enjoying the kind of ‘in passing’ chats that you mention. I like my own company but struggle being entirely alone for long periods.

  8. You have a richer social life than I do.

  9. I haven't watched much of the Olympics, but I did notice how very glamourous most of the female competitors looked; almost like models. Have they always been like that?

  10. You see more people on a social level than I do - the video conferences and meetings I have for work don‘t count, and after a full working day I often do not feel like talking to anyone anymore. But then when I meet my sister for an after-work-walk and later talk to O.K. on the phone before going to bed, I am glad for having had the opportunity to chat.

  11. Cro - I think they have - could it be that you are getting older?

    Thanks as usual for joining in the chat folks.

  12. I never thought about the importance of talking to people until I met your blog, Weaver. I go days without speaking to anyone not under this roof... and many days I talk to my hubby very VERY briefly. I'm looking forward to moving into town, to see more people to talk to and to be able to take walks. Out here in the country people are pretty sparse, which you probably remember from your farm days. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  13. Cro could it be something to do with you getting older?

    Thanks everyone for responding. See you all tomorrow.

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