Saturday 21 August 2021

Saturday ,

Yes, Saturday again  and wet and chilly with it.  And, as my regular readers will know only too well, not my favourite day of the week especially as it is such a di smal day.

It is my Reserve carer C this week end as J has her week end off.  And because of other commitments C comes half an hour earlier so arrives at seven o'clock.

As usual, looking out of the window there is nobody about at all, no dogs, no people.   I expect everyone has a bit of a lie in with it being week-end.

But as usual days like this are what you make of them.   Once my carer had gone I spent the next hour reading The Times and doing the Mind Games.  Then I came on here to say Good Morning to you all and start off today's post.   By then it was lunchtime and time for a rest.

I managed a walk round the block to build up my leg-strength again and on the return journey I met a charming Labrador/Retriever (golden) who came bounding up to Priscilla and me to say hello.   His master had stern words with him and I was cross because he was gentle and doing no harm.   But it did result in us having a pleasant chat (chat two of my day after my carer) about dogs.   I had a lovely German Short-haired Pointer, Oscar.   He lived to be around fourteen I think and was much loved.  The chap I was talking to had had five Pointers in succession and we had such a pleasant chat about them.I went home feeling much happier after my walk and the chat with someone who I hadn't met on the estate before.

I just got back home in time before it began to rain heavily again and shortly afterwards my friend and neighbour H came round with a lovely bunch of sweet peas (she is cutting them every week without fail and they are doing so well as a result). 

So here we are, after tea now, having had three long talks to different people and having had some delicious ham and coleslaw sandwiches.   Our transmitter is still out of use so little of interest which is watchable on television but I shall not be late going to bed tonight after my very early rise this morning and I still have plenty of Bruce Chatwin to go at.

Have a pleasant evening - see you tomorrow.


  1. Oh, my goodness, fellow GSP lover here! I've had two - one lived to 13 1/2, the other to 15. Loved those dogs to bits, but they are not for the faint of heart; strong, athletic, stubborn, and always up to something! Gorgeous breed.

  2. Quite a pleasant Saturday after all, by the sound of it. A lovely chat and a dog to fondle as well as a bunch of sweet peas - I can almost smell them from here. Such a beautiful perfume.

  3. Don't write Saturdays off so sounds as though it was quite a good day!

  4. Yes folks you are quite right- every day is there to be treated accordingly

  5. I love how you meet up with different dogs while on your walk. A well-trained dog can be a lot of fun to visit with as well as their accompanying human!

  6. The gentleman you met was probably a little alarmed to see his dog bounding at a woman with a walker. If he didn't know you, he was probably a little afraid of YOUR reaction and did not want to be responsible for you becoming upset or falling. I am certain that he was much relieved to find that you were a dog lover as well, and you both were quick to find something in common.

    I have a notion that this is the way of your nature: you always find something in common with others and can chat easily with them because of it. An admirable trait.

  7. The weather forecast was terrifying but we never had very much rain at all.

  8. As dog lovers, we always have great conversations about our beloved pets. Dogs naturally bring people together. Today, you met new people and dogs. It is always nice to connect with other people and their friendly dogs.

  9. Two of my favorite dogs for good manners, labs and retrievers!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. There was I yesterday, bragging about our warm and sunny days and yet this morning (Sunday) at 05.30, we had a massive storm and torrential rain that temporarily flooded the streets and it's still raining as I write this at 06.30.
    Good dogs are the most reliable companions, I would never be without one.

  12. Your ham and coleslaw sandwich sounds good...had the best ham EVER in a pub in Hatfield when I visited England many years ago, and someone said "Oh, it would have been gammon". Never heard of it. A search on the PomsinOz forum throws up some interesting reading under 'What's the equivalent of a Gammon joint in Oz. Still seems many here have never heard of gammon, and even the concept of pickled pork is thrown around as not the same. The English gammon was truly memorable. Pam, Aust.

  13. Once gammon is cooked it becomes ham Pam. Great to be out and walking Weave and to see the man with his dog. Saturday's I always find the loneliest day of my week too.xx

  14. Reserve Carer C? I had to read that twice. I was reminded of The Cat in the Hat and imagined a carer in a hat with a Reserve Carer A, B, C, etc., right down to a tiny Reserve Carer Z!

  15. Doesn't stand for Cat - Christine if you must know. Please read and comment on my post today.

  16. Derek I do agree with you and I miss Tess (and all previous dogs) greatly but sadly my balance is such that I have been told by my Physio that it is not safe for me to have one.
    Rachel - have given you a mention in my post today - if I have got the information wrong please corrct me.


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