Friday 20 August 2021

Another dull day

 The day is dull and chilly and the forecast is for a wet day tomorrow.   I suppose my garden can do with a watering so it is not all bad news.   I am not back to doing my walking and have just started today doing the short version with a view to building up again to the full version.   But I have just about managed my quota of people to speak to.   My carer is always a perfect first source of morning chat - always with something to tell me and always cheerful - we always have a laugh and when she goes I always feel better for her visit.

Next to chat was my dear friend S, who called today without T who was busy with his bees.   She is a wizard with the television.   Our transmittter at Bilsdale burnt down about three weeks ago and in order to watch (only the BBC channels) I have to go in through iplayer - I have learned the technique and  am managing very nicely and certainly watching all I need to watch (tonight The Duchess of Cornwall discussing her garden with Monty Don on Gardeners' World and then Celebrity Master Chef which I have never watched before but which is a bit of fun)).   But S rang to say some programmes were available again and she would call and retune me - but before she could do this the programmes had gone again.   But we had a nice chat and she brought me delicious fresh runner beans and courgettes from their garden.

After lunch Priscilla and I had a short walk round the block and I met a couple of chihuahuas I know who are totally boss of their owner but charming to chat to and we had a short chat and then my neighbour M came out when she saw me coming and we caught up as I haven't seen her for a few days.   While we were chatting P from across the road came back from her walk and we all three had another chat only parting when there was a heavy shower.

My son came round to collect half the vegetables S had brought me so that they could have them for their tea and so by tea time I had had quite a lot of mental stimulation.   I find it so important to my wellbeing.

Now with all your today's posts read and my post written I shall go and read a few more chapters of Bruce Chatwin's 'In Patagonia' - I am so enjoying it - brilliantly written by a man whose life was so sadly cut short by Aids.   I read it many years ago but it merits reading more than once.

Enjoy your evening - and see you tomorrow.





  1. We've settled into a run of warm to very warm, dry and sunny days here. Due to be like it all next week as well - most enjoyable.

  2. As you have mentioned the Bruce Chatwin book again and did not follow up on comments last time I will tell you again that I did not warm to him and in fact rather hated the book.

  3. Good to hear you are getting back to being active. The hip pain must have been really worrying.

  4. So glad that you got out for your walk and met people to chat to. Tomorrow sounds as though it will be perfect to catch up on your reading!! Hope you enjoy a cosy day inside with a book.

  5. In spite of dull and chilly weather it sounds as if you had a very pleasant day, as well as you usual walk. Home grown runner beans and courgettes too - what could be nicer.

  6. I have found thr book very interesting Rachel. It is a part pf the world about which I know absolutely nothing and reading Chatwin it does seem to be inhabited by such a lot of folk from all over the world who seem for one reason or another to be displaced from the countries of their birth. I suspect it is still rather like that now - and we still hear so little about it.
    Derek We seem to have exchanged weathers again don't we?

  7. Gosh that sounds like a terrific day! I had a day out with my oldest friend (we have been friends since high school)! So I had a nice social day too. We may get some rain tomorrow but I have a mystery to read so I'll be happy to be stuck inside! Hope you have a good weekend!

  8. For the moment our rain has stopped only to now hear there is a hurricane likely to hit the Massachusetts coast. High winds and power outages are predicted. Your new geraniums must be growing well with the rain. You're also fortunate to be surrounded by lovely people that enjoy chatting as you walk through your village.

  9. You seem to be striking out for winter soon.

  10. Isn't it in Patagonia where there's a large Welsh community, who still speak Welsh? Still hot-n-dry here.

  11. Cro - it certainly was so when Chatwin wrote the book. The book has very short chapters - many less than a couple of pages long - some only a paragraph - I love his writing and remember him dying of aids at the height of the epidemic - gay of course and achingly handsome. The whole book is like a series of paintings.

  12. Good to know you are taking up your walks again, and wisely you start with a short version first. I hope the hip pain has not returned, and you exercises help, too.
    We've had most of the week a mix of overcast and sunny, not overly hot. Today (Saturday) is supposed to be the nicest day with temps up to 28C at O.K.'s, where I am headed for the weekend.

  13. A dull but very good day!

  14. We don't have a T.V. and everything we watch is on the computer, like iPlayer. I suppose it has drawbacks, but I like having just one screen in the room.

  15. Your day reads far from being dull. I am glad you have the lovely flow of communications to stream through the hours.

  16. Thank you everyone for your kind comments.

  17. You have a busy life...we are fighting Covid again here in U.S. CLose family members have it in other state...I just moved from there few months ago to be near other family...all of us have been name it...take care

  18. What a nice day you have had and I'm happy to hear you felt up to a walk with Priscilla. It's good to speak with neighbors and I imagine the chihuahuas were a little chatty! It sounds like they could be making progress with your television shows if some came back for even a short bit. At least they are going in the right direction with it.

  19. Goodness it sounds like your weather is very cool did you have any Summer ?
    Happy to hear you have so many friends to talk with.

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