Saturday 22 May 2021

Saturday lunchtime

 Marginally better day today - sun now and again pushing its way through the clouds, wind slightly less cold.   One or two out mowing lawns (bit wet I would have thought).   Neighbour M cutting her edges - have invited her round for a cuppa later today - how good to be able to do that again (for now at any rate).   Just to chat to people is such a treat I think - I know some folk don't agree and think I talk too much but chatting to folk is my lifeblood.

I have just collected my mail from the door step.  Our branch of the bank closed some years ago (now Costa Coffee and they never sweep outside the premises nor weed behind the railings so it always looks uncared-for whereas the bank always kept it clean and tidy.)   There is a letter from the bank to say they are closing another two branches.   I suppose this is because most people do internet banking but now my nearest branch is about thirty five miles away,   I don't need it but that can't be true for everyone.

M came round and stayed most of the afternoon and we laughed and chatted away and it was good.   The Indian variant is creeping its way up here,  there is not a lot of let-up in the weather, there is no real sign of any Summer, so why not spend the afternoon chatting.   I did my walk round this morning and I have done my exercises since M went so I have no feelings of guilt.   Have a good evening.


  1. Sounds like you have had a lovely Saturday and one that certainly pleased you and, surely, your neighbor M.

  2. I don't feel so bad about the cold wet weather since reading a quotation made many years ago by somebody famous:
    "May always disappoints"
    So its nothing unusual then!
    Looking forward to June. x

  3. What a wonderful day you've had today! It is a treat just to be able to sit and chat with a friend. We also continue to have very rainy days here and I fear our yard will look like a jungle soon if I can't get it mowed. Enjoy your evening!

  4. It seemed colder here today, which was possibly just the windchill effect,although we did have a very sharp hailstorm just after lunch. My sister-in-law, Clare and I took Turbo for a lovely walk through Burwarton Park, on the side of Clee Hill, after the hail, in the sun, and we celebrated with a cake in a lovely cafe in Ditton Priors...actually, we are so used to sitting outside now, that we were not tempted to sit inside, especially as the sun was still shining! I had a flapjack; they serve all their home-made cakes with clotted cream and blackcurrant goes surprisingly well with flapjack!

  5. PS This is a link to the touchng episode of 'Escape To..' that I mentioned the other day; with a young couple on a small budget, looking for a family home. Slightly fizzy quality, but worth a look, nevertheless.

  6. That sounds like a good day all round. It is so good to be able to invite someone in to one's home again, isn't it?
    So glad the wind had dropped today and the sun shone for most of it too. Still not quite warm enough for late May. Perhaps 'flaming June' will live up to it's nickname.

  7. Just off to bed at half past ten - sleep well all.

  8. Bank buildings and properties are always so beautiful. I suppose they have the money to make it so. I'm sorry the nearest bank for you will be 35 miles away. My goodness, what if you had to go in and speak to them about something. I guess the phone would have to do but... speaking face-to-face about a problem or concern is always so much nicer. Take good care~ Andrea xoxo

  9. What a nice day, and so fortunate to have people to chat with - we were able to drive to the next city to see our son and grandson and it was a real treat.


  10. I'd hate to drive 35 miles even to use my bank infrequently.

  11. Chatting with your neighbor over a cup of tea/coffee is really great. Today, My neighbor and I went to a lovely garden center (Stonegate Gardens, Lincoln, MA, US). It was nice to travel without masks and chat. I could not resist and bought a Green Laceleaf Japanese Maple to add to my collection of dwarf trees. I'd like some rain as the ground is dusty and the plantings are suffering.

  12. I don't think we realise, here in Australia, just how tough the rest of the world is doing Covid. Melbourne did have a very harsh lockdown last year (2 actually) but it served its purpose. Now we have some restrictions but nothing like you have. We can have people in our houses, go to shops and restaurants. Sport is back on the agenda. We just have to sign in wherever we go with a QR code on our phones. Our international borders are still pretty much closed and I have no idea what will happen when they reopen.
    How lovely that you can finally have people into your home. It's the little things we take for granted that we really miss the most.

  13. Just getting up (early) - dry so far but no sign of the sun so not very promising.

  14. In the couple of hours we have been up today, we have had sun, rain and now sun again; not sure yet whether we will dare going for our usual Sunday morning run or not.
    Whoever thinks you talk too much should pretty well mind their own business. You are a people person, a great neighbour and friend, a wonderful blogger and an example for me and many others as to how to face the challenges of old age with dignity and a sense of humour.

  15. We had a bit of a difficult time finding a place to get our Covid vaccination that wasn't a mass vaccination situation. Finally they started having the vaccine available in some of the local pharmacies and my husband and I got both got the two vaccinations and waited the appropriate amount of time, and just last week we finally got to hold our little new grand daughter (she's 4 months old). She was so sweet and funny and just smiling and happy as she studied my face, until she realized she didn't know me and frowned up that little face and wanted to go back to her Momma. The way she was studying my face was so cute. She didn't like her Grandpa's beard and got even fussier. She did love our little old black Pomeranian, though, and just grinned so big and kicked her feet with excitement every time he came near. Our dog loved our grandson so much especially when he was a baby. Our grandson is 11 now and it seems like our dog knows our grandson's scent, but doesn't understand why he is so big now. Our little old Fuzzy Pom has been waiting for a new grandbaby for a long time now.

  16. Tim and I went out to eat, a rare treat. Rarer yet was the fact that there was a salad bar. I haven't seen one open since all this started a year and a half ago! Yes there were signs. Yes, you had to be wearing a mask to come near it, and plastic gloves which needed to be changed at ever trip to it, but it felt like such a big return to normalacy.

    Our banks are closing branches here, as well.

  17. They have opened it up quite a bit in Tucson but I wear my mask at all times when out.
    I did a quick walk through the posh market when we knew few people would be around.
    My second visit out and about.
