Sunday 23 May 2021

A Wet Sunday

Well, it started out as a pleasant day and luckily I got me walk in early.   Just before lunchtime friends S and T rang and asked if I would like to go out for a drive.   How kind of them - the first time I have been out other than to hospital and to the hairdressers since I broke my hip.   We had the most lovely drive through our beautiful countryside to a large Garden Centre and I was able to buy plants for my two tubs by the front door.   The pansies have been in for an age and still look lovely but it is time for them to come out to make room for some Summer bedding.   I also bought three herbaceous perennials  for my gardener to put into the rockery side where I have the dreaded Mares Tail weed.   We have decided to plant it up with plants which are good ground cover and have a little height so that eventually they will hide the Mares Tail.   We came home through the most beautiful scenery in our Dales and the whole outing was thoroughly enjoyed by me.   They came in for a cup of tea and the whole episode did me such a lot of good - it was so kind of them.

The rain set in not long after our return home and it has poured since then and is still pouring. This rain was forecast and is set to pass over during the night.   My plants are sitting in the garage (thanks T and S for putting them in) - a large sign in the Garden Centre reminded us that bedding plants were not safe from frost until May was past.

We had to be masked at the Garden Centre but other than that it all felt quite normal - any bit of normality now adds to the feeling that things are mostly behind us .  We have at least heard on the news today that Pfizer and Astra Zeneca vaccines are now thought to be largely effective against the Indian variant.

Big black clouds racing through so I shall draw the blinds - until tomorrow dear friends.



  1. What a treat, and a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon out! I have just had a couple of friends over for dinner, which was a real treat. Hasn't the past awful year made us appreciate the 'normal' social events that maybe we took for granted a bit? Things like going into a friend's house for a cup of tea were what I missed most during lockdown.

  2. How wonderful for you to go on such a lovely drive with friends and go to a garden center! I'm sure it was enjoyed by all including the coffee at your house on your return. At least the rain held off until after your drive! We are still having our daily rain here as well. Sleep well tonight!

  3. Garden Centers with friends never disappoint. We started today at 85 degrees with winds blowing. By 4 PM the temperature dropped to 73 degrees and a nice cool wind. Still no rain. Feeling inspired by others eating out, we went to a seafood restaurant and it was fabulous. Good wine and a lovely meal made a perfect day. The restaurant was doing a very good business today which was also great to see. Normalcy is very much welcomed.

  4. A visit to a garden centre is such a treat, but I bet everyone is on tenterhooks as to whether to plant their delicate plants. The journey through the countryside must have been lovely and very welcoming after the four walls of the bungalow.

  5. Sound like a good trip out with friends.

    Another wet day forecast today and tomorrow etc etc! We certainly are getting fed up with it

  6. A trip out in the car makes a wonderful change of scenery and friends like that are good to have.

  7. What a good day you had, and I am sure your friends enjoyed the outing with you just as much.

  8. Too right Susan - ormalcy is indeed welc0med.
    Rachel - Thelma - aren't we lucky all three to live in areas of such beauty that a trip out is always a treat?

  9. So happy to hear you had a lovely ride around the Dales. As you say, did you a world of good.

  10. What a lovely treat for you - a drive through beautiful countryside and a visit to a garden centre. I can't think of anything nicer.
