Tuesday 25 May 2021


At my computer, caught a movement out of the corner of my eye - my gardener and his 'mate' are here smartening up and planting the few plants I bought (not the bedding, that has to wait a few days because of frosts, but he has emptied the pots ready).

This morning I did my usual walk and stopped twice to chat to new people.   My legs do not like stopping so I found the walk harder than usual.   The first lady I spoke to - May - lives quite near and, like me, only walks with a Rollator. We had a long chat - we have know of each other ever since I moved in but this is the first time in four years that we have actually met. As I was passing the post box I put her letters in for her.   Then, at the end of the walk I met a young man with a Border Collie pup.   We had a nice long chat and ended up nearly related!

If you are a follower of John (Going Gently) do look at his 'trailer' today of a film they have made of his male voice choir.   It is a delight to watch.

My gardeners seem to have finished.  They will now need a cup of tea and paying so I'll sign off until tomorrow.



  1. A lovely documentary; thankyou for pointing it out.

  2. Yes, I've seen the lovely, but rather sad, video John posted. Some enthusiastic younger members (like John!) are just what the choir needs to keep it going.

  3. Seems like a very good day, especially with a nice young man to chat to!

  4. Now you have encouraged me to get out for a walk after my lunch. I am feeling pretty tired today but "move it or lose it" as you like to say! One of these days, when your garden gets going, you will have to post some photos of it!

  5. Dreadful day here, would not be a day for walking. Glad you were able to do yours though.

  6. Rachel it has been quite pleasant here today apart from one very welcome downpour still going on now and watering my new plants in nicely.
    Ellen D - My camera does not seem to work well with my new laptop - I have still not succeeded in getting photographs up on my posts but I will keep trying.

  7. Just the one shower here on Sheppey today but remaining cold and breezy with little sun. So looking forward to the warm and dry weather forecast for the weekend because the coldness has got so depressing.

  8. I follow Going Gently so shall take a look now. Well done you for getting out walking - and talking - even if to do so is hard work

  9. I hope you will show us a few photos of your garden when the plants are all doing their stuff.

  10. I am hving difficulty co ordinating my camera and my new laptop which is why there are no photographs at the moment.

  11. Adding to the garden is always very satisfying. Our gardens do bring us much joy. Meeting people every day during your walk makes the walk perfect. You live in a lovely village..

  12. Better weather on the way for walking!

  13. Do you sit in your Rollator to chat? I would.

  14. It was very, very windy here yesterday, but kept dry so I had a nice long walk after work.
    A border collie pup, how sweet! Friends of ours who live in Berlin sent a short video yesterday of their newest family member, a dachshund pup. Not my favourite type of dog, but who can resist a puppy!

  15. Librarian - my thoughts exactly.
    Joanne - I should have done - i am tired today.

    Thanks to you all. Yes as you say - Ilive in a lovely part of rhe Dales and as the old man in John's video said - the good thing about old age is that it doesn't last for ever!

  16. What a lovely picture I have in my mind... you walking and stopping to visit along the way. I should take after your example and walk daily... or at least whenever I can. I'm very lazy about that! ~Andrea xoxo
