Wednesday 26 May 2021


 They came.   A phone call and half an hour later L from the Falls Team came, masked and all ready to go on my morning walk with me.   We walked a little faster than I usually do.   It did me no harm but Ihave been tired all day since.   She was very pleased with my progress and said at my age I had made much more progress than many folk ever made.

Also it was another 'bottoming' day by my Carer - the bathroom this time.   All I can say is that the bathroom and the airing cupboard just didn't know what had hit them.   Every time I pass the bathroom door I open it and go in just to admire it all.

It is certainly no warmer yet - I believe tomorrow is the day when things begin to warm up.   As it is I set my central heating at twenty this morning and apart from a couple of times when the sun came out it has been on most of the day.  As I write this in the early evening it is pouring with rain and my newly planted perennials are getting a good watering.   I am not sure how people manage without a garden - I have had one since I was a small girl and it has given me hours of pleasure - and is doing so even now when I can do so little in it for myself.   My tubs which were resplendent with pansies are now empty and waiting for replanting and I look forward to doing that over the week end when it is = hopefully - a bit warmer.   Bank holiday weekend - let's all bask in the warm sunshine if it arrives as promised.

See you tomorrow...


  1. Well done with your walking - that must have really raised your spirits and confidence.

    It's warmer here today - so I hope it's heading your way as well. I actually got some gardening done but I bet my body complains tomorrow. I have emptied a couple of planters, to replant with special summer bulbs I had for my birthday. Contents of planters now gracing a neatly-edged square of lawn at the side of the house.

    I bet you are cock-a-hoop about your sparkly bathroom now!

  2. Enjoy your warmer weather when it arrives. Our is departing for the next few days and I welcome that! :) It's been in the mid-80s*F for the last several days and I'm more than ready for a bit of a cool-down. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Good for you! Worth all the practice.
    We are having a break from the cold wet and windy here today..most pleasant

  4. Well done, I miss my garden but this year I have some tubs on the roof of my boat.

  5. I'm happy to hear the Falls Team came and I'm not at all surprised at what she said about your progress. You have been very diligent about keeping up with your walking and exercises and you should be proud! Enjoy those beautiful flowers!

  6. How nice to have your progress confirmed by a professional. Well done.
    Isn't it lovely to have someone else to do the cleaning? I keep kidding myself that it gives me a bit more exercise to do my own, but I'm sure it doesn't get a proper 'bottoming'!
    Enjoy your planting and I hope we all get a lovely warm weekend. We're worth it!

  7. Well! I’d decided the Fall Team was a myth! Well done on your PB - my DIL is a runner, and always abbreviates personal best. Walking faster when you’ve got someone with you is one thing, but on your own going at a comfortable, safe pace is more enjoyable and less stressful I’d have thought.

    Our weather has turned winter. A couple of very cold days with driving rain and fierce winds and now, although yesterday and today are blue sky sparkly, it’s not got into double digits- that’s 50 to you. Freezing! We’ve months of winter ahead so we’d better get used to it.

  8. I'd be lost without a garden as well. I'd have to have a park or somewhere green to look out on and mark the seasons. Your determination to walk is paying off. Good for you!

  9. BB No doubt you are watching carefully to see what is coming up in your new garden.

  10. Congratulation on your progress, Pat! I thought it sounded as though you were working hard on your fitness...and the regime is paying off!

  11. Our garden gives both of us great satisfaction, my wife working on it and me watching the plants grow!

  12. I'm glad your garden is looking good. Mine is making me happy, too.

  13. It is nice to hear that the Falls Team commends your walking. As the experts, I hope they advise you going forward. My holistic MD, recommends B12 for increasing energy level, magnesium for muscle pain/weakness/cramping and 1,200 mg calcium (either in food or vitamin supplement or some combination of the two) to maintain bone health. He claims as we age, our B12 and magnesium levels decline and a supplement is important.

  14. Only whilst living in London did I not have a garden. I cannot imagine life without one; however small.

  15. Congratulations to the Falls lady (it wasn't a team, was it, when it was just one woman) to finally keep an appointment and actually turning up - and even more congratulations on your great progress!
    I grew up in a small terraced house with an equally small garden, just big enough for us to have our family meals outdoors in good weather and for my sister and I to play in when we were little.
    Ever since my parents bought the flat they now live in, we have had no garden of our own anymore (that was in 1988). My own flat does not even have a balcony - hence the need for me to go walking on the fields whenever I can. The gardens that surround my house are beautiful to look at from my windows, but they are not mine to sit (or work) in, but I need green around me just like everybody else.

  16. That is great news on your progress, which must be down to your sheer effort and determination.
    I'd feel lost without my garden as well. X

  17. I'm glad the lady from the falls team got to you eventually and was pleased with your progress.

    And as you say a garden is always a pleasure - I also can't imagine being without one even if my new one is tiny compared to some I've owned

  18. I would like a garden now. I was brought up with a huge one but have had a few in the past.

  19. I have known people who have fallen and broken a hip and that is the beginning of the end, and it is so because they lack the drive to work through the hard stuff. I can think of two people - our beloved uncle Herman, who was so outraged that they put him in diapers when he got to the rehab unit that he once he was out of that bed, he started walking and didn't stop. My joke was that he was going to wind up walking home if he got a chance. A neighbor, Junior, fell last month. He is also in a nursing home for the rehab. He's convinced that he needs to get out of there as quickly as possible "because people die there" (if you talk at any length, it comes up that no one has ever died in his house and he knows that for a fact because he built the place himself!) He's out of bed and walking and he doesn't stop walking either. It's attitude, Weaver, and you've got a very inspiring one. You know what you need to do, and so you do it. Your lady from the Falls Team is very right.

  20. Well done on your progress with the walking; it's can't be easy to find the motivation when the weather has been as miserable as it has this May.

  21. I first came across the term Bottoming when I moved to Nottingham from Dublin and its made me smile ever since!
    Its such good way of describing a thorough clearout and clean.

  22. I wondered what "bottoming" meant but Anne Brew has explained it for me! I am surprised your carer does this cleaning and also amazed at the meals she brings to you. She is a treasure!

  23. WOW ! well done on your walking.
    Send some rain over to Arizona. last count there are 4 or 5 fires burning around our area.
    gud dugs say woof

  24. I have never heard the word 'bottoming' and find it rather unpleasant and would prefer to say I am tidying a cupboard or cleaning a cupboard or having a Spring clean.

  25. Victoria (where I am) and Western Australia have had Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) for a couple of years now. The legislation here is probably modelled more on Oregon’s than Belgium’s. It seems to be widely accepted now. It only applies for a six month prognosis or a 12 month neurological one (and not for dementia). I’m not sure whether as they’ve found elsewhere, most people who get the medication end up not using it but find it gives them more peace of mind.
    If you are interested you might
    Apologies for this information based response. I have a husband involved with researching end of life care in the community, so do come across some of the material.

  26. Sorry-this somehow went to wrong days post. I obviously don’t use blogger because I cannot work out how to delete and repost!
