Sunday 18 April 2021


 Sunday is never my favourite day - there are so few people about.   It is as though everyone goes to earth on a Sunday.   I shall go for my walk in a few minutes but I doubt I shall see another soul anywhere.   What to write about today?   I don't know but I am hoping inspiration will strike on my walk.   Watch this space.

Rather pleased with myself because I did my usual walk and then after my lunch Priscilla and I went into the back garden and I - with her help - swept up the winter debris from the corners of the patio, swept up some of the moss and cut back a perennial in the long border.   Not much but a start - hopefully I will get better at it with her help.

Then I came in, made myself a cup of tea and watched Kate Humble walk a stretch of the Suffolk coastal path - a delightful programme which brought back so many happy memories of the time the farmer and I stayed for a week at the lovely hotel in Blakeney.   Happy days.


  1. Sounds like a good day - isn't it lovely to get out in the garden. Here's hoping for more good weather. Viv

  2. What a fulfilling day you ending up having.

    I found Kate's Cornish Coast Walks series on youtube so I will be able to watch them here in California. :)

  3. I'm glad to hear that things are quiet on Sundays where you live. It's meant to be a 'day of rest' so hopefully everyone's on their own property, having a respite from the hectic lives that younger people live these days. It sounds like you had a grand day too, being outside & all. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. Glad to hear you're getting out and about as the weather improves, don't get too ambitious though. That Kate Humble programme popped up on YouTube the other day so I did get to see it. Very pleasant viewing.

  5. Sunday is always very quiet here also. Some days I don't know it is Sunday but when I do I try to one thing I like. It could be a TV show like yours or a nice dinner even if it a salad, with a dinner show put on by the Gud Dugs.

  6. Not many people out on a Sunday - lovely sunny and mild day today and just about every person and their dog, family groups and anybody else, seemed to be out and about round here. All car parks near woods, heaths and open countryside were packed. You should enjoy your peace and quiet.

  7. I don't know how I discovered your blog...I love blogs, and have been looking for blogs to read.

    I love Sundays. I read, I listen to BBC radio drama with my mum, or we watch something on Netflix.

    Going for seems to go for walks in Florida (where mum lives). So every day feels almost like Sunday outdoors.

  8. You have had a good day with a walk and some gardening. Well done. It has been another glorious day even if a little cool still. Another week tomorrow - how quickly they come round.

  9. I swept the last of the winter debris from my patio too, then cooked dinner for my sister in law (bubble) and then (I shall say this only once) we watched DVDs of 'Allo, 'Allo. They really don't make comedies as good as that any more; it has survived the 40 (?) years since they made it really well, and it was popular in England, France and Germany, because the writers made fun of us all!

  10. Today I entertained a delightful little girl while her parents got some large scale yard work done. 20 bags of mulch and they still need more# I enjoyed my day very much. In the end, it sounds as if you did too.

  11. It sounds like you had a lovely day. Often I will only get a little bit of yard work done at a time. I've discovered that little by little things will get done without wearing myself out too much. It also sounds like Priscilla is learning some new tasks!

  12. There is always something to do in the garden. The sense of accomplishment is very satisfying when a task is completed. Plus the garden feels and looks better. I'm glad you enjoyed your sunny day.

  13. So happy you got yard work satisfactorily accomplished! That makes for a satisfying day.

  14. You are awesome! Doing that gardening/sweeping will have helped your balance, core strength, leg strength. I bet you sleep well tonight!

    I admire your spirit, and enjoy reading your posts.

  15. The highlight of my Sunday was hearing a Hoopoe calling nearby, followed by a Cuckoo. As long as our wildlife is still around; I'm happy.

  16. Good that your day went well. I have found also instead of worrying about all the jobs to do is just to do 3 or 4 tasks a day.

  17. Plenty of folks out and about here on a Sunday, families going for their walks, kids on bikes, parents with prams and so on. We rather look for paths that are less busy when we choose our walks!
    I really like Kate Humble. Have you read any of her books? I was given her book about walking, and enjoyed each and every page of it.

  18. Sounds like a lovely peaceful day.

  19. I agree Thelma - the best strategy.
    A Hoopoe and a Cuckoo - sheer bliss Cro.

    Thanks everyone for responding.

  20. A little time in the garden on each nice day will make a big difference - in the garden and in you! Sounds like you had a lovely day after all.
    I am happy to find out about the Kate's Cornish Coast Walks on YouTube (mentioned in a comment) as I think I will enjoy that very much! Thanks!
