Monday 19 April 2021


 It is a bit more Spring-like every day - lovely sun, cloudless sky but still a cold breeze taking the edge off things.   Priscilla and I did a repeat of yesterday - a walk tound the block, an hour's rest with a coffee and Raynor Winn's 'The Salt Path' -second or maybe even third reading - very inspirational


.   Then after lunch supplied, as usual, by my carer (roast pork, yorkshire pud, broccoli, cauliflower and white sauce, carrots and roast potatoes - and jolly good it was too) we went out again.   First to my next door but one new neighbours who are looking for a cleaning lady  with a phone number of a possible candidate supplied by my carer (bush telegraph is very good around here) and then another three shovels full off my very dirty patio.  It doesn't sound much but believe me holding on to Prisclla, bending down and brushing the moss and debris from winter into a pile and then balancing enough to sweep it up is not easy.   And even so little work does give me a sense of satisfaction.

Now, looking at the time, I see that in twenty minutes I have a Zoom 'chat' with friends - that is always nice to catch up on news.

On Wednesday it will be six months since I broke my hip and on that day I had had a hair cut so when I go in at lunch time on Wednesday for my first post lockdown hairdo I know it is six months since I had it done.  (and it shows).

Off now to comb my hair in order to look reasonably  tidy for Zoom - if there is any more news I'll be back.   Just a lovely chat - nothing really to add except my friends have recently moved and have a large garden, which includes a pond.   It is full of frog spawn - has anyone any idea how long before it becomess tadpoles?


Just forty minutes chat


  1. Warmer here today too - and about time after several freezing mornings

  2. I think it is around 21 days for frogspawn to turn into tadpoles, but it depends on temperatures etc. We used to bring some indoors from our pond so that we could watch the whole process going on in a tank on our kitchen windowsill. Quite fascinating.

  3. I've just been pouring boiling water onto moss which is growing where I don't want it. Then I shall brush off the dead parts. I read that works!

  4. We have skipped spring and no wildflowers. Just brown dirt it is so sad.

  5. It sounds like a lovely day Pat. I hope Priscilla is learning to be a good helper in the garden. A little at a time in the garden gets it done and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
    Enjoy your evening!

  6. I too thought Raynor Winn's Salt Path was inspirational - not that I want to lose my home and be bankrupt (!) but I do like the idea of simply setting off on a long walk.

  7. That seems to have been a most satisfactory day. It is so good to feel that we have achieved something, no matter how much less than we were once capable of. (Does that make sense, and is it grammatically correct?)!!
    How long can this glorious weather last? It really does lift one's spirits to wake up to clear skies each morning and to breath air that smells of Spring.
    Here's to another one tomorrow.

  8. You have done so well since your broken hip! Out there tidying in the garden today, amazing. You will feel so much better after that hair appointment.

  9. Glad you had another nice day! You are in good spirits!

  10. Gardening = exercise with benefits! Good to hear you've been out and about a bit.

  11. Your day sounds wonderful. Sunshine and warmth, a lovely meal, reading a good book, chat with friends and enjoying the garden again. I have a small pond and stream behind my house and I notice it takes steady warmth for tadpoles to emerge. I have tree frogs presently and they chirp quite like a chorus in unison.

  12. Everything about your day sounds good, from the weather to your delicious lunch to some gardening work, a good read and a chat with friends.
    It was raining here much of yesterday, and we do need it! Today started with a dense fog but now the sun is coming through and it is going to be a beautiful day, I am already looking forward to my after-work walk.

  13. You can always tell it is spring in this house. The crows pick off all the moss on the roof, leaving it around like dog pats on the driveway. What good meals your carer brings you, you are indeed blessed.

  14. It is so satisfying to feel improvements after a setback like your broken hip, and to tackle jobs for yourself...I'm sure you're being careful clearing the patio...but please do!

  15. My partner (whose mother has a frog pond up here in Edinburgh) reckons that it takes a couple of weeks for frogspawn to become tadpoles, though if it's colder it will take longer.

    Hope your Zoom chat went well.

  16. Thanks everyone - I shall pass the tadpole information on to my friend.
