Sunday 11 April 2021


 Yes, it is Spring, although looking out of the window , it is hard to believe.   When I started typing this the sun was out (and the April sun has some warmth in it) - then I had a short phone call, now it is snowing.  But isn't that always the way with our Springs?   Hasn't it always been a case that people with Magnolia trees or fruit trees in their gardens have been anxiously peering up into them at sundown and again in the early morning?   And so I tell myself not to worry - but it doesn't altogether stop me doing so.

What to write about today?   Well not a lot has happened really.   I am saddened to see that one or two people who object strongly to horse racing have vowed they will not read my blog again because I enjoyed the Grand National.   That is their choice.   I try to keep off Politics and controversial subjects as far as I canfor precisely that reason but occasionally I say something or do something which offends some people.   For that I apologise.   But if I stopped blogging with everyone who had views with which I disagreed there would be no one left - and believe me when I say that blogging is a huge part of my life.   Now that I can't walk unaided and, in any case because of Covid restrictions can't go out - like everyone else - then it is even truer that your daily 'chat' is brilliant and keeps me going.  So thank you most sincerely for that.

The sun is out again, the sky is blue, I shall go and make myself some cheddar and red onion chutney sandwiches and a cup of tea for my tea (lamb chops with mashed potatoes, carrots, kale and mange tout for lunch (made and brought by my carer) followed by a banana and a couple of small sweet oranges - and then I shall go and finish reading the Sunday Telegraph.   Enjoy your Sunday evening.   See you tomorrow.


  1. I am sorry to hear that people were offended by your comments. You are the least offensive blogger that I follow!
    I went for a walk thus morning in lovely sunshine but got caught in a sharp hail shower at the end. Very unpredictable weather today.
    Enjoy your evening x

  2. I love your blog and think it very interesting. I often read your book club books!

    How could anyone write about anything and not offend someone?

    I believe some
    people just go around looking for something to be offended by!

    Enjoy your day see you Monday! Kaye

  3. I enjoy your blog immensely!!
    You can't please everyone..
    I think you're wonderful!

    Best regards,

  4. It doesn't feel like Spring here either. Bitter wind and feels much colder than it is. I am glad you have such a lovely carer looking after you.

  5. I understand the outrage but please don't let negative comments dampen your enthusiasm for daily posts. It's how I start my day!

  6. I can't remember having so many sustained frosty mornings in April - I feel sad how it is affecting all the new growth in the garden. Lots of snow showers this afternoon too.

  7. Sunny here in West Wales, but with a biting wind.
    The good news is that Wally the walrus has been spotted in Tenby again - he'd left, having had too much of folk trying to get too close on boards and in small boats (this was after he had overturned a dingy and tried to climb into a fishing boat!). Apparently there is a rich supply of razor clams in his favourite spot. No one seems to have any idea as to how to point him homewards.

  8. If people disagree with horse racing then their argument is with those who organise, sponsor and make money out of it, not with you. Maybe they will refuse Covid testing which is carried out by Randox, the sponsors of this year's race.

  9. I always think it's sad when someone storms off a blog with a huffy flounce just because they don't agree with something the poster has said. It's happening more and more recently, but I think that's more to do with so many of us having shorter fuses due to all the upheaval of the past year rather than blogging getting more controversial.

    Don't let it worry you, we are all entitled to our opinions and when we state ours on our own blogs it's just for people to accept or leave. But it's sad when someone has been following you for years and then objects in such a big way to a single post. Keep writing and keep sharing ... the world would be a much sadder place if we were all the same.

  10. We've managed to get a walk this afternoon in between the snow showers.

  11. The sun was out in the South West today, we took our grandaughter's little dog along Blue Anchor beach. But tonight it's suppose to be minus temperatures again. Husband popped to our allotment to cover some plants in the greenhouse with fleece.
    I read several people's blogs, we all have different things we disagree with, so it's easier just to skip an entry than to take offence. Please keep writing, Hope you were not too upset.

  12. Hi, I don't support the Grand National but I truly enjoy your lovely blog and will continue to read daily, Fingers crossed the weather warms up soon 🌞

  13. To each his own dear Pat - we who care about you and enjoy your blog stories from your beautiful part of England, find you an inspiration in many ways for a lady of your age. Keep on keeping on dear one -
    Hugs - Mary

  14. I used to have two magnolia trees in my garden, I lost count of how many times they came into flower only to be destroyed by a heavy frost within days.

  15. It is chilly and damp here too - a real gray day! I am trying to encourage myself to get out for a walk anyway. We'll see...
    I always enjoy your blog and read whenever you post! Thanks so much!

  16. Veg- Best news all day - Wally has been seen and is alive and well, I think he is probably very lonely and looking for a mate. You would think that there would be a way of taking him back to where he came from (if they know where that is)

    John - Interesting what you say about Grand National sponsors - hope the person who says she will no longer read me reads your comment!

    Thanks dear fellow bloggers

  17. It’s your blog it’s entirely up to you what you post, we cannot all start censoring our lives in case someone is offended, so just keep up your interesting and positive writing. I admit at times I haven’t liked what I’ve read on some blogs (never yours) but I’ve just kept quiet and maybe stopped visiting.

  18. Every one of us is different with our own opinions on certain subjects and mine is that I don't agree with the Grand National where horses are sometimes killed for sport. The same goes for fox hunting and game shooting. But that is my opinion, not everybodys. Our difference of opinion wouldn't make me stop reading your posts which I enjoy.

  19. Don't let otherpeople opinions bother you. It's their choice and is very small minded of them.I love reading about you story ory and always enjoy it. Happy Sunday from Val and Poppy who is snoozing in the sunshine.xx

  20. John stargoose hanglands - there are organisers and sponsors of the Grand National because people watch and bet on it. If those people all woke up and realised the cruelty behind it there wouldn't be spectators or gamblers and there would be no race. As long as people think it's acceptable and fun to allow such cruelty to happen to horses it will continue.

    Why do you think some of the fences were altered not long ago? To try to minimise the loss of life. Loss of life will continue as long as the race continues.

    A smaller life - readers object to a post and decide to stop reading when the blogger has shown a side of themselves that isn't acceptable to them. If a blogger that you read showed photos of their dog on a treadmill and the blogger later said they left the dog on too long and it died, with blood coming out of it's ears, mouth and eyes would you still keep visiting that blog?

    (the treadmill incident did actually happen although it was a famous dog trainer in the US who was then prosecuted. It wasn't shown on a blog)

  21. Spring does have a hard time fully breaking through doesn't it? I hope your snow is short lived and soon replaced by warmth and sun. I wouldn't worry about what anyone says. You have a most lovely blog and so many people enjoy it including myself. I do not agree with everything people say or do but that does not stop me from being their friend and enjoying their blog. We are all different in our thoughts and beliefs and that is part of what makes this world interesting.

  22. So many readers just don't seem to get what's going on - cruelty to animals. It's so easy and convenient to sweep it under the carpet because they don't want to face up to it and acknowledge that it's not acceptable.

    To say we're all different in our thoughts and beliefs is another way of turning a blind eye to the facts, that the Grand National is a horrendous experience for horses, resulting in many injuries that the public doesn't hear about, that mean many horses are euthanized after the race has finished. Once back in the trainers yard the decision is made not to "waste" money on veterinary treatment as the horses weren't placed and they're deemed to be no longer worth keeping. Greyhounds suffer a similar fate.

    But hey - lets turn a blind eye, they're only animals.

  23. I look forward to your daily blog. It has become a few moments of comfort reading about the small happenings in your day and your thoughts on different books and so forth. I don't expect everyone to agree with me or me to agree with everyone else. Life is a give and take.

  24. I can't make my blog posts as interesting as yours, so am lazy and just read yours.
    Some people are so judgemental of the opinions of others. You have such a large following you can afford to lose one or two.
    It has been a bright day here, but with plenty of wonderful clouds every now and then. I intended to sit out in the garden with a coat on after lunch, but fell asleep instead!
    Hopefully we will all be a bit warmer next week.

  25. I'm not into animal racing of any kind... horse, dog, whatever... but I certainly wouldn't stop reading a blog because someone enjoyed watching the sport on television. Now if you were into dog fighting, that would be something totally different and besides, that's not even legal, praise God. So blog on, my dear, talking about whatever it is you wish to talk about. I enjoy reading about your days. ~Andrea xoxo

  26. Heather join the club falling asleep for no reason!

    Thanks to you all. No sign of much better weather in the coming week - it is still going to be cold although mostly sunny.

  27. Just a few weeks ago, this world lost dear Jill (Land of the Big Sky). What an overwhelming shock that was to me. Yes, I knew she had serious health problems. But she had managed to hang in there through so many ups and downs, I just expected her to do so again. But, not so. Next after the feeling of sorrow came, for me, a feeling of great guilt. How I wish I had commented more often. She seldom had more than a few comments on her blog. She could not have known how much she was treasured. What a light her blog was in MY world, and, as it turned out, to quite a few others'.

    I don't want to repeat that mistake. Your blog is one of very few bright spots in my day. I always check in the morning, to see if you have posted early. Then, several times during the day. On the rare occasion when you miss a day or so, I worry. You are such an inspiration for your positive outlook on life, and for your sharing of your own life experiences. Your honesty in expressing your feelings is a big plus, I, too, am so glad you have a "carer" who really does care.

    Thank you so much for your blog, Hugs from Texas

  28. April is a month of great swings. Yesterday, in Massachusetts, it was 70 degrees and today it is 40 degrees and misty. Coats on again. I love your blog and enjoy a daily chat with you as well.

  29. Yes, April has deposited a great heap of that other spring weather on us. Boo hoo. It won't change back now until May.

  30. We are slowly cooling down here in the south of Australia, heading for winter although poor Western Australia has just had a very odd cyclone, 2 in fact that joined and made very destructive land fall further south than for a long time. The two that was badly hit apparently didnot have the very strict building guidelines used in more cyclone areas. Here we have been having high seas due to something way south. Not sure if the end of this cyclone will affect us or not. We do need rain. Always love your blog.

  31. San Francisco here -- love your blog! Push posh to haters. How is the farm? Have you been back to see it since the new owners took over?

  32. As many of us have said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and just as every blogger can choose what to blog about, every reader can choose what they wish to read.
    I agree with the fact that as long as there are people who watch and enjoy cruel sports, these sports will continue. But I also think everyone needs to adjust their level of how much they are prepared to disagree with someone else, and when that line for them is overstepped and they choose to withdraw.
    I have a friend who politically is on the opposite spectrum from me. We know that if we want to continue our friendship, we need to agree to disagree. However, if that friend did something that would be completely against my moral compass, I would have to re-think and probably end that friendship. It's all in the balance.

  33. It is all water under the bridge. We all love your blogging, and whether we agree or disagree with the Grand National race, sometimes it is just a good idea to keep our mouths shut and marvel at the breadth and wisdom of other people!

  34. How dull life would be if we were all the same, with the same thoughts, likes and dislikes.

  35. Good argument Librarian. I too have many friends on all sides of the political spectrum - we never ever discuss politics. That's why the vote is made in a private polling booth.

    Anon. I have not been back to the farm - I am only literally two fields away but I have no wish to return. The only way I can keep going is to put that part of my life firmly behind me and concentrate on the here and now and my happy memories.

    Poor Western Australia - haven't they also had dreadful floods too?
    RunNRose - Yes I was sad about Jill to but good that she didnt suffer long at the end.
    Ishall miss her and her lovely watercolours of birds. I hope her husband is coping alright - I rather think he built her shetudio so that she could enjoy life. I am sure they get comfort that she didn't suffer long at the end.

  36. All done and dusted dear friends. Let's all forget about it and move one. Tomorrow is another day.

  37. There is ALWAYS someone who disagrees... we are careful not to discuss politics, religion etc which can make for pretty boring conversations!! Thank goodness our family thinks the same way we do!!
