Monday 12 April 2021

Spring two

 Well folks I really think we can say that today is spoiling us with what could be the first day when it really felt like Spring.   I say 'could be' because there are still four hours of daylight left and our weather has been so capricious this year that almost anything can happen in four hours (read JayCee today for proof of this).   But when Priscilla and I went out for our walk round the block the sun was shining - and was actually quite warm - and the sky was blue and there was practically no breeze. It lifted the spirits considerably.

The only problem is (and isn't there always a problem where our climate in the UK is concerned) that we really are getting pretty desperate for rain - that is if we are in any way connected with gardening.   My tubs round in the back garden must be desperate for water but I can't really reach them.   The pansies either side of the front door are fine.   They have been in the pots since early September and have done exactly what the owner of the Garden Centre where I bought them said they would do - they had a nice floral display in September and October and they went dormant until about a month ago and have now Sprung to life and are putting on a splendid display.  By putting a jug on my shelved wheelie I can get water to the front door and water them - and this I am doing several times a week.

There was a short delay there because I w entinto the kitchen.   Any manoeuvre which involves walking takes me a long time these days (I have to use my indoor Priscilla).   A couple of weeks ago friends brought me some sausages from a well-known butcher a few miles away from here.   I put them into my freezer but yesterday I decided to take them out and defrost them and make myself a sausage sandwich for my tea.  I had popped them into my Remoska and suddenly I could smell them cooking.   I went to look and they look just right - so now my mouth is watering.   (Thank you S and T if you are reading this).

And speaking of S and T - they have hens and a while ago they were given some eggs to hatch out.   Only two hatched.   One, already now a flamboyant and vociferous cockerel, has a loud crow and uses it throughout the day.   The other is a tiny bantam hen.   I can only think that the first thing she saw when she emerged from her egg shell was T because she obviously considers him to be her Dad and follows him everywhere.   Wherever he goes in the garden she is two steps behind.   Last week they lost her and after searching everywhere went into the shed and, sure enough, there she was on T's bench sitting happily waiting for him.

Well it is an hour later.   The sausages smell delicious so I am off to make myself a sandwich - the problem is do I put chutney/sauce in or have it plain.












  1. Down here on Sheppey, we've had one of your kind of days. Woke up to a mod. frost, then it clouded over and became very cold, then during the afternoon it became sunnier and warmer and now at nearly 6pm it's a warm and sunny evening. Other parts of Kent had some snow early on.
    Best part of the day for me was at 08.30 when I was second into the barbers for a haircut, much needed after 4 months untouched growth. I looked like my hippy days from the 1960's.
    As for rain, the reserve, waterlogged all winter, is now bone hard and dry, like my garden.

  2. Oh sausages. Proper butcher's sausages, not the flabby pink things from the supermarket. I have not eaten them for a few years now but I am very tempted to be naughty now. And bacon. Oooh....

  3. Always "doctor up your sandwich" when you can. :) ~Andrea xoxo

  4. A nice Spring day with sunshine and a blue sky certainly does lift the spirits. Perfect for a good walk and taking in the sights and sounds of Spring.Your thriving pansy pots sound lovely at your door. We are having a cloudy misty week and it remains quite chilly. We are also at near drought conditions. It does appear that the mist is helping green up the lawns and the birds are chirping in celebration of Spring. Sausage from the butcher always makes a delicious meal. Enjoy.

  5. With sausage sandwiches I like either Lea and Perrins or Heinz Tomato Ketchup.

  6. Well, spring maybe edging back as we had no snow today! Every time I went out to garden yesterday, it snowed. Glad you enjoyed the sun on your back whilst you did your perambulation.

    I hope your gardener can top up water supplies for your plants. It's been on the dry side here too, but enough to keep things going. I noted that the Kilmarnock Willow has a pipe by it to water the roots. Hint taken!

    I hope your sausage sandwich was as tasty as it smelt when the sausages were cooking!

  7. I love the story of the little bantam hen! How cute to think of her following her "dad" around! It sounds as if you have had a lovely day with improved weather, a nice walk and a delicious meal. I hope you are enjoying your evening.

  8. Sausages! Lucky woman! PS You do keep yourself busy.

  9. We had a lovely Spring day too - once the snow had melted! Hope you enjoyed your banger butty.

  10. A little chutney with your sausage sandwich would go down very well. You are making my mouth water.
    It has been very pleasant here too. I stood at my window for a chat with a neighbour and then my daughter and son-in-law and the sun was really warm.
    Your garden must be looking lovely now with lots more delights to come.

  11. Rachel - I am not keen on Tomato ketchup but love Le and Perrins. Shall try it next time - always have it in for throwing in casseroles.

  12. Definitely chutney sauce! I also like pickled beetroot on the side which I am having with a bacon and potato frittata tonight.

  13. Definitely my mouth is watering are a cruel woman, Pat!

  14. Oh, chutney every time! There are few things better - except perhaps jam - though not with sausages.

  15. This sounds so wonderful. Start plain then add the sauce.

  16. I'm glad you can get water to your front pansies.
    A sausage sandwich sounds wonderful.

  17. Lovely day here yesterday. I mowed, gardened, and had my evening aperitif outdoors. Perfect.

  18. I guess my choice for the sausage sarnie would be plain.
    The little bantham hen, that is a sweet story!
    Our weather has been way too dry now for years, and this spring is no exception. It has rained a little here and there, but what our soil needs is a real good, thorough drenching. Then of course people will complain as well - isn't there always someone unhappy with any type of weather? Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry.
    I am glad you had such good weather for yesterday's walk, with no wind to threaten your stability.

  19. Cro - I made the mistake of having an evening aperitif a couple of evenings ago - was too light-headed to do anything all evening and eventully fell asleep. Shall not repeat it.
    Chris - I am addicted to beetroot - Baxters baby beetroot in jars - delicious - I can find an excuse for having it with anything and everything.

    Thanks to you all. Glad I made your mouths water!
