Tuesday 2 March 2021

Chilly again

 Ah well - it is still almost three weeks to the first day of Spring (yes, I admit to being old-fashioned) so I shalln't complain but those lovely warm sunny days of last week are a distant memory and we are back to very chilly weather again and today at any rate no sign of the sun.

I shall however, after writing this, put on my coat and pom pom hat and walk round the block.   The old legs need their outing every day - as do I suspect the old lungs.

When one lives alone speaking to other people during this enforced period of isolation is so important..     Face to face (socially distanced of course) is best, Zoom (still almost face to face) is maybe second, phone calls come after that and then last of all texts and e mails.  Even just a few words literally face-to-face is better than nothing.   The postman, a neighbour in the garden, someone walking past - I find they all lighten my day.   Of course in addition I have J, my morning carer and we have an hour together early every morning.   She is suitably dressed of course in gloves, apron and mask - all of which she bins as she leaves.   And we chat as she is whizzing round doing all the jobs she does so efficiently.   And it does set me up for a day of solitude - until my son calls for a chat during the evening.   I am very lucky compared with so many folks.

It is now eleven in the morning - time for my walk.   I shall sign off and if anything else happens during the day then I'll be back before I post this.   So I hope I'll be back.

No sooner had I written those words when my dear friends called with a present - a plastic box of dressed crab for my sandwiches at tea time.   I love crab, and on brown bread and butter at tea time it was delicious.   So that was another highlight to my day.

After lunch it was really so chilly and foggy that I  didn;t walk out; instead I did my exercises twice over - that means I did each one twenty times - pretty tiring as they are strenuous.  After that I needed a nap before what used to be 'Escape to the Country' and is now 'Escape to the small town' - today the town being Melton Mowbray (of pork pie fame).   Now at seven in the evening I am finding it difficult to stay awake!


  1. Sounds like a very good day. Pleasant dreams!

  2. Ah you got your crab sandwiches. You said you fancied crab sandwiches after I wrote about having a crab last week.

  3. I'd give almost anything for a fresh crab sandwich! We always take the ferry from Torquay to Brixham when I'm visiting home. After a stroll around what was my father's hometown, we sit on the harborside and order the best crab sandwiches - so fresh as the crab is usually just caught in Tor Bay, you can see them unloading the boats right there.

    Take care and don't be overdoing those exercises dear Pat. it's great to know you are making such an effort to improve your mobility. I admire you so much.
    Hugs - stay warm.
    Mary -

  4. How kind of your friends to bring you fresh crab! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Your whole day sounds pleasant despite the colder weather. Sleep well tonight!

  5. You didn't get your walk but your day seemed to be a good one anyway. Fresh crab - scrumptious. Keep warm and sleep well.

  6. You're doing so well with getting out and walking! Crab mmm , you've made my mouth water- how lovely of your friends. Sheila xx

  7. Keep up with the exercises - it's so important to keep moving, one way or another. Hope you enjoyed the crab!

  8. It was cold today - I took Master Freddie out and it was very nippy but at least not raining and not windy. You have some very thoughtful friends - hope you have a good night's sleep.

  9. I do wish they'd export Pork Pies to France. Oh for a decent Melton Pie! The French equivalent 'Paté en croute' is a very poor cousin.

  10. I must look up more "Escape to..." episodes online, can't get them on TV here but it is a program I really like.
    It was sunny and warm-ish again here during the day, but below freezing in the morning, and will get colder altogether by the weekend. Still, the birds sing as if there was no tomorrow!
    Glad you got such a nice surprise present.

  11. Ooh, those crab sandwiches sound lovely. The last time I had fresh crab was on Guernsey, in a previous lifetime . . .

    Sorry it was too miserable to go to out for a walk but it sounds like you got your fill of exercise anyway.

    I had to go back to bed in the afternoon - just couldn't keep my eyes open, but I had been awake in the night and slept badly recently due to my sore back.

    Escape to the Country (or Small Town in this case) is one of my favourite programmes and a dear friend gave me the (signed by Jules!) book which accompanies the series as a new home present.

  12. Crab sandwiches on brown bread...my mouth is watering!
    I had a moment of excitement yesterday, while chatting to Steve from over the road from my doorstep, Hugo, my adjoining neighbour's cat strolled down my drive, as he loves to do, to wind my dog, Turbo, up. Turbo, seeing the door open, took his opportunity and was off like a rocket, it was like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Fortunately we live in a cul-de-sac and there was no traffic at the time. Equally fortunately, Hugo escaped by the skin of his whiskers and there was no harm done.

  13. It always makes me laugh dressed crab, imagine them in a frilly gingham dress. Not too keen on crab or lobster either, think seafood must be an acquired taste and only indulged when you live near the sea and get it fresh.

  14. +I love all seafood Thelma - best ofall mussels - Moules Mariniere - always have it if ir is on the menu.
    BB - didn't know there was a book - must look out for it.
    Charlotte - love the image conjured up by 'skin of his whiskers'!
    Rachel - have thought about them ever since you said you had them.
    Caught in Whitby that morning.

    Thanks for calling everyone.

  15. I came across your blog recently and now am a regular reader. I admire your positive attitude and how are keeping up with your exercises and walks. This year of Covid isolation has been a challenge for all of us. Enjoy the fresh crab for your tea, it sounds delicious! Jenny

  16. No, my dear... spring is here!! :) Meteorological spring started 3 days ago. Spring has sprung!! Wheeee!! ~Andrea xoxo

  17. Ooh, thanks for the heads up, I didn't realise that Escape to the Country had turned into Escape to the Town again. I really like this programme, as yes this is just what I have done over this past few months. From country to town and I have to say I'm loving it.
