Monday 1 March 2021

Book Group

It was our on line Book Group this morning - always an enjoyable hour or so.   We were talking about Graham Swift's 'Mothering Sunday' and with the exception of one member of the group we had all really enjoyed the book and thought it beautifully written.   We had a good discussion.   The member who hadn't enjoyed the book had not for one minute objected to the sex in it I have to say = she had just found the story unconvincing.

Someone who reads my posts wrote last week that her Book Group had read book. In fact they all seem to have been disgusted by it.  I suppose all we can deduce from this is how Book  Groups vary.

Next month is my choice and I have chosen Delia Owens's 'Where the Crawdads Sing' - another book which I have enjoyed very much.  The month after that G, another member of the group, has chosen 'The Count of Monte Cristo' - so you can see we do have a varied choice.

Not such a lovely day here today.   Fog has been lingering on and off all day - one minute sunshine and the next fog rolling in.   But only three weeks now to the first day of Spring - and then the changing of the clocks - Springing forward an hour.  It can't come soon enough.


  1. It must be so interesting to discuss the books read by all members and hear their opinions. Very grey here today after two days of glorious sunshine. We just have to make the most of the good days when they turn up. Our council has planted thousands of early daffodils around the town and they are all beginning to flower. Such a cheery sight especially on a cold, grey day. Lovely to think that at the end of the month the clocks will go forward.

  2. No sun here today at all. Very raw and cold.

  3. Your book club sounds quite enjoyable. I love to hear different opinions on the same book. It is always interesting to hear the many ways different people interpret a book. I am also looking forward to Spring. We do often have snow in March here but at least we are getting closer to Spring!

  4. Our book club is in hiatus until the pandemic is over but I am reading the books we chose before lockdown. I, also, enjoyed "Where the Crawdads Sing" and I'm sure you will have a lively discussion especially the ending!

  5. Dismal day here - fog most of the day and so cold. I was once a member of a local book group but had to stop when I started working a lot of overtime and I am still reading Pepys' Diary bit by bit!! Everyone else finished it years ago - perhaps when I have I will rejoin!

  6. You have quoted from my comment incorrectly - I didn't say ALL the Book Club members were "disgusted" by the book. If you read my comment again you'll see that some of the comments about the book were "Boring", "Slow and never getting to the point", and "Improbable" and that it was one member of the group who didn't finish it.

  7. I'm not happy to report it was a beautiful day today. So, apparently we're set for In like a lamb, out like a lion.

  8. Opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody has one. I love that your book club rotates between the members to choose what is read next. That shows wonderful respect for the opinions of one another. How long has your group been meeting? I have heard wonderful reviews of 'Where the Crawdads Sing'. I'm going to add these two books to my own reading list.

  9. I have not read any of the books you mentioned... I would like to read the Count of Monte Cristo though... I'm reading a book called Ferney ... by James Long.. Its a book i found at a second hand book store and i fell in love with the cover without really knowing what it was about.. Have you ever done that? Anyway seems its about reincarnation and i'm a few chapters in and enjoying it.. The next up is The Crooked Tree.. but i don't remember who it is by..

    Today was a beautiful sunny day in the 50's... Went hiking with a few girlfriends.. socially distancing ofcourse.. Looks like we sold our house Pat!! Fingers crossed... Hugs! deb

  10. I buy an enormous amount of books each year and yet I'm always surprised by the books that your group choose to read - I don't think I've ever heard of any of them, where do you choose them from.
    Monday here on Sheppey was as Rachel said, very raw and cold and no sun. Today looks like it's going to be the same, with thick mist at the moment.

  11. A completely cloudless sky here, sunny and bright, but temperatures were below zero when I last looked about an hour ago.
    A book group gives one not only the chance to hear a different perspective of the same reading material, but also to get to know books we would have never chosen for ourselves.

  12. Where the Crawdads Sing keeps popping up as recommended for me on Amazon - I've not read it but maybe I should try.
    Cold and grey here yesterday and this morning its foggy.
    Have a good Tuesday

  13. Derek, you might buy an enormous amount of books each year but you don’t seem to read much about books. Graham Swift is a three time Booker nominee and once a winner. Where the Crawdad Sings has been on the best seller lists for ages...Count of Monte Christo, you have me on that one - never heard of it, but then I am such a dumb @@@.

  14. Thanks for that Traveller, I stand corrected.
    I'm currently reading "Princess Mary - the First Modern Princess" by Elisabeth Basford, which was only published last month and came to my attention via a review in my newspaper. Before that I read "The Dig" by John Preston, which also came via a review in a newspaper.
    Clearly I'm reading the wrong reviews.

  15. Derek - We choose our books from wherever we like - all of us from different places I guess. I always read book reviews in newspapers and magazines and then buy books accordingly (it doesn't cost any more than the petrol money I am saving during Lockdown)
    As to your comment on Princess Mary- I am old enough to remember her well and although she is called 'The First Modern Princes' I remember her as rather an austere figure.

    Thanks for your comments everyone. Sorry for the misquoting Anonymous.

  16. Thanks Pat, I wasn't being critical I was just curious why I never know of the books that your group read.

  17. Have you heard of 'The Bad Sex Award', given to a book every year which has the most cringe-worthy sex scenes in it as judged by the panel?

  18. Tom, I've never heard of that award, but I can nominate some. A few years back, when the Shades of Gray stuff was so very popular, the women in our work place went nuts. Everyone was reading them. They tried to explain to me what they were about. Me: (listening) "That doesn't sound like freedom at all. I'm not interested in books about control." They insisted that I'd love them. I tried. I honestly tried. I returned the book to my coworker. "That was fast! You couldn't put it down, could you?" Me: "I couldn't get interested. The books are so poorly written. An awful lot of stuff got through the editor too..."

    And that is when I won the 'work weirdo' award.

  19. Weaver, I read your blog every day, but rarely comment.
    Today I’d like to thank jinxygirl for her comment about Ferney by James Long. I borrowed and read this book about 20 years ago. I remembered the plot, but not the name or author. Her comment sent me looking and now I’ve found it! I’m now off to download the kindle version and it’s sequel.
    Thank you so much for your book club comments! Without you I’m sure I’d never have found it again. Cheers! From Sydney Australia 🇦🇺

  20. Weaver, I read your blog every day, but rarely comment.
    Today I’d like to thank jinxygirl for her comment about Ferney by James Long. I borrowed and read this book about 20 years ago. I remembered the plot, but not the name or author. Her comment sent me looking and now I’ve found it! I’m now off to download the kindle version and it’s sequel.
    Thank you so much for your book club comments! Without you I’m sure I’d never have found it again. Cheers! From Sydney Australia 🇦🇺

  21. Derek, "The Dig" has been turned into a movie; I have watched it on Netflix not long ago and rather liked it, well done and well researched.

    "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a classic work by Alexandre Dumas (the same author who wrote The Three Musketeers) - I am surprised some of you have never heard of it. Throughout the last 90 years or so, it has been adapted for the screen several times (with varying success). It is quite the adventure!

    Speakiing of books I have never heard of, I often have not the slightest idea of the books Pat mentions here, in spite of reading reviews in my weekly paper. Could have something to do with it being a German paper :-)

  22. I like it when you mention books you and your book club are reading. I put Mothering Sunday on hold at my library and am happy to see it is on its way to me. I can't always find books mentioned though most my library can get for me on interlibrary loan.

  23. Have to admit The Count of Monte Cristo reference was sarcastic...if you have seen the wonderful film The Shawshank Redemption the “dumb @@@l reference makes sense.

    Tom, I think I read somewhere the bad sex award was cancelled this year.

  24. Librarian, yes and I like to see the film because it has two of my favourite actresses in it but I don't have Netflix unfortunately.

  25. Zoom has been the saving grace for so many people during lockdown.

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