Tuesday 23 February 2021

Whar to do?

When you get to my age, however hard you try, there are occasions when you feel - maybe only for a minute - that you really can't cope any more with independent life.   Luckily it doesn't happen with me often.  But it happened this morning.   I always keep one of my two landlines on me.   Unfortunately it only rings four times before it goes on to answer phone and that is hardly enough time for me to take my hearing aid out (I hear better without it in).  This morning the phone kept ringing and I never got a chance to answer and when I tried to ring the number the line just went dead.  Eventually I managed to pick it up in time and the voice on the other end of the phone told me that in twenty four hours my e mail and telephone were being disconnected.   I pay the bill by direct debit so it can't be anything to do with that.   When I questioned why I really couldn't understand what I was being told (it was not an altogether good English speaker).   The eventual outcome was that someone will ring me at nine in the morning - this after I explained my age, my mobility and my need for the phone.   Now I shall probably worry all night - I do have a mobile phone and use it a lot but I don't wish to be without my landline and I really would be unable to manage without the internet - apart from blogging I also order various things - including my groceries of course.  I don't like to do it but I may well have to involve my son after he has finished teaching for the day .  But this is just to warn you that should I disappear off the face of the earth you will know why and may need to petition BT on my behalf!

Such a lovely sunny day today and I see a large patch of yellow crocus and a similar sized patch of snowdrops out in my garden - that has cheered me up.   And I managed to walk round the block again this morning - another plus.   So all is not lost.   Back tomorrow - I hope.

***Just had a long chat with a lovely, helpful man at BT - it was a scam call - don't switch on at nine in the morning, ignore and report back to BT.


  1. Pretty sure that is likely to have been a scam call! Just ignore.

  2. Alarm bells rang when I read this! I may be wrong but it sounds as though it could be a phone scam. There are an awful lot of them at present.Could you have a word with your son about it and hopefully save yourself from worrying. Sheila

  3. If you do answer the phone to them again, just say that they are wrong and put the phone down. At some stage tomorrow they will ask for your bank details because it is a scam.
    Beautiful day here on Sheppey. I have mown all my lawns back and front and done a load of weeding.

  4. THAT IS A SCAM, pay no attention at all, your landline and internet will not be cut off. Do not give them any information!
    Also, regarding your answerphone, get someone how to show you to set it to ring for longer. Ours can be set for anything between 2 and 9 rings (it's a BT model). Very easy to do, will need doing again if you have a power cut.

  5. Veg Artist is right, my BT landline is set for several rings as well.

  6. I see other commenters have given you the advice I was going to mention. Don't you have caller ID on your phone? I never answer my phone when it is a number I don't recognize. If it is a real person that needs to reach me, they will leave a message. I hate how people try to take advantage over the phone and I do not need to speak to them.
    Sorry for your worry. We live and we learn!

  7. For anyone reading this who may be concerned - be aware of other current scams which are doing the rounds ( I've had all of these in the last 2 months - plus some bank ones online):

    - Your Amazon Prime account is being terminated
    - Your Amazon account is being closed
    - BT are shutting you down because of fraud
    - There's a BT man working on a local box right now - who will close your line down because of a problem.

    There are numerous others but the common denominator is to cause panic.

    If in doubt - ignore calls etc - hang up and then google "is phone call re closing Prime account a scam" etc. It's what I do and generally puts my mind at rest.

    Generallt - you will find that if you engage in conversation - that the operator knows very little and has to pass you over to X in our other department - he / she is the scammer not the cold caller and will be the one who wants to access your machine.

    Be alert, be very very sceptical and stay safe.

  8. Sadly, we among the older generation are the targets for these scams. I do not answer numbers I don’t recognize these days! Stay well, enjoy the coming Spring. Cheers.

  9. We also receive many such scam calls all the time.
    When I answered the latest one the person calling said they were calling from BT about my telephone account. I told them to go away; BT do not operate here so it was obviously a scam.
    Another favourite one is a call to tell me of fraud on my credit card, however, they never say which bank they are calling from, which is a bit of a giveaway.

  10. Robo-scam calls are getting extremely disturbing to us all no matter where we live My latest questionable one just yesterday was from an "AMAZON scammer" saying they were checking on my recent $399.00 purchase - which of course I never made! I hung up immediately with no verbal response, other than a curse under my breath to myself!!!!. Please Pat don't ever give out info to a caller you don't feel safe with. . . .and never say "YES" in answer to a question - they can record it and use it against you!
    Phones useful? Yes. Dangerous? Yes sometimes, sadly.

    Hope things brighten up as your day passes - the spring flowers popping through should help.
    Hugs - Mary

  11. Oh, I am so glad that you got word that it was a scam call! I detected that, clear over here. I get them all the time. They really do try to instill fear. That is why they are so successful. I just hang up on them all. If these businesses try to get hold of us, they will do so by sending me something in the mail. Good for you not falling for it.

    PS You should be able to adjust your phone to ring more times before the answering machine picks up. Talk to your carer, or your son, perhaps?

  12. Another common one is (purportedly from Microsoft) is "We are getting reports of a problem on your computer." They will then ask for passwords to access your computer in order to be able to 'fix' it. Again, do not engage in any form of conversation. Learn to be rude!!!
    Maybe we are unlucky, but we get several calls of some sort of scam most weeks.

  13. Scam. Do not answer the phone. If you do, tell them to go away and put the receiver down. Do not wait for a response. BT do not contact customers in this way.

    On another note, ask your carer one morning to alter your phone so that it rings more than 4 times before the answer machine cuts in).

  14. I was screaming at the screen, it's a SCAM. I get them often here. Sometimes BT, sometimes Amazon or someone else (Microsoft, as the veg artist said). All after your account details and your money!

    Well, I am glad we enjoyed our snippet of spring yesterday as today it's blowing a hooley and grey skies all round.

  15. I'm so glad you realised it was a scam.
    There are so many tricksters out there, best never to take anything at face value.

  16. I've been getting lots of phone calls saying that there is a problem with my phone line. I tell them that I don't have a phone line and that really confuses them!

  17. I find it's best not to answer any call if I don't recognize the number or name displayed. If it is a serious call, they will leave a message and you can call them back. We come from a time when it was rude not to answer a call; that time is in the past!

  18. Those scams make me so mad! We get calls similar to that and it gets very frustrating. Whatever you do, never give out any card numbers or other important information to such callers. If I am not sure if it is real or not I hang up and then call whatever company they said they were back directly. The actual company will reassure you if it is a scam.

    I'm sorry you had to deal with that but so glad you got it worked out safely! I hope the rest of your day has been better!

  19. Thanks Gilly

    Thanks to you all for helpful advice.

  20. Everybody said it already - like my fellow commenters, my first thought was "SCAM", and I am glad you found out in time, before any real harm was done.

    Great to know you've been out again!
    It has been so warm today, I went for an after work walk wearing only a cardigan over a short-sleeved t-shirt - and I was NOT cold! This is not completely unheard of for February in my area, but as much as I enjoy it, it always makes me worry a little about the possible (and probable) return of nasty cold weather.

  21. I really hate scammers. Life if difficult as it is and then to have someone on purpose try to scam you infuriates me. So thankful your BT official was able to be in touch and let you know not to be available to the scammers and that all is well.

    Your walk and pretty flowers are a sign that all is better.

  22. Very relieved you found out the truth about that scam call. The chances are you should be able to increase the number of rings on your phone. I have mine set to its maximum of 15 rings before the answer phone starts.

  23. Those scam calls are rife. You've already identified yourself as being vulnerable by telling them your age and reduced mobility so you will perhaps get several alarming scam calls now as information is distributed amongst scammers, please be very careful and don't disclose anything else to anybody.

    The instructions how to change the number of rings on your phone will be in the instruction booklet that came with the phone, if you still have it.

    Now you know your internet and phone is safe you could order yourself something nice as a consolation for being so worried.

  24. My doctor phoned yesterday and I couldn't reach the landline in time. Ten minutes later he phoned my mobile which was even worse because I had to look for it and only just picked it up in time. He sounded a little aggrieved he hadn't been able to reach me immediately. I forgive him, he is wonderful and works far too hard. Could someone invent a phone which can be answered by voice activation, I maybe slow but I can still yell.

  25. I am so glad you had a confirmation call fro a real BT worker Weave. The criminals will continue to try and trick us, but - bear in mind - nothing will ever happen without written warning on paper, and even that means nothing can happen for months, even if you don't pay your bills, which you do!

    I cannot describe my feelings toward criminals who deliberately target the elderly and vulnerable without using very unparliamentary language which I try to avoid here, but you know what I mean. You have absolutely nothing to worry about dear Weave. You can cope with independent life for as long as you want to, and if you can't, there is a whole army of people waiting to help you.

    Please do not worry.

  26. Don't you have caller ID service on your phone? It's a very cheap service which enables you to find on the phone screen, the number of the caller, and so you can call him back if you wish.
    I like to sleep late, and sometimes I hear the phone ringing, but I'm afraid to do things hastily, so until I come to the phone, the ring has stopped. I look at the screen, see the number and return the call immediately. No harm done.You need a landline phone with a screen, of course.

  27. I get these calls telling me my BT broadband is going down. I am not even with BT! Just scams please do not let them worry you. I must admit I do give them some bad language before I put the phone down x

  28. That is terrible. The scammers are everywhere these days. I have an answering system on my phone where messages can be left. I can hear the message being left and usually scammers will not leave a message. Some do and I delete everything from anyone I do not recognize. My local police dept. says utility companies, financial institutions and governmental agencies do not use telephone to communicate problems/issues with customers. They write letters. (Good to know.) Lastly, when you can not get to the phone, a message will do and you can decide to phone back at your convenience. Remember: The phone is for your convenience, not the caller's convenience. Please do not let these nasty criminals discourage you. You are doing great in your own home exactly where you belong. The good news is: It feels like Spring at 40 degrees today.

  29. Thanks everyone - you are my strength.

  30. Because of scams, I have stopped using my landline. It is unplugged. I operate on my mobile and give the number to very few people. Previously, my tactic with unwanted calls on the landline was to say "Hold on a moment" and then leave the handset next to the radio playing.....

  31. I thought it might be a scam - I get them quite often and they make me so cross. Recently most are recorded messages so I just ring off. So pleased BT reassured you. You are coping with quite enough at present without that to worry about.

  32. I have a land-line for that very reason...with Caller ID, if it says "Caller Unknown" or nothing and I don't recognize the number, I don't pick up. I assume if it's family or friends and something urgent, they'll surely call again.

  33. Watch this one. don't respond to it or give any information. I had the same thing. I still have my email! the internet people don't deal like this. You get lots of warning.

  34. So glad you sorted it down to a scam.

  35. In regards to the comments about caller ID - it isn't necessarily reliable. Here in the US, at least, scammers can make the caller id look like it is coming from the legitimate source - it's called spoofing. So in your case, the id would have actually said BT and shown their real number... If you think something is a scam, hang up, look up the company's phone number, and call them directly to see if there is a real issue.

  36. Our phone does the same. It rings four times, then goes into answerphone mode. We hardly ever answer it now, expecting that if it's a genuine call they will leave a message. We used to get scam calls about 10 times a day.

  37. I see you have got plenty of good advice. I always let calls go to voicemail. If it is a call supposedly from a company I do business with, I always take the time to look up their number and call direct. Too many scammers, and I have known people who have been too trusting and lost a good deal of money.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Hi Pat - was late reading this but I could have told you it was a scam - we have them and we are not even with BT!! If ever you are unsure get the number and put it into Google and that will often tell you if it is a scam. Other than that ignore these people they are not going to carry out their threats and the real companies do not go about there business in this way.
    I will offer you my phone number if you like (through email)and if you have anymore odd calls just ring me first! Ask for their name and number to ring them back if you are not sure (fakes often just put the phone down)and never give any security details away not even name and address - real calls would have them as they have rung you remember.
    I think the government should do more to stop these people they cause a lot of worry.

  40. Unfortunately, although I have offered the advice of 'ignore' these calls' to my mother, 93, she prizes her independence and is reluctant to 'bother' me with querying calls that have indeed, ended up to be a scam. It was only that her concerned neighbour rang me confidentially that I intercepted her losing another $1,000 after she had already lost $1,000.in one afternoon..the bank couldn't retrieve it.
    Please, if in any doubt about anything, always ask your son, even though he is working, before you take any action or give out any information as to your circumstances..whether over the phone or on the computer. Pam T, Australia.

  41. Glad that you have had good advice already in the comments..and that you managed a walk around the block.
    We didn't venture out atall yesterday because of the wind strength here

  42. Landline gone, Virgin monthly Bill halved. Control who phones me on my mobile. Any dodgy ones are blocked! x

  43. Thanks all. Plenty of good advice here.

  44. I've had that phone call. Don't speak or respond and just put the phone down.

  45. These horrible scam calls seem to come in clumps. I've had none for months, but three this week. They often seem to be first thing in the morning when I am only half awake, which makes them worse! Don't give anyone any information on these cold calls, Pat, and don't ever press any button on your phone that they tell you to. If you are concerned, ring the company back later on a number that you know belongs to them.

  46. Charlotte - because I thought the calls (I missed a few) were from my Physio (I was expecting a call from her) I r=tried ringing their number back - no ringing tone at all

  47. I trust you are able to address some of the issues raised here with help from your carer. I note you have thanked us for our input but not sure what happens next. I find it worrying that you have these problems.

  48. Ah, I see you have partially answered my question in that the Carer dealt with the caller.

  49. If the bank phones me and asks me to prove who I am I say sorry but you phoned me, I try to find out what department they are phoning from then hang up and phone the number on my card. Another word of advice after the call, phone a friend to make sure the line is clear, the friend could be directory inquiries, fraudsters do not hang up so if you dial right away you get them.
