Thursday 14 January 2021

A Silent World

 Yes, it is a completely silent world here.   We have had about eight inches of snow and most of the roads around us are blocked either by snow or by accidents.   Nothing is moving.   A few people pass well wrapped up on their walks or their obligatory dog walks, the odd Tesco van ploughs through the snow with a delivery.   Otherwise there is nothing to disturb the peace and it has snowed all day.  My carer has not been able to get out of her drive so I have been left to my own devices today.   I have stayed in my dressing gown, nightie and slippers - no point in putting my rather limited energy into getting dressed.   I managed to set off the dishwasher and empty it onto the units above when it finished.   Until I get my trolley with brakes I can't put crockery away.   I dealt with my commode, made my bed,  cooked a lunch (bacon, 2 fried eggs, eight small tomatoes fried,  a pan of sliced mushrooms fried in a little olive oil and the whole lot served on a slice of fried bread) - maybe not all that healthy but certainly tasty.  By that time I was really tired so I sat in my chair and went to sleep - slept through the Hairy Bikers cooking programme, Escape to the Country and Farmers' Market.   I only woke up when my carer texted me to ask if I had managed alright without her.

It isn't particularly cold and I really wonder whether it is actually freezing or not.   I suppose I shalln't know until morning - it does seem to have stopped snowing now.

I rang friends P and D in The Lakes to gloat over our snow - P loves snow and they never seem to get any in Windermere - and true to form they had none to speak of this morning.   They are moving shortly if everything goes according to plan -always a worrying, stressful time without all the worries about Covid too.

If you have snow where you are take care.  See you tomorrow.


  1. Blue sky and sunshine here this morning in West Wales, although it is colder now, and quite windy too. Keep warm, and take care.

  2. Well, you have passed the test of managing on your own this morning. Good for you! Snow can be lovely as long as you do not have to go out in it!

  3. Grey sky with no precipitation today after a brilliant sunny day yesterday. I wish it was snow like you. I love waking up to that silent world before everyone gets out!! Sounds like you also had a busy day all on your own. Keep up the good work.

  4. I see what you mean about the difference in weather, I do not miss all that snow. Friends here in Italy used to say it must be wonderful, then one year they got exceptionally snowy weather, the power was off for days, roads impassable and they hated it. Good to hear you are coping, stay cosy.

  5. Very wise to conserve your energies and only do the essentials, as long as you are warm and fed, that's all that counts.

    We've had rain with a touch of sleet all day though heavy snow was forecast.

    Keep warm

  6. Sounds like you did well Weave and you can do it on your own if you need to. A great achievement and satisfying progress. x

  7. One of my favorite times is just after a heavy snow when the highway in front of our house is very quiet. Doesn't last too long though, because before long, the big snow plows are rumbling up and down to keep traffic flowing.

  8. I love that silence that a heavy snowfall brings. It doesn't happen very often down here. Very grey and dismal today but not particularly cold.
    You have managed very well without your helper today - no wonder you felt sleepy.

  9. Once again, your positive attitude to everyday life shines very brightly Pat, well done.
    Down here on Sheppey, the rain finally stopped at 6.00 this evening to complete about 30 hours of continuous, often heavy rain, and so just as last week, we have flooded fields and roads and very water-logged gardens.

  10. We only had a light snow cover here in our Lincolnshire village today. I took Rick out and it did feel a bit slippy underfoot so we didn't go far. (You didn't miss much on Escape to the Country, it was another repeat of a repeat.)

  11. No snow here, just lots of mud and puddles which, when I was a child, was just as much fun to play in as snow. Somehow it loses its appeal once we grow up!

  12. We had a light dusting of it. Cold here. Beef pot pie in the oven. School done for the day. I am enjoying the silence too. :)

  13. Dear Weaver, I am one of your faraway readers, having met you through Pamela Terry's blog, Pamela and Edward. I live in East Tennessee in the US, and love to read and learn about the UK. One of the things that is very touching and interesting is going back to your very early blog posts. I was just reading about the silver bells on a Christmas wreath, and the Christmas memories of old ornaments you described. I very much appreciate your blog and learning what happens in your realm. Wishing you the very best, Andrea.

  14. No snow in Kidderminster, and I love it too!Though we had about 4 inches a couple of weeks ago, which really hung around for a while. It's surprisingly hard work doing a cooked breakfast...but always worth it!

  15. You managed quite well. We have another snow storm moving in.

  16. It sounds like you've done very well on your own. Good for you! I imagine the snow is beautiful and I love the muffled silence that accompanies snow. We are expecting another snow here tomorrow. Take care Pat!

  17. Rain today and no snow in the prediction for the next 5 days. A snow cover is lovely. The air and ground looks very clean and pure in the snow. You did everything you needed to do on your own and that has to feel very good. You are getting stronger every day.

  18. I'm so glad you got along fine without your carer today. It's best she's safe at home too. Staying in your nightgown all day sounds cozy for a snowy day. I live in Indiana and the forecasters aren't sure if we're going to get all rain, all snow, or a mixture. It's 11pm as I type this and for the last 2 hours I've heard rain on the roof.... but now it's silent so I'm guessing it has turned to snow. I looked outside before going into my bedroom and the porch looked like a sheet of ice. I refuse to look outside now, until morning. That's soon enough, as there's nothing I'm going to do about the weather anyway. Stay warm & safe. ~Andrea xoxo

  19. You did the right thing in staying put, and not attempting too much on your own. Another proof of how kind your carers are - she asking you how you got on without her. No fresh snow here yet, but at O.K.'s, which is unusual; normally, his area is a few degrees warmer than mine.
    It is sunny today so I hope to finish work early enough for a daylight walk.

  20. Thanks to all of you including one or two 'new' ones - you give me such pleasure in what would otherwise be quite lonely days.

  21. One thing I like about a snowfall here in Ohio is that a good layer of snow on the roof provides extra insulation for the house so I'm actually warmer with snow than bright dry cold sunshiny days. Enjoy the pretty. Be careful.

  22. I quite like snow and as we aren't going anywhere it wouldn't stop us doing anything. Very little snow here so far. Keep safe Weave x
