Wednesday 13 January 2021

A New Day

 A new day dawns - much like the last and the one before that.   Yes the weather changes but that's about all that does.   My single carer comes at half past seven in the morning, gets my breakfast, makes my bed, helps me dress- this morning gave me a shower and washed my hair.   I am not sure I shall ever reach the stage where I can shower without help again.  Even the news stays much the same - Covid, Brexit, t h e state of things in America.  Everything is depressing and there is little to brighten things up unless we happen to get a sunny day - not going to happen today - it is a grey sky.

The Times no longer makes exciting reading.   Today is Fashion Day in Times 2 but who wishes to buy new fashion when there is nowhere to go to wear it?   I already have one pair of trousers, one sweater and one (yes, another) leather jacket all unworn.

So - what to do to get a bit of interest going around my head?   Well there are the Mind Games in Times 2 and, providing I do them early rather than later in the day I can usually do them all fairly easily - and that does give me a sense of satisfaction that the old brain is still working.   A couple of chats with friends is  good.  Chatting with all of you takes up another hour or two and keeps the old mind working - and I really do value your virtual friendship - thank you


So what is there in today's Times that is worth thinking about?  Well, Matthew Parris is my favourite columnist and he writes every Wednesday a column called 'My Week' and there is usually something controversial in   it.   Today it is private medicine in a crisis.   He is in urgent need of a partial knee-replacement and he does not have private insurance - considering it unethical.   He is having increasing difficulty walking and feels it wrong to go on to an NHS List for an operation during this crisis - so he has booked himself into a private (self pay) hospital.  Private consultants feel that although the NHS paid to requisition beds in private hospitals during the pandemic they never actually used them.  This meant that consultants whose specialisms were not Covid related anyway were denied the opportunity to do operations.   So - is he right to 'buy' a bed in a private hospital, to pay for the operation?   He feels misgivings.   Is he right to?

And on the subject of Covid - was Boris right to go on a ten mile bike ride for his exercise?   Peter Black's cartoon in today's Times shows two Police Officers carting Boris off while he is saying that he was only testing his eyesight.   Poor old Dominic Cummings - he'll never live it down will he?


  1. Reading comments, such as your's today about the Times, has sometimes caused me to try other people's favourite papers, the Times being one I've tried several times but it has never quite clicked with me. A favourite paper is like a battered, favourite pair of slippers and rarely can others compare. I've read the Telegraph seven days a week for around 40 years now and it rarely disappoints.
    The weather here this winter has been stuck in an endless rotation of gloom and rain, the dry and sunny days have been few and far between, just continual dampness.

  2. Matthew Parris is also a favourite of mine. As to whether he should pay privately, I think my answer would be if he is in a lot of pain and has the money to pay for it, he should do it. There is so much strain on the NHS at the moment that every little helps.

  3. I agree with thelma. When I wanted to have my cataract operations I chose to pay privately, for several reasons. One was to free up a place in the NHS waiting list for others who could not afford to pay and another was for my own peace of mind so that I could choose very carefully where to have it done and who to carry it out.

  4. The morning startet with a beautiful sunrise and a couple of sunny hours, but even before lunch time, big grey clouds were covering most of the blue bits again. I doubt I will go for a walk after work today.

    You do well in looking for and finding things to keep your mind active, especially when your body can't.

  5. Matthew Parris could comfort himself by thinking that if he can afford to pay for his knee operation he is freeing up an NHS slot for a patient who cannot. Also, by having his knee dealt with sooner rather than later he will avoid putting other joints out of sync., by walking badly when in pain.
    I love word puzzles and have promoted myself to cryptic crosswords recently. I also find jigsaws promote concentration and observation skills. It all helps keep the little grey cells in trim.
    Had my vaccination today and was very impressed by the organisation that went into it to keep everyone safe. There must have been hundreds of us through the doors today.

  6. My newspaper reading habits have changed since joining Twitter. I no longer buy a paper copy.
    I follow the news closely in Ireland with The Irish Times. I was born and brought up in Ireland and my parents read it daily.
    I like the Guardian for its political comment and sketch writing.
    Matthew Parr's always has something interesting to say.

  7. Since the Briefings I no longer buy a national paper, only my local one. I have no desire for the media's views having witnessed the media at work. I form my own now.

  8. I work on crossword puzzles everyday and, like you, I feel it helps keep my brain going! I get my news via online newsletters and the Chicago Tribune that come through my email. Too expensive to subscribe to the actual delivered newspaper.
    I do not often have anything important to do each day but somehow the day flies by anyway!

  9. If it makes you feel any better I also bought a new jumper, in September, thinking I would wear it to meet family over Christmas. I'll be lucky to wear it at Christmas 2021 now.

  10. Grey days are all much the same in January and February I think.
    You are really good at finding something to write about and yes what a good year it's been for saving money on new clothes.

  11. Happy New Year to you, I must apologise for the radio silence as I have moved much of my online activity to Instagram. I do miss my old blog friends though and often think of you if we ever have the occasion to travel north. Goodness knows when we will be able to do that again!
    I hope you keep your spirits up, life must be so different for you now especially in this lockdown. I hope the vaccine helps us all to get back some freedoms to see each other again and to travel.

  12. I have a question: why is it controversial for Boris to have gone for a 10 mile bike ride? It's a solitary sport, and he was surely socially distant. Is there something about your quarantine that I have missed?

    Some days are just 'blehhhhhhhh'. I long for one of them, to be honest...the luxury of curling up with an interesting book and doing nothing else at all...

  13. I see the bike ride as cause to feel hopeful. Being outdoors, exercising, Nature are all lovely things to see and think about. As I understand it, the healthier a person is, the better their chances of surviving covid. The photo of Boris Johnson on his bike is the best one I've seen of him.

  14. Acornmoon - lovely to read you again but can find no way of commenting so hope you read this.
    Sally - we are supposed to take our daily exercise as near to home as possible.

    Thanks everyone. Sleep well.

  15. You have some interesting things to do but still get the blues. It's difficult under these circumstances. I find music on You tube to listen to. Look for Austrian folk music. I listen to it while I do puzzles.

  16. I do not read the newspapers. I have sources online that I find more reliable. Private paying for health procedures is fine. I've done it myself on occasion. Keeping active indoors or outside (or both) is important. Given the times we live in, we must be vigilant with our self-care and finding pleasure when we can.

  17. If your columnist needs a new knee, he should go ahead. He won't take up the hospital bed more than a day or two.

  18. I wonder what Parris would decide if it was a tooth rather than a knee? I've always believed in choice. The fact that he will use private health care doesn't mean he isn't supporting the NHS; he does that through his taxes.

  19. Those chats with friends are so important. I keep reminding myself to make more time for this. X

  20. Thanks to you all. Long may blog friendships continue.
