Wednesday 2 December 2020


The days drift by.   I suspect that during these strange times I am seeing more folk than most of you are.   Carers and professional NHS people dash in and out and I am able to do more for myself as the days go by so not sure how much longer I shall need them.   I certainly dare not have a shower in the house alone yet.

As I type this the rain has stopped and a weak sun has emerged   This year, more than ever before, I have been suitably placed to observe the trajectory of the sun - it rises at the left of my sitting room window, crosses low in the sky and sets at the right of the same window.   And now, sitting at my computer ina window at the back of the house I see that only the top quarter of the garden gets the sun in the winter.  I have been told to take two vitamin D tablets every day - chew them (they are not pleasant) and don't forget.  Maybe the plants could do with it too.

As I sit here the sky has completely cleared and is a beautiful, quite deep blue - I do hope we are destined for another nice day - the forecast for the weekend is pretty dire - snow at our height I believe.

Priscilla sits in the garage awaiting her first 'stroll' - and I wait for the delivery of a step and handrails so that I can reach her.   I do rather crave a breath of fresh air and tend to stand with the door open now and then.   My carer put all my recycling rubbish out for me last evening and the men collected it very early this morning ; isn't it a good feeling when you know it has all gone?

I hear on the News this morning that this year The Queen is breaking with a long tradition and not going to  Sandringham but going instead to Windsor Castle for Christmas. Showing a good example I am sure as so many people will be tempted to break the rules won't they?   So many people have a traditional Christmas where whole families congregate together - I can't help feeling that some members of these families will be glad of an excuse to have a change this year.

Get your vitamin D today if you possibly can!  See you tomorrow. 


  1. If your Vitamin D comes in tablets, could you crush them and mix into applesauce to dilute the flavor? We did that with some of my Mom's meds.
    So glad you are back and on the mend!

  2. I must have missed the introduction of Priscilla - is she Percy's replacement or an addition?
    Our Christmas Eve (the main event for us) won't be different to the last 10 or more years; there will be six of us at my parents' place and nobody else.
    Yes, I can imagine that for some, sticking to the rules for the holiday season will take some pressure off them. Others will sorely miss their friends and family.
    Yesterday, 1st of December, we had our first snow fall this season, as if on cue! There is very little left now but more could be coming down over the weekend.

  3. We all take Vitamin D here, and I take Vit. B too, plus a Cod Liver Oil Capsule and Magnesium (apart from the B, all the others help my asthma.) I don't crunch my Vit. D - just take it with a drink.

    I see I will be in Level 4 for having the vaccine. My husband is ahead of me on age.

    We may see some snow on the mountains - they are saying it's going to be a bad winter, so need to hope we will still be able to move on schedule!

  4. Living in Canada, we are also encouraged t take Vit. D - luckily mine are the little gell capsules which I just swallow whole. I think it's a great recommendation for you and I found that it really does help with the Winter blahs.

    You sound very bright and cheerful - all things considered - so I hope that your concentration levels will improve and you'll be able to enjoy reading again. Right now, with all that has happened this year I too find that my concentration is not where it should be and with your recent surgery - it is to be expected.

    So glad to hear that you are enjoying the view from your window - whenever there is a full moon I try to get up extra early to make a cup of tea and enjoy the view from my kitchen window as that is when I can get a good view from my apt. That same window looks out over a conservation area so I also get to see lots of little critters and birds which makes it seem as though I'm out in the country rather than in the middle of a huge city.

    Take care - don't overdo things.

  5. It's good to take your vitamin D every day and to get whatever fresh air you can. I know exactly what you mean about the recycling having been taken away. I have started stepping outside the door with mine as soon as I have a few pieces to put in the various shared bins here at the flats. It's the fresh air and the feeling of 'it's out of sight' all in one go that just feels so good.

    I must have missed about Priscilla ... is Percy going to get jealous?

  6. We have both been taking low-level Vit D for a few years. Husband was tested as part of an 'MOT' and found to be low, tested a few months later and was OK, so we assume we're both fine on that. It seems a little thing, but if it's going to make a difference then it's worth doing.
    Who's Priscilla? I imagine she's a more robust Percy? Poor Percy - out to grass?

  7. Priscilla has made a quiet entry. Is she Percy's sister? Lovely name.

  8. Yes, Vitamin D is so important. I take it in capsule form so I swallow it whole and no chewing. I wonder if you could do the same... or do the doctors think it's better to chew it as it's then not a choking risk? Just seeing the sun brightens a person's spirit... but being out in it is even better, isn't it. Hope you can feel the sun on your skin soon. ~Andrea xoxo

  9. Glad that you have lovely views from your window as perhaps with the cold weather coming you are better with Vitamin D than waiting for enough sun to go out in! I've just seen a whole flock of Long Tailed Tits in the garden which really cheered up a cold,dank day here.

  10. Yes, who is Priscilla? So curious.

    I just love reading your posts. So simple, yet full of interesting things, and of your interest and deep attention to what is around you.

    I hope the day continued to be fine. We're snow-covered, gray and quite cold here, at -1C, or 30F.

  11. I bet the price of vitamin D will rocket with the encouragement for people to take it!

  12. I have been taking vitamin D for years and calcium to strengthen my bones. Glad you are getting better each day and focusing on all of the things you can do! Good for you. Thanks so much for the nice posts!

  13. So good to hear you becoming better and better daily. Taking the Vit. D is a plus, I've severe osteoporosis and temporarily on a drug to shrink a tumor which has a negative side effect on bones. I'm truly happy that you are so positive and feeling so much better daily after such a lengthy period of being incapacitated. You are so fortunate to have good views of the outdoors via your window locations. The sky sounds so lovely. And I'm glad that you are back and staying in touch with your blog friends. Hugs.

  14. Is Priscilla going to replace Percy?

    I must avoid sunlight because I have lupus and sunlight can send me into a flare of worsening fatigue and aches so I take vitamin D, too.

    It's marvelous read your tales of life in North Yorkshire again!


  15. Good to hear from you Weave. I also take vitamin D just take it with a lot of water. Stops my bones crumbling.

  16. Sunshine does more than help your body make vitamin D; it also helps your body make serotonin, which improves your mood and helps regulate your sleep cycle. There are also lots of studies that show even a little bit of nature - something as simple as being able to see trees through the window - can make a big impact on how fast patients in hospitals heal. Your instincts about standing at the door to get a breath of fresh air are dead on. Nature is a great healer.

  17. stop press Priscilla is Percy's replacement - Percy was condemned by the Physiotherapist because his brakes were faulty. The Physio christened her Priscilla..

    Thanks for dropping by folkd.

  18. You reminded me...I'll go and take my vitamin D!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Good to hear you sounding so well, glad you are getting out in the sunshine.

  21. Poor old Percy - he did his best. I hope Priscilla will take good care of you.
    Grey and dull here today but the cold fresh air was wonderful, even in a mask. I get the full benefit on the way home by taking my mask off for the last few yards.
    I can remember having to take 2 large spoonfuls some disgusting medicine years ago. The only way I could manage to swallow it was to have a few orange segments handy to take the taste away.

  22. The Queen has invited me around this year. I have declined for health reasons.

  23. I'm so glad you have some nice views out your windows! I have always been able to pass time looking out the window especially if there are birds or squirrels to watch. So Priscilla is going to pick up for Percy? I guess Percy decided on an early retirement then.

  24. Many people have low vitamin D levels. Some people do not absorb Vitamin D properly and need to combine Vitamin D with K. (K facilitates absorption.) Vitamin D supports bone health as well as much more. It is always nice to observe wildlife and nature. With Priscilla ready and waiting, you will be outdoors soon.

  25. In the US, I'm on a prescription level Vitamin D (50k units) that comes in a gel capsule I only have to take once a week. It has proved to be the only way I can maintain a decent level of Vitamin D. Doctor only stopped it once and my levels plunged back into the single digits.

    So glad Priscilla has good brakes. Physio was right to put Percy aside (sorry Percy), but brakes are essential for any rolling device.

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