Monday 30 November 2020

Good morning campers!

Yes - I am bright and breezy this morning and much more my normal old self.   I got up an hour early (half past six) this morning in order to give my carer a surprise.   She showered me yesterday so I was able this morning to go into the bathroom with my walking frame and have a good wash and clean my teeth.   Then I went back into the bedroom and got dressed - not easy but I managed it.   The whole operation took me almost an hour but by the time she came I had managed to make a cup of tea too.

My carers really are so good.   This morning J - who comes most mornings - brought me a whole Sunday lunch on a plate - roast beef, Yorkshire pud and a whole load of vegetables (I am really missing these) and it is sitting in the microwave ready for me to push the button at lunch time.   Aren't I lucky?

It wouldn't take much today to persuade the sun to come out and that would make a difference.   Because my bungalow faces South it makes all the difference if it is a sunny day.

The days drift by and I rarely see the News - it always seems to be at a time when something else is happening.   Occasionally I do switch over to 231, the news channel but it is usual covid, covid, covid and I really can't take it any more.   But yesterday I did see the absolutely horrendous crash in the motor-racing and to see the driver climb out of that blazing car with only his hands burnt;but I find the whole idea of motor racing and the risks and the money involved quite sickening.

But lets not get away from my cheerful, post hip mood.   I am on the mend this morning and the only way forward is up.   Have a good day.


  1. Brilliant Pat, such determination. I do wonder if many of us, when we get to your age, would have half the determination to keep going forward in the way that you do.

  2. Good news with getting lots done early. Onward and upwards - but carefully please

    There were two crashes in that race and both drivers were OK - they have so many safety features now -thankfully. But I agree that's it's a sport thats all about the money.

  3. Glad to hear you are improving a bit more each day and I can feel the wonderful uplift of your spirits through your writing. (Not being around at news times is a blessing in disguise).

  4. You are doing very well. Slow but sure wins the race (to recovery).

  5. It really sounds like you have turned the corner, which is good to hear.
    We too are thoroughly sick of the news and have rarely watched it on TV for years, even more so now, catching the occasional snippets on the radio. That's more than enough.

  6. So good to hear you sound so positive and hope that you enjoyed that lovely roast dinner. The Formula One crash was horrendous and the driver's escape seemed amazing. Sheila x

  7. How wonderful Pat to wake up this morning... percolate myself a cup of coffee and find that you are up and doing well this morning.. Surely brightened my day already.. I agree with you. Alot people are behaving like children that couldn't possible miss one Thanksgiving (US) or Chrismas with their family even if they might be spreading around a deadly disease.. My faith in people has been seriously dented through this whole thing... I've had to reevaluate my belief in the American people after our reaction to covid and ofcourse the election. Before i believed the people might moan and complain but in the end we always did the right thing or the best right thing anyway.. Trump may not have gotten reelected but just seeing how many people still voted for him was truly disheartening..

    I'll bet your carer was very surprised Pat!!! Hugs! deb

  8. Wonderful news! And enjoy that delicious sounding meal! ~Andrea xoxo

  9. Great news dear Pat. Hang in there and hopefully sunny days will be around soon.

  10. Well Done Weave. Onwards and upwards, or as Churchill would have said, keep buggering on. xx

  11. Excellent news Pat. Now we just need to get some sunny days.

  12. That's terrific! I'm sitting here smiling now,thanks- Mary

  13. You are sounding so much more positive and like your old self now Pat. I guess it will be as low process to get back to pre-hospital but it sounds like you are making good progress.

    I hope that the sun came out. It hasn't here, but it didn't rain whilst Tam and I had (her) birthday walk up to Carreg Cennen Castle, so that was a positive.

    I only saw the crash briefly when they showed an interview with the driver with his hands in "mummy bandages". Bet they are sore from the burning.

    I bet you enjoyed your Monday Roast!

  14. Glad to hear your recovery is progressing. Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey, (if that is pc now)

  15. What a wonderful gift to hear you sounding so bright and cheery! Your are not missing much on the news as it is usually the same repeated for the most part and your healing may progress much better without it! Enjoy your day, bit by bit, and rest as you need it. xx

  16. Well, look at you! You are an inspiration, Weave. So happy to have you back!

  17. When I read this I could hear the happy in your voice as you wrote.

  18. It is so good to hear you in such positive spirits.

  19. We have to be grateful for small things in these trying times don't we? God Bless, take care and well done on your progress xx Jane

  20. Yes, I can hear the positive feelings coming through your words.

  21. And those positive feelings coming from you are like a penny thrown in the water. The waves reached me all the way over here in Texas!
    You ARE an inspiration with that "can do " attitude! Wishing you many sunny days.

  22. Wonderful news 😃. Keep up the good work ☺️

  23. So good to know you are feeling much better already - keep up the good work!
    I don't watch motor racing - far too dangerous and stressful. I only watch the headlines when the news comes on. There seem to be so many people talking about everything and I feel there are not enough actually doing anything to improve things.
    Hope you have some sunshine today.

  24. You are doing well..and having the incentive if someone coming to see you is definitely working!!

  25. Well done YOU!! You are healing quickly! I, too , saw that crash- astonishing! Crazy!

    I am jealous of your lunch- yum. Stay well, stay strong as you are and always have been. Cheers to you.

  26. Sounds more and more like the Weaver. Such good news!

  27. It's so good to hear you sounding better.

  28. You are feeling better and making wonderful progress. It is all good. You will be ready for Christmas. No news, is just fine with me too.

  29. Glad to see that you are in a positive mood and everything is working out. Keep strong. xxx

  30. This sounds really good, I am so pleased for you!
    How nice of your carer to bring you lunch, is this part of the arrangement or simply something she does because she is so kind-hearted and you such a good person and nice patient for her?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I was delighted to read your happy post, keep on mending. I don’t suppose your carer delivers roast dinners to Italy.

  33. Librarian My carers are just kind - nothing to do with their job.

    Thank you all for keeping my spirits up.

  34. I'm so glad you're feeling brighter, Pat. It sounds like your carers are worth their weight in gold. X

  35. You are a model patient...your carers must wish all their clients were like you!

  36. A very good day topped off with a well deserved Yorkshire pudding!

  37. Such a happy post, it made me smile just reading it.

  38. Lovely to hear you sounding so upbeat, as usual ... and back to the Weaver we know and love.

    It's a dreary day here too, as you say a bit of sunshine would make all the difference. I've barely watched the news recently it's just too depressing for words. I checked my phone app this morning to read the new Tier 3 rules for my area and found myself almost in tears. I think a Christmas film this afternoon is called for to lift my mood a bit.

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