Monday 12 October 2020

Miserable Monday

 Not a lot to be cheerful about today is there?   Here it is cold and wet. The Covid news gets worse by the minute and the Prime Minister is to speak to us all later and tell us about new measures that are to be brought in.  On a personal note - my front doorbell has stopped working - well its working is intermittent which is as bad and because of the damp atmosphere my arthritis is very bad today and I can hardly walk.  So not exactly a cheerful sort of day is it?

Then things began to happen.  First of all Joanny rang from Western Australia.   Joanny is a relative of the farmer  and she and her daughter did come over one year to see us.   She rings from time to time and she always cheers me up.   So many sincere thanks Joanny.  Then I remembered that a young couple who live just across the road from me were married a year ago today, so I sorted through my cards and found a suitable one and Percy and I delivered it (negotiating the steps up to their front door - never easy as Percy doesn't care for steps) and while we were out, although it was raining, we walked round the block.   The electrician called and looked at the bell and decided I needed a new - and better quality - one and went off to buy it.    He has ordered it and will be here by the week end to fit it.   Then the sun came out and there was a lot of blue sky.  S and T called to take my card and get me some cash from the cash machine in the town.   By the time the Prime Minister came on television to talk about the new measures to combat Covid I was feeling more my old self.   Yes, we will beat Covid, we have to and we all have to follow the instructions given to us by the experts.   Nothing is as bad as it seems.   Chin up as my father used to say.


  1. I'm surprised that you are still able to spend cash, more and more places now are not accepting cash, it's contact less cards only. I won £140 on the Lottery a couple of weeks ago and have had to pay it into my bank account because I couldn't spend it.
    Will we beat Covid, who knows, certainly people who are sensible will do all they need to and follow the rules. Unfortunately the papers still have pictures of the youngsters packing the streets while out drinking of a night and there are those who refuse to accept that there is a pandemic and suggest that it is no more than a bit of bat flu and people aren't actually dying.

  2. Yes I agree with Derek - bat flu indeed! ��
    I’m a little happier about the possibility of a Democratic US president.
    Very wet in East Yorkshire but I need to struggle out for my one hour constitutional - I’ll feel better for it I’m sure.
    Take care W xx

  3. Keep yourself nice and warm while the weather's affecting your arthritis. The sun will shine again!

  4. My dad, who was very deaf, had a door bell that flashed a bright red light in his living room when anyone pressed it. The trouble was that he spent most of his time dozing in his armchair so never noticed it!
    Stay safe Pat.

  5. Chin up indeed Pat... Hubby just got the last part he needs to put his boat in the water... Its a glorious sunshiny Fall day here and we are spending the afternoon hiking! Pop over to the blog to see some lake/kayaking pictures ... Hugs! deb

  6. Happy New Doorbell! Happy Anniversary to Neighbors Across the Street! I pray your arthritis eases up.

  7. A new doorbell is An Event!

    Sorry your arthritis is bad due to the weather. You have managed to do quite well despite it though, so well done.

    I bet that phone call cheered you up no end. I saw a friend yesterday, and we had a Socially Distanced chat on her driveway (deckchairs in the sunshine) and it cheered me up more than anything else has recently.

  8. Nice that the phone call lifted your spirits and you were able to get out for a walk. Better than sitting and moping. Well done! You have determination when you need it!

  9. I think we have all had up days and down ones during the past eight months, and no doubt will continue to do so. The news is disappointing but as you say, we must all be sensible and follow the guidance, and we will beat Covid.
    Cold wet weather is not kind to arthritis sufferers I know. Well done for getting out and about in spite of it.

  10. Each thing that lifts our spirits is precious, like your phone call. It is hard to be careful for such a long time, it can get us down. I hope your arthritis simmers down and you can enjoy your walks.

  11. We have a doorbell that often decides not to work. If I'm expecting anything I put a notice on the door telling people to knock loudly!
    I felt quite down about Covid this morning, and that's not like me. I really don't understand people who endanger others by just being selfish and careless.

  12. Derek - people like my gardener who mows the lawn and the window cleaner who cleans the windows need cash - I can't give the window cleaner a cheque for eleven pounds.

    By the end of the day the weather was quite pleasant. Tomorrow is another day.

    Thanks everyone.

  13. Thank you Pat for your wonderful positive attitude! We all need that and it is something that I have needed particularly in recent days. Enjoy that new doorbell when you get it!

  14. There is one president in the world who possibly had covid 19, or possibly it was bat flu, because he is just full of bat "sht-grins" now, as the doctor who follows this president's orders has declared him already free of Covid 19, and safe to gather people at rallies so they can adore him.

    It made me happy to hear how your day started out in a bad way but throughout the day things just got better and better. I love days like that.

    Take care.

  15. Good for you (and Percy), turning that day around.

  16. After all her constant moaning about Boris's handling of the pandemic, Sturgeons' Scotland now lead the world in new cases. Boris has remained silent.

  17. Yes... and we're all in this virus fight together!! It seems like no matter which country took what precautions, we're all dealing with increasing cases. Hang in there.... if you do, we will too. ~Andrea xoxo

  18. So nice how what began as a miserable day for you turned a lot nicer, thanks to things outside your influence (such as the phone call or the sunshine) but also thanks to your own positive approach. You really are a good neighbour (on top of being a great friend t your friends), remembering the first anniversary of the couple across the street!
    People over here are still largely following the measures, but more and more are tired of any kind of restriction and even consider something as simple as keeping your distance and wearing a mask a burden. One of my clients has just stopped all external staff (such as me) coming to their offices for the time being. It feels like we're back to late March/early April, only that this time we do not have the beautiful long daylight hours of spring and summer to look forward to.

  19. PS: I was wondering the same as Derek reg. your need of cash, thank you for explaining.

  20. Librarian - I think that is how we all feel this time round.
    Thanks for reminding me that I have a positive attitude - that is by no means how I always feel but the alternative gets me nowhere so I have to somehow find ways of turning things round when I wake up in that kind of mood.

    Thanks everyone.

  21. "Nothing is as bad as it seems" I find that remark so insensitive.

    Perhaps you haven't experienced Covid first hand but I can tell you that after losing my husband to that vile disease EVERYTHING is as bad as it seems.

    A 49 year loving marriage which ended when he gasped his last breaths. I was allowed to wear PPE and sit at his bedside for the last 30 minutes and I can assure you it wasn't a peaceful death. To see someone you love gasping for air, in pain and aware that they're taking their last breaths is totally and utterly heart breaking.

    Whilst writing this my tears fall as they have done every day for the past weeks since I held his hand as he left me.

    He was a vibrant and loving man, his life ended with him knowing he was dying and his last words to me were "I love you"

    My heart is broken and I'll never be the same again. Covid not only took my beloved's life but it robbed me of my one love, my soul mate, my protector, my reason for living.

    Perhaps the next time you see the number of deaths publicised you'll think to yourself everyone of those human beings had a worthwhile life with a loving family who are now bereft.

    I very rarely write comments on blogs but your words upset me. Who are you to dismiss my husband's life as being not as bad as it seems.

  22. Pat ... DO NOT be upset by the last comment above mine. It looks like the same pathetic troll that appeared on John's blog. Worried him and upset a lot of other people before we all twigged.

    You can tell it's not a real comment by the fact that the name does not link to anywhere, blog or person.!!

  23. Before I was incensed by little Miss Trollface I was about to say ... Well done you on turning your day around. The news gets us down so easily at the moment and little things going wrong can seem briefly like the end of the world.

    You were lovely to hand deliver a card to your neighbours, you most likely made their day to think that a neighbour had remembered their special day. And yes we do all need some cash, I am finding that more and more actually I am finally using the money that I have had in my purse since March!!

  24. A Smaller Life - I don't have a blog but can comment by just putting my name yet it doesn't link to anywhere as I haven't needed to join the blogger page thingy either. I'm getting old too and the easiest technology is best for me.
    I thought the comment was real so I'll not judge her as how can we know for sure. If it is real then I feel sorry for her. It did remind me to not take things for granted and not whinge about the small things which I've done quite a lot of just lately.
