Tuesday 13 October 2020

Equally miserable Tuesday

 Heavy rain is pouring down the windows at the back of my bungalow  - in other words it is very wet and the wind is blowing from the North.  By the time I got up at a quarter past seven the central heating was going full blast.  Tuesday means showering and dressing before breakfast (every other week) because my Tesco order comes at 9am. I usually order something 'special' that doesn;t take a lot of effort for the Tuesday lunches and really look forward to whatever it is.   Last time it was sea bass which I fried quickly and ate with parsley and lemon butter and tender stem broccoli.   It was divine.   This time I decided on a Tesco prawn salad with potato salad which I intended to eat with a Jacket Potato and butter.   That was my first disappointment - when my order came there was no prawn salad - in its place was a tuna salad.   I like a tuna salad but have a lot of tuna - in a sandwich, in a salad, in a pasta bake.   Now that I no longer eat out because of Covid restrictions I don;t eat prawns.   So I resolve next fortnight to get prawns and scampi frozen for my freezer - that will give me something to look forward to.

So, tuna salad it is and I shall now go and tell my new soup maker that I would like it to make Spicy Red Lentil soup for starters - I'll let you know later in the day how it turns out.   Meanwhile I shall post this with the rain pouring down the windows and the central heating keeping me snug and warm.   'See' you later.

Well, all I can say about the Spicy Red Lentil soup was that the taste did not merit the time it took to make.   There were a lot of spices - turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, a lot of fiddling about and toing and froing across the kitchen - and the final result - in spite of a tin of coconut milk as part of the stock - was pretty tasteless.   Quite a disappointment really.

And after lunch the rain really set in and it has been a thoroughly wet afternoon.   As I write this at 4pm the rain is still pouring down the window and there is a sharp Northerly wind blowing.   So Percy and I have abandoned any thought of walking today I am sad to say.   I have just watched 'Escape to the Country' over my afternoon cup of tea and I was so pleased I did because the county involved was Shropshire and we went round Acton Scott Farm Museum - an area I know well from the seventeen years I spent living and teaching in Wolverhampton so it brought back many happy memories.   And what can be better on a pouring wet day than happy memories.


  1. Sounds like great soup weather, just perfect for a spicy red lentil soup. I am sure it will be good!
    Tuna used to feature regularly in my kitchen during my first marriage; in salads, with pasta, on pizza etc. Seems like a lifetime ago.

  2. Our overnight heavy rain has passed on now and it is a lovely bright sunny, but cold, day.
    We have just finished the last of yesterday's soup. You have inspired to now make some spicy lentil soup.

  3. Our heat is running too, after a fairly warm week previous. The weather forecast is calling for dropping highs each day this week, with some rain but not much. I'm so sorry to hear about your continual rainfall, as it can be so depressing sometimes. A nice prawn salad surely would have cheered things up a bit. Hang in there! ~Andrea xoxo

  4. After rain this morning we've got a spell of glorious sunshine here in the North West, just waiting until it dries up a bit then out to the garden for a bit of autumnal tiding up. Spicy lentil soup sounds appetising for a rainy day. I admire how you make the effort to have lovely appetising meals, I tend to cobble together the easiest things and I know I should make more effort.

  5. We are currently experiencing the same weather as you here on Sheppey Pat, wet and cold. Fortunately I got a load of manure spread on my garden before the rain started.

  6. What a good idea to order yourself a special treat on delivery day, you deserve it after getting up early on such a wet, miserable day ... but what a shame this weeks was not quite so 'treaty'.

  7. Glad you are warm and dry even if the weather is anything but. It's perfect soup weather though!.
    Home deliveries are great but not when certain items are not available and you have no chance to pick an alternative. Hope you get your frozen items next time.

  8. There is nothing finer than a pot of soup on a blustery cold day. Unless of course it is a garden picked tomato sliced on good bread and eaten outside on a beautiful summer day. But, then I've gotten off topic, haven't I? It sounds like a quiet, golden day at your house.

  9. You are right about making soup - I will have to go through my recipes and get ready as the weather is getting colder here in Illinois (USA). Stay warm and stay healthy!

  10. I recommend roast garlic and lentil soup. My all time favourite. Google it - if you get stuck let me know and I will try find the cook book. Its really easy.

  11. Hint: Try sardines on toast but with a layer of (Shiphams?) sardine and tomato paste on top of the butter and under the sardines. You won't regret it...

  12. I hope you tell us what you think of Tom's cuisine recommendation.
    That certainly was a lot of rain. Excessive?

  13. Foul weather here too. This morning my shorts have been put away, and my longs shown the light.

    When I briefly lived in Shropshire (80-85), I met old man Ashton in my Pub'. Nice man, and very interesting.

  14. Think I might look into having my groceries delivered, find the animals food heavy to carry. Must admit the Co-op does not go in for many 'fancy foods' though. It turned out a good day for you, warmth and decent TV ;)

  15. Wet or not, how I would like to be in the Dales! I have not visited since January and neighbours tell me that the garden has rioted and the place is looking abandoned. Oh dear. But I fear that we shall not be traveling anywhere any time soon. A friend is going to hack the growth back. You are wise to stay inside, cosy and warm. Sorry about the soup, spices can be tricky. I was heavy handed with the chilli flakes in a large batch of veg soup and spoilt the flavour - could only taste the chilli! Let's hope for better luck for us both next time.

  16. Tom that sounds a brilliant idea - I often have sardines on toast - I shall now order the Shippams on my next order. Roast tomatoes on toast benefit from a layer of grated cheese and a flash under the grill.

    Thanks everyone.
