Wednesday 30 September 2020


Why is it that a sandwich tastes so much better out on a picnic than it does while sitting at the table?   My perfectly ordinary sandwich on my picnic yesterday (and a picnic in my car alone with the windows of the car open letting in the warm autumn air) tasted divine and it was only ham and coleslaw.   And that brings me to another covid thought.   Covid does seem to govern our lives these days - however hard one tries to get away from it it looms large.

One of my passions as I have got older is clothes.  Yes I know, please don't tell me that there is more to life than clothes, that with the world in the state it is clothes other than essentials are unnecessary, that there are much more important things to do with one's money.   I know this and I do have charities which I support and have done so for years.   But as my regular readers will know, pre Covid friend W and I, and various other friends, ate out regularly - always at least twice a week and it was not uncommon for it to be four times a week.   And that needed nice clothes, so I bought nice clothes.   This year, in early Spring,I bought a new pair of trousers, which I have had on once and three new tops - one I have worn once and the other two not at all.   Now the winter catalogues have arrived (I have been unable to buy clothes other than on line for years owing to my mobility) and there is no point in opening them.  I had a new winter coat last year and this year  - in the depths of winter - I shall sit in the window by the radiator and watch the world go by.   And the money I save?   I am sure I can find another charity to send it to.

And another question.   What is happening to poor Boris?   Is he losing his touch?   I often wonder when I see the top politicians on the television screen,   how on earth they keep it all together.   Life is so complicated.  Balancing the books, dealing with the outbreak, dealing with Brexit - all these things to balance - yesterday Boris really lost it when being asked a question about Covid restrictions in the North East (I live on the edge) and later had to apologise.   And then I read an interesting  article on Rishi Sunak (who is actually my constituency MP) - on his rise to power as Chancellor, on his ability, on his popularity.   And in the article was a recent picture of him.   He was striding up the stairs at number 10, red folder under his arm, past pictures of past Prime Ministers - one wonders - is it true that a picture is often worth a thousand words??


  1. I think you could be right about Rishi...he's striding there very fast!

  2. THink Rishi would make an excellent Prime Minister. Boris has been disappointing to say the least.

  3. Boris really is starting to look as though he's out of his depth. He needs good ministers around him all the time to keep things running smoothly, without them he seems to flounder. Which is not a good thing when you're running a country and the eyes of the world are on you.

    I haven't bought many clothes either this year and have just packed away the very summery things that I bought last year and wore this, ready for next year. We will all be saving money.

  4. Why would anyone want to tell you that clothes aren't everything and that there are more important things to spend your money on? You always come across as a very kind, sensible, intelligent lady - it is nobody's business what you do with your money, and what (and how many) clothes you buy.
    Similar to you, I have bought a few items not long before the pandemic reached my part of the world, and have not yet worn them. Two new dresses in my wardrobe are still waiting to be worn, but I am sure there will come a time when I shall happily put them on.
    I work mostly from home but still see my clients once a week or so, therefore nice clothes are the rule, and I am definitely not going to feel guilty about feeling good in them.

    You are right, a sandwich eaten outdoors (or, like in your case, in the car with the warm autumn air around you) tastes nice; on most our our hikes and long walks this year, O.K. and I carried a rucksack with sandwiches, cherry tomatoes, fruit and biscuits, not to mention water. Resting on a bench in the sun (or on hot days in the shade) and eating what we brought was always lovely!

  5. You share that passion with H.I. Our contents insurance wouldn't cover replacement, and it's a lot. Boris has been out of his depth since first going into Number 10. The entire cabinet (with the possible exception of Rishi Sunak, though I am not convinced) is utterly incompetent.

  6. I'm not a fan of Boris but I think people are being too harsh on him. He doesn't look well, Long Covid perhaps? Much like Theresa May being plunged in to the deep end with the Brexit situation the same thing has happened for Boris with not only Covid but the remnants of Brexit too.

    Yes he does waffle on, yes he couldn't answer a question yesterday but he came swiftly back with an apology for that. Don't all our brains get tired at times?
    Those who favour Rishi Sunak should do well to remember "out of the frying pan into the fire" As a pensioner I'm very thankful for Boris sticking to his pledge that the Triple Lock will stay, Rishi was determined we would lose that.

    Pensioners on the State Pension are getting poorer every year - just what did our increase do this year? Did it cover the rising costs of gas and electric? No. Did it cover the rising costs of food and associated living? No. Did it cover the rising cost of car insurance, car tax, car repairs, house insurance, vet bills, essential workers (plumber, electrician etc) rising call out charges and hourly rates? No. I could go on.

    Boris has faults - what happened to his pledge to make sure Care Home charges don't strip us of our savings and assets? Keeping the free TV licence for over 75's? Besides other pledges not come to fruition. But be very wary of wanting someone else to step in to his shoes, someone who has already tried to deprive pensioners of something they were promised.

  7. Can you recommend any clothing catalogues please? Fed up of sending rubbish quality, badly fitting stuff back!

  8. I suggest you order some warm socks and slippers to make life comfortable.

  9. If you look on YouTube you can find several of Boris's appearances on Have I Got News For You. He was clearly out of his depth there. If he can't answer questions from Paul Merton what chance has he got with Keir Starmer ?

  10. I wish I had your passion for clothes, I have always relied on Charity Shops for clothes and I don’t really fancy going into them now and being extremely short is always a problem, I must try harder. I am not a conservative in any way shape or form but if we cannot have a socialist gov then Rishi Sunak would make a better leader I think. It is wet and dark in Dorset today, not weather we are used to down here. I think thick socks and slippers as recommended above are an excellent idea.

  11. Don't feel guilty about your penchant for nice clothes. I am another one who takes great pleasure in admiring, and sometimes being lucky enough to wear, well made and flattering outfits. Unfortunately, being very short in stature the reality in my case does not always match up to the desired intent, however much I have spent!

  12. Covid-19 doesn't leave without a trace. Boris J. survived, but probably has to deal with some long term effects. Who knows.

  13. With everything we buy at the moment, we are putting money into the economy, and I don't think anyone is going to have a problem with that, but with nowhere to go, I agree, there's not much need for new clothes. I like my clothes to be quite plain, but do like nice shoes and a good bag - no excuse at all now to spend on either.
    As far as Boris goes, I didn't see him yesterday, but I've read that he out-blustered Matt Lucas's spoof on Bake Off! Boris will be addressing the nation again today - so we'll see!

  14. I think Boris is still suffering from the effects of the virus. If you think about it he was literally at death's door - and that must have taken it's toll on every organ of his body - then 3 / 4 weeks later he's back in at the deep end and doing loads of exercise as well to prove he's fit and to fight the obesity that the Press blamed for his illness. I would reckon he simply no longer has the energy that it takes for the job (physically and mentally) and certainly if you were to view him in terms of Chinese Medicine (my hubby trained as an acupuncturist)- he is not a well-bunny. He probably needed months of convalescence. Interestingly psychic Amanda Ellis did a YouTube tarot read on him a while back and said that he'd basically lost enthusiasm for the job - which was linked to his illness: his heart was simply no longer in it.

  15. I'm sad reading about the state of the government in the UK. Even though I no longer live there, it will always be my true home although I've not been a resident since 1962! Here, it's even worse right now, and I detest talking about politics/politicians - so clothes are, as always, a much happier subject for me!

    Personally I love clothes, and fashion, probably due to my mother being a Royal dressmaker who made clothes for Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother - and my own clothes when growing up. I doubt I will never not want to refresh my wardrobe as the seasons change. I do see huge changes though in the fashion business now, due of course, to COVID-19, and I think there will be less focus on changing styles so quickly, perhaps a return to more classic - almost uniform - dressing, with wardrobes we can build on instead of disposing/recycling cheap clothes after just one season. Youth are of course more into that way of dressing - guess it's a 'right of passage' into adulthood! In the last few years I've cut back on the number of clothes I've purchased fewer but more classic designs in quality fabrics - such as cashmere sweaters for cold weather, linen for the heat we have here in my area, and I admit to a drawer full of good quality long and short-sleeved basic cotton tees in black and white only! I like tailored lightweight wool trousers, with a few skirts thrown in, and nice jackets and classic winter coats. I now feel I can get pulled together for any occasion. . . . . . . except there aren't many of those currently! Oh well, dressing for the weekly grocery store trip will have to do for the time being!

    Stay well dear Pat - hope your winter is not too severe - picnic while the autumn days are still lovely.
    Hugs - Mary

  16. As someone said, Boris always wanted to be Prime Minister and will love saying he was Prime Minister. It’s just the bit in the middle he’s not interested in! I taught four year olds with more concentration and stamina than that man.


  17. Food does taste better when eaten outdoors or cooked by someone else. I have no idea why.

    As for losing it...Boris is an amateur compared to the two American politicians debating on television last night. I shutter and moan...what have we done to ourselves (Americans).

  18. Debbie I do agree with you - I also feel Boris is still suffering from the virus effects - so many people who have had it say it takes months to get back to normal. Duta feels it -

    Thanks for your interest - and for taking the time to reply.

  19. Sorry Duta I got cut off in mid sentence. What I meant to say was that you feel it too.

  20. If having new clothes makes you happy and you can afford them then you should get them! If you feel you don't need as much since you are not going out as often then maybe you could look at a different type of clothes. There are a variety of nice things you could get to wear mainly at home especially for the colder weather.

    I'm glad you enjoyed your picnic yesterday!

  21. I agree and that morning cup of tea when camping is special too.

  22. There is something a little bit special about outdoor meals. As for clothes, if we are honest I think most of us would say we enjoy having something new to wear.
    Poor Boris - he thought he was just taking on bringing about Brexit then Covid arrived, he himself caught it and has probably been struggling to cope with the after effects ever since. People are too ready to criticise. He is damned no matter what he says or does. I doubt that anyone else could do any better.

  23. Your picnic sandwich sounds like such a treat, what a good idea.
    I’m not too fussed about clothes but Ido like to look presentable, at least you’re saving money.
    As for Boris, he may still be suffering the after effects of the virus and if this is the case, is he fit for the job of PM at the moment? Perhaps he should take some extended leave. As a midwife, if I was unfit for work, it was my duty to inform someone senior because I was making important decisions. The job of PM is important so should he really be making decisions for the country if he is unwell? Personally, I think he liked the idea of being PM but doesn’t want to be bothered with the nitty gritty of the role and he doesn’t care.

  24. Interesting what you sayy FB

    Agree with you Heather at the moment - I just see Rishi Sunak as a possible PM in the future.

  25. Our temps have gone cold, no use thinking of more than warm bedclothes.

  26. I don't suppose that Boris will quit until at least the next election, but Rishi is certainly on hold.

  27. Well Boris is definitely fumbling around. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could sweep aside all incumbent politicians and start again. Well I bought a new skirt last week, and instead of keeping it for some mythical outing in the future am wearing it now!

  28. Thanks for your lively discussion folks!

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