Tuesday 29 September 2020

A Perfect Day

 After a misty, Autumnal start during which I washed out the fridge ready for my Tesco order and then, when it came I packed it all away neatly.   Then I walked down to M's with three books to lend her (she lent me three earlier in the week).   By this time it was half past eleven and time to think about lunch.   I had cleaned out the veggie drawer in the fridge ready for today's arrivals and had managed to get the required weight of frozen sweet corn, celery, parsnip, carrot, potato - plus some good stock, a shaking of mixed herbs and sea salt and pepper.   Then I had an idea!   Outside it is a beautiful autumn day.   So I made roast ham and cole slaw sandwiches, put them in a bag with half a dozen cherry tomatoes and decided to drive to high ground and eat my lunch and read my book.

I was slightly put off because the road I intended to go on which goes over into Swaledale was under repair and the road was closed - so I went down Scarth Nick into Wensleydale instead.   I pulled into a lay by half way down Scarth Nick (a steep hill) and sat there in the sunshine with the car windows open and ate my sandwiches.  The views were not brilliant but there was a lot of traffic about with the road being closed.   So I just took two photographs out of the car window - one looking over Wensleydale towards Penn Hill on the horizon and the other just the view on the side of the road.

It made a pleasant change - my sandwiches were delicious, the fresh air was good, but when I got home I was pretty tired and had to have a snooze.   Now I shall go and sample the fridge bottom soup - time will tell what it tastes like - but there was some celery in it and that always perks it up.


  1. Our weather continues to see-saw - grey and drizzly down here today! Glad you enjoyed your solitary picnic - food always tastes better out of doors.

  2. That does look like a beautiful day. Such a bright blue sky.
    I love the sound of fridge bottom soup!

  3. It was warmer down here today - I was a bit too snug in a scarf and jacket. Your chosen picnic spot has lovely views, and such a great idea for perking up a day. Hope the soup turned out well.

  4. On the advice of my cook book I put a handful of frozen sweet corn into my mixed veg soup and it added a bit of sweetness - a good idea, it perked it up no end.

  5. What a good idea. A picnic. Can't remember when I had a picnic. Shall now make a plan. x

  6. How wonderful to get out of the house and go somewhere with beautiful mountain views! Fresh air and good views can do us all a world of good!

  7. I think a drive out and a change of scenery lifts the spirits no end.

    We had a car picnic today too (in Hay Car Park!) on our way back from viewing another property. Futile again . . .

    I hope we get some more good weather before the winter sets in and makes us disinclined to venture forth.

  8. A picnic and a car ride to a place with views. I think I shall do just that as often as possible next week, when I should have been on my holiday near Padstow. I have decided to give the holiday a miss because of the fear of risking infection in a strange place cleaned by someone else. No point in sitting in home when I could enjoy the weather and a picnic in the fresh air - with maybe a walk with BenjiDog and some photos to look back on.
    You are an inspiration, Pat.
    - Rosemary x

  9. Sandwiches sound delicious and what a great idea to eat them in a beautiful place!

  10. What a good idea, but a bit sad that you didn't have your anticipated view.

  11. Lovely views and a good idea as the weather is changing in the next few days.

  12. What a good idea, to have your lunch with a view (even if it wasn't the one you had originally planned)! We need to make the most of the sunny weather when we can; it is a mostly grey and sometimes wet week here this week, but Monday was sunny and allowed for a good 2-hour-walk after work.

  13. That's such a good idea. I would have needed to stop somewhere for a good cup of coffee, but other than that, it sounds perfect. I have taken to reading from my iPad, as I can increase the font size, but that is also good to use when I'm out and about.

  14. Thanks everyone. Yes, as several of you say - the weather is changing today and it will be changeable for the rest of the week - so my plan now is to go out whenever the weather is good enough - why is it that just an ordinary sandwich (yesterday;s picnic sandwich was ham and coleslaw) tastes better on a picnic than it does sitting at the kitchen table?

  15. I had a similar idea to yours this past weekend. I put together a picnic lunch for husband and I and we drove about an hour away to see the beautiful leaves. Eventually we found a spot with a picnic table and enjoyed our lunch. Your ham and coleslaw sandwich sounds good! -Jenn

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