Tuesday 8 September 2020

Pleasureable afternoon.

I have had a   very pleasant afternoon.   Friend S came - she had travelled quite a long way in these Covid days because she lives the other side of Richmond.   We had several hours of chat and covered a lot of ground - what we had done with our lives, where we had lived, how we are spending our retirement, what we have been reading, gardening, (we inspected the patio and agreed that it was coming along nicely).   It wasn't warm enough to sit in the garden but my sitting room is just big enough to social distance and I always keep my bathroom supplied with hand sanitiser and a special personal hand towel for anyone who comes.   Tea and choccy bikkies was the order of the day - a treat indeed for me.   I don;t usually buy them because I can't resist them so best not to have any in the tin.


I have just booked my Tesco delivery spot for next week  and after downloading an interesting curry recipe I have ordered all the  ingredients so that I can try it out later next week.   The recipe is from Marie Rayner's site and is for Chicken Samla Curry so watch this space to see how it turns out next week.   This week's soup in my soupmaker tomorrow is another batch of tomato and basil because I enjoyed it so much.  The only other thing on the calendar for tomorrow is to visit the Garden Centre and buy a prostrate conifer of some kind for my patio because I have now got an even number of plantings and we can't have that can we after we all agreed that the planting must be an odd number?




  1. Sounds like you have had a lovely day and glad you could have such a nice visit with your friend!
    Here in S. Colorado we have had gray skies, cold wind, and rain mid-afternoon and then early evening -- snow! Yikes! It could continue through the night!
    Tomorrow I shall be making a pot of potato soup! It is definitely soup weather here in the U.S.

  2. What a nice day you have enjoyed! You are right, it sounds like you need one more item for the garden to keep the count uneven. Your soup sounds delicious!

  3. Everything sounds just wonderful as it should be.
    It is so hot here in the West... lots of fires.
    The soup sound lovely. It was only the high of 108 but will cool of for a few daye then back up to 100+

  4. Yesterday I swam in 20 C water, and emerged to 31 C sunshine. Invigorating.

  5. A friend visiting, AND chocolate biccies - what's not to love!
    I am looking forward to your curry recipe, I really like curries.
    It's been a busy work day yesterday for me, and I could not wait to get out as soon as I finished work; it was sunny and warm, and I walked for about two hours, just what I needed.

  6. Always good to be able to catch up with old friends. I have the same problem with chocolate biscuits and have come up with the same solution to limit my intake.

  7. That sounds like a very enjoyable and satisfying day. Hope the curry turns out well and the soup is bound to if you enjoyed it last time. I shy away from conifers but only because my garden was full of neglected ones when I took it over. Some of them are beautiful and the prostrate one give additional shapes to the garden.

  8. It was lovely yesterday wasn't it, and I managed a 'slightly too early' visit to see Mum on my way to the Van. Greater Manchester and Cheshire where she lives was officially coming out of the lockdown at midnight but I just couldn't be so close and not call in for a catch up, and she's been out and about more than me this week with doctors and chiropodists visits and shopping for the first time for her since March. I think instead of seeing her every week like I usually do I have seen her less than a dozen times up to now this year.

    And yes you definitely need an odd number of plants :-)

  9. How lovely to have your friend to visit. We are still being ultra careful here and even when our middle daughter visited recently and it was raining and we had to retire indoors, we went down to what was my mum's flat, socially distanced and wore masks unless eating or drinking. Perhaps we are being OTT. Dunno . . . but G works in a very busy jewellers so meets a lot of people on a daily basis.

  10. I managed ti fubd the plant I wanted so that is another job ticked off my list.
    Thanks for calling by.

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