Monday 7 September 2020

Monday evening.

Not a bad sort of day as things have been going lately.   In spite of the fact that we have had several absolutely torrential downpours (which have washed the front windows nicely) and the temperature is on the low side (now in the evening the central heating has come on) it has been a good day for me.   It was our Book Group - there are eight of us - and only three could make it at the last minute.   In spite of this we had a really pleasant discussion session on 'A Gentleman in Moscow'; we all three absolutely loved it and I am sure we could have gone on longer than our hour and a half talking about it.

I had enough lunch left from yesterday to heat in the microwave - cottage pie with a mixture of roasted carrot, sweet potato and celery (surprisingly good) followed by three delicious Victoria plums (it is a shame to stew them they are so very good just as they come off the tree).   After half an hour with The Times and my feet up I gave a vacuum through the bungalow, followed by a polish - Monday is the day when - in normal times - my cleaner used to come so I like to keep up tradition.   At five o'clock when the town was  less busy I put on my mask and ventured into our Deli in town for one or two things.There was a perfect parking spot just outside the store.  Toast and honey for tea and then the only downside of the day.   I watched the News at Six.

The horror of it all.   First of all a man stabbed to death and seven others injured in Birmingham and then a schoolboy in Ipswich shot by another school boy on their way to school.   It is just all so very sad that these things should happen.   One feels so helpless.   But I must not end on such a sad note.  It is already getting dark at 7.15 and I shall go round now and draw all the blinds and shut out  the night - the sky has not cleared - it is still heavily clouded.   Tomorrow is forecast to be the best day of the week - weather wise it couldn;t be much worse than today.   If it is of any interest to you - I went to Book Group in my winter fur-lined boots this morning because my feet were so cold.


  1. I'm in Devon at the moment, spending a week in a farm cottage on a working farm and thoroughly enjoying it. What has really amazed me, shocked even, is how lush and green it is everywhere down here, pretty much I guess how it is where you live with all that regular rain. The livestock here must be the best fed in the country, the fields are so full of lovely green grass. I was telling the farmer what it is like on Sheppey at the moment with farmers already feeding livestock with winter hay because grazing is so non-existent and arable fields are dust dry and he was struggling to believe me.

  2. Hope you get a bit of warmth and sunshine tomorrow. It started off quite nicely here - T shirt and jacket and trousers this morning. I'd graduated to a cotton jumper by lunchtime as I wanted long sleeves, then later I went all out for a woolly jumper! No two days are the same at present.

  3. Fur lined boots already - let's hope we don't have a hard winter. I like to be warm too. On our walk today, I said to Keith, this temperature is just right for walking - I can't cope with it's really hot and really cold isn't very enjoyable either!

    I am on top of my housework too (because of the viewing), and did all the ironing today so I sat down with my new book.

  4. "A gentleman in Moscow" is my favourite book of the past few years - glad to hear that you also enjoyed it so much.

  5. I also read "A Gentleman in Moscow" recently and enjoyed it very much, particularly the clever quirky ending. Isn't it great to get hold of a good solid read now and then?

  6. Had I left the house today, I would have needed fur lined wellies. It rained the entire day. I have nothing to say about the news. Ours is no better. Heart wrenching sad.

  7. I see you are still having problems with your font size. Don't forget; if you hold down Ctrl then click on either + or - it will increase or decrease in size. Don't worry; nothing nasty will happen.

  8. I love the combination of carrots and sweet potato, have not tried it with celery yet. Also, aren't most fruit best just the way they come off the tree or bush? I have not had any good plums yet this season, somehow there was never the right kind available when I was at the shop, and since my parents do not have their allotment anymore, I have to buy all my fruit instead of picking it off their trees.
    Cold mornings and evenings here, too, but I refuse to get my boots or padded coat out just yet!

  9. A proper Fall cool down is expected this next week here in Arkansas and i'am sooo looking forward to it... We have company for the month of Sept. Daughter , husband , granddaughter.. Having a two year old in the house for a month has been quite the Oh but she's darling. Giving grandma and grandpa lots of hugs and kisses. :) Take care my friend.. Keep those feet warm any way you can!! Hugs! deb

  10. A Gentleman in Moscow is one of my favorite books. Would love to hear some of your discussion about it.

  11. Yes, the news broadcasts today should carry a warning first: "View at your own risk". Bleh!! ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Unknown - we just really recaled all the little touchesthe little incidents that happened and the way the author described them (one that I recall is how he tests the bed springs of his bed when he is put under house arrest and pronounces them G sharp!)
    So many charming touches. Also we did like the way it ended with us able to discuss what would happen next. We decided that the woman in the cafe was Anna - what would they do, where would they go? All the best books end on that sort of note.

    Thanks for advice on font size Cro. I do know that but because my hands are so shaky quite often it changes without my realising it.

    Thanks all.

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