Sunday 17 May 2020

Round the block.

Percival and I have just been round the block after our lunch.   I call him Percy when he is good and Percival when he is naughty and today, in a sharp wind, he is quite naughty and doesn't always go where I ask him to.   Blown off course by the wind on a sharp corner he tends to go off at right angles.   But he is better than a walking stick for all that and I did have a necessary walk.

Something went wrong with Zoom - probably my fault (in fact almost certainly my fault as are most problems on computers) and last evening I  wiped the whole thing off and started again.   I have a 'date' tomorrow afternoon with friend W and friends P and D in The Lakes (tea and crumpets at three since you ask) on Zoom and W is Zooming me at three thirty this afternoon to make sure I am 'contactable' before tomorrow.   Oh to be in such demand in these lockdownable days!

Has it struck anybody else that if our present situation was a Science Fiction film we may possibily make fun of it saying that it was just 'too far-fetched'?   And if a vaccine is never found (think of the common cold) then at what point do we start going out into society again and 'risking it'?   And will I still be here when that time comes or will I be in 'semi-lockdown' for the rest of my days (after all I am 88 in six months time)?   I really have got to the time when I can't be bothered to even think about it - I am still here, I have good contact by phone (3 one hour calls this week end with niece, friend and god-daughter) as well as Zoom meetings (fingers crossed), chats over the garden wall and e mails.   Life isn't all bad.

My son is calling in half an hour to water my outside tubs for me (can too heavy for me to use), Zoom with friend W in four minutes, it's all go here in North Yorkshire.   Have a nice evening.


  1. With you heading towards 88 and maintaining an almost daily blog -- I think that [and you] are fabulous! Keep up the good work and tell that Percival to straighten up and fly right! LOL
    Sounds like you have a wonderful rest of the day ahead of you -- it's only 8:55 a.m. here in S. Colorado this fine Sunday morning! ❤

  2. You have a busy social calendar. You are right, if our new way of living was in a sci fi novel a year ago, we would have said it would be too far fetched. Zoom meetings, who knew?

  3. You are right. Life is not all bad, despite the current situation.
    I hope Percy behaves himself the next time you take him out.

  4. Surely, now that lock down rules have been lifted somewhat, you and you friends could drive to a park or nice spot in the countryside and have a physical chat, even if it's only via open car windows or sitting near each other - that would surely be a big lift to the spirits.

  5. Apparently there has been a widespread issue with Zoom - interfered with the press briefing today.

  6. Yes, I have often thought of our present situation as if it were a Science Fiction film or book. Then I remembered Lord Byron once said "Truth is stranger than fiction". I never would have believed all this a year ago. I do hope Percy straightens up and behaves better in the wind on your next walk! Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

  7. Yes, one needs to be both 'contactable' and 'zoomable'! Glad a walk with Percival was had.
    I, too, wonder if this virus will simply be with us like the flu or common cold. The thought of just 'risking it' has me a bit concerned.

  8. Derek I am not sure we are yet allowed to meet as you suggest - I think the meetings must only be of two people from differenr households. It is a bit cofusing. Also social distancing in any case would make it hard for me to hear everybody.

  9. My chariot has been known to set off on its own in the wind. More difficult now as my oxygen tank is in its bag and I am connected!

  10. You seem to have got things well sorted out during lockdown. It doesn't take long before a new routine is drawn up. I get chats through the window with my son and his wife, and have had a distanced cuppa in the garden with my daughter, and of course lengthy phone calls. However, I do like a hug with them and look forward to it being possible once more.

  11. Things are what you make of it. You are doing well in making things happen to see that you are doing the best you can under the present situation.

  12. Busy, busy, busy. Way to go Weaver.

  13. Friendships and family connections make all the different at this time. -Jenn

  14. I believe there have been several films with exactly the current theme; none of them ended well.

  15. I don't think any of us could have imagined the current scenario at the beginning of this year.
    In my country, restrictions were never quite as strict as in yours, and now that almost all shops are open again and restaurants etc. are following this week (with restrictions, but still...), I worry that it is too much, too fast. A second wave of infections could hit us much harder, and I am already noticing people getting more careless; mandatory face masks in shops and on public transport seem to create a false sense of security for some.

  16. Well you're ahead of me ... I've never Zoomed in my life!! Even Alan hasn't Zoomed, but that's because his business dealings have to be on a secure platform and Zoom isn't, so he still has to Skype.

    Take care with naughty Percival, he'll be leading you astray!!

  17. You seem to be getting on much better with the telephone these days Weave.

  18. Yes, I wonder if folk will become more careless as the rules are relaxed.

  19. I've not used Zoom - though I understand it did go wrong for a bit. My internet banking is down today. We are relying on a narrower and narrower way of doing things.
    I've just read 'Lockdown' by Peter May. It's about a pandemic centred on London. Apparently it was turned down initially for being unbelievable. It seems like everyday life now!

  20. I hope Percy is having a better time of it today.
    The Zooming folks are into amazes me. I feel like everyone can solve a Rubik's cube but me, and I'm all right with that.
