Monday 18 May 2020


Mondays come round with increasing rapidity - I for one don't find that time goes slowly at all; the days simply fly  by.   Friend W and I have just had virtual tea with crumpets and honey with our two friends P and D in Windermere.    They actually had the crumpets there to eat - we just imagined this end.   As I have sat here at my lap top the sun has emerged at last and it is a bit warmer but the wind is still strong.

The long grass on the piece of waste ground opposite has been cut today and I must say that it does look a whole lot neater - and the cut has removed a whole lot of dandelion 'clocks' before they have had a lot of time to seed.   So just in time.   But really I feel sorry for the poor old dandelion - it is much maligned.   Individually the flowers are really very pretty - as are the seed heads.   It is just their invasive quality which puts us off them.

Our friends in the Lakes said it had rained steadily there for several hours when we met them on Zoom.   No such luck here; the day has now (2 hours later) gone grey and chilly.   If only those clouds would drop a good rain for an hour or two.
It is so easy if one is a gardener to become obsessed with looking at the sky and asking repeatedly for rain at this time of the year, particularly in a year such as this when we are so confined with what we can and can't do.

There doesn't seem much to write about today - or maybe it is just that I have a day when I don't feel particularly inspired - so sorry folks - that's it.   See you tomorrow, when hopefully there will be something which catches my imagination. 


  1. Your posts are always interesting. I find your outlooks on life to be refreshing.
    As for the rain, early morning here in Vermont was cloudy. It's now sunny with a nice spring breeze. I expect the plants will want a drink before the sun sets.

    Have a wonderful evening

  2. As with your friends in the Lakes, it has been chilly and wet here too. Thankfully we haven't had to water our plants today. You have now made me crave crumpets and honey - good job we don't have any in the house or they would all be gone!

  3. It has been hot and sunny here on Sheppey today Pat and due to get hotter over the next couple of days.
    All the grass verges here on Sheppey are now about a foot high grass and after the mass Spring flowering of dandelions we now have a mass flowering of buttercups. The verges look great and offer so much to various wildlife, shame your councils don't see it that way.

  4. Not exactly warm here either, but quite pleasant wearing a jacket against a cool breeze. I love dandelions, they are so cheerful and a very useful plant too in days gone by.
    The weeks seem to fly by, thank goodness, so with a bit of luck we will all be let out again before much longer.

  5. Hi hun, I don't comment but have read your blog often over the years. I really admire the way that you are such a strong lady X. I love crumpets especially when they ooze butter (not marge ) and Robertsons orange shred marmalade or lime marmalade!! YUMMM :) Can't goto the shops even though I am now craving crumpets LOL !!! *hugs* Goldensunflower x

  6. I love your posts. Some bloggers I wish lived nearer and you are one of them.

  7. I put off cutting the dandelions on my path until the flowers had gone and the bees and insects had done their job. I hate cutting flowers in Springtime.

  8. This is off-subject but I noticed your comment over at John's "Going Gently" that you hadn't watched the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird". If you ever get a chance, do so. Please. You'll never forget it.

  9. It's still raining here. After the long dry spell the gardens will be loving it.
    I'm another who loves dandelions. They take me back to my childhood. X

  10. I think I've mentioned before that we have an annual precipitation of 12 - 14 in. We grow great crops. We would be flooded if we had as much rain as you do.


  11. We had some drizzly type rain yesterday evening/overnight, but not enough to give the ground the good soaking it needs.

    Oooh - crumpets. Now you've got me wanting some too - I have a recipe so may try some as I am baking anyway. Glad that your friends are keeping in touch - it would be very easy to get lonely.

    Talking of virtual crumpets, I wish that there was just virtual pollen - my asthma is telling me that levels are higher than forecasts would have me believe! So I am indoors today - baking to mop up eggs I have been given, and sewing the charity quilt.

  12. Well my weather is just like yours Pat. I have been puzzling over crumpets, because I am sure when I was young they were called pikelets. The difference being though that crumpets are cooked in a ring.

  13. Just a thought about a previous post when you said you had to wait for your gardener to water plants as the can is too heavy for you - have you thought about using smaller cans? There are lots of different sizes these days, even child size ones. If it means more journeys to the tap this could be extra exercise. It doesn't have to be done all at once, an occasional potter out to water something and it gets done eventually.
    The big cans are too heavy for me too but I use the smaller ones and don't have to rely on someone else to do it.

  14. As gardeners, we do long for some rain!

  15. Warm (not hot) and sunny here today, too, as was yesterday. Rain is possibly forecast for the weekend, when we actually wanted to have a barbeque at O.K.'s parents' allotment - but these days, the weather forecast is not quite as precise as it used to be, what with so much data missing that used to be collected from planes going up and down in our atmosphere.
    Dandelions, buttercups, and all the other wildflowers - they are beautiful and useful at the same time; long grass is, too.
    Crumpets - like many others here, now I want some, too!

  16. Re the watering can Sue - it is not that the can is too big - it is a smallish plastic one - but carrying it and using my stick when my balance is dodgy is not easy.

    Thanks for calling in everyone.

  17. I loved your comment about just imagining you had crumpets to eat. You are so strong, cracking on with life and doing you best. You put many to shame, keep on keeping on. xx


  18. A Scottish friend's wife made dandelion shortbread, which he pronounced delicious. So maybe next year?
