Sunday 24 May 2020


Sorry about the blurred photograph but I had several tries and this was the best.   Many, many years ago, during my first marriage (my husband died in 1991) - also a very happy one - my husband always used to joke that I had a 'butterfly mind'.   He was quite right - I do find it difficult to keep my mind on the same subject for long.   One morning when he brought me my early morning cup of tea he put this in my hand.   He had seen it in a Jewellers somewhere and bought it because it reminded him of me.

Often I have difficulty getting off to sleep - mainly because my mind is too active.   I intend to access and take their Programme to see if that helps.   I have been  trying on the advice of my Physiotherapist to do breathing exercises when I go to bed.   Keep my mind just on breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth twenty times - if my mind wanders 'pull it back'.   So far I can only manage five breaths without having to do that.  Hopefully this will improve if I keep it up.

I do also have incredibly vivid dreams most nights - not nightmares - often very amusing or very pleasant dreams of walking in the country - rarely if ever anything unpleasant.   Last night/ this morning was a case in point and  is what prompted today's post.   When I was growing up in Lincolnshire there used to be Lincoln's April Fair which was held on the South Common every year.  It lasted several days and everybody went - it had all kinds of things (many would not be countenanced today, quite rightly) - lions, elephants (they used to parade through town the day before the Fair opened - my grandfather once came home and said to my grandmother 'there's elephants in town' and when she asked him how he knew he said 'I've seen their droppings'), clowns, fairground rides - swing boats, cockerels and horses and such like, and awful sideshows mainly of deformed people,  roll the penny games - many many more.   You could hear the noise and the music from far away.

The reason I tell you this is because last night I dreamt of the April Fair, of going round it, of riding on the rides, of watching the lions , of buying a stick of rock and walking round eating it.
Then - later in the night, just before I got up in fact - I dreamt I got onto a bus and everyone but me on the bus was from the fair.   There was a man in a black and white costume with half his face painted white and the other half black, there was a clown with a red ball for a nose,  there was the lion tamer with his whip.   They were all there.   I got on the bus and sat down.   Nobody spoke, nobody moved, all were like statues.   Then I awoke.

I can't help wondering what an interpreter of dreams would make of it all!


  1. With your breathing,have you tried visualising being on a beach and the waves coming in and then out.I find that really works for me.

  2. busybusybeejay - thank you for that - I shall try it tonight - in when the waves come in and out when the waves go out.

  3. I love reading your posts so much. They are so often - like today’s - an absolute joy.

  4. Wow, that sounds like one of my dreams. They are getting weirder and wackier as lockdown goes on. Maybe our minds are dredging through older memories because we are not stimulating them enough during the days at the moment. Mine the other night was all about caravans and World War 2 injured soldiers, the detail on their uniforms and bandages was amazing.

    I use the 4,7,8 breathing technique for slowing down my breathing and stopping my mind from wandering when I need to. It is also supposed to be good for slowing the heart and lowering your blood pressure slightly, which helps bring sleep on. You just breath in through your nose for a count of 4, and then hold for a count of 7 and then try to exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. Once you master it it does work, but do stop if you get lightheaded as you are emptying your lungs completely.

  5. I think the mind may be comforting you by replaying happy times. The butterfly pin is a treasure memory.

  6. I keep having weird dreams too but usually can't remember any details when I wake up. I seem to know I'm dreaming. - very odd. I'm sure I heard that it's quite common for the strange situation we are all in.

  7. At least you didn't find yourself naked on the bus. I have been dreaming a lot since lockdown too. Vivid and interesting dreams, no nightmares, as you say. I am enjoying them, and your blog posts x

  8. What imagery! Most of the dreams I remember involve me looking for a bathroom!
    The pin is a joy ; I love anything butterfly related.

  9. Nice brooch, by the way, very subtle colours. Your husband had a good eye.

  10. The butterfly brooch was a wonderfully romantic gesture. How lovely to have someone see that and think of the pleasure it would give you.
    My dreams are often very vivid but also can be quite disturbing. Sometimes they linger with me long after I have woken up. I am glad that yours are so pleasant and comforting.

  11. I love dreams like that. Yours sounded very good. I remember those side shows at fairs. One in particular was a pickled pair of Siamese twins (now called 'conjoined' I think and Siam is now called Thailand, I also think) which were babies. Complaints were made and the show was closed. That brooch must be special to you.

  12. A beautiful brooch for a memory. Well done him.
    The breathing comes with practice. Just five minutes a couple of times a day will do it, but don't worry about not doing it long enough xx

  13. I love butterflies - that pin is gorgeous!
    Apparently people are having very, very vivid dreams during lockdown - I think Sue might be right - because our current lives are so limited we're coming up with memories to compensate.
    Good luck with the breathing - I do the same initiative as Sue mentioned and it does work - but yes, does need a lot of concentration when first trying.

  14. Wow! Very detailed dream! I don't often remember much of what I dream but sometimes I wake up tired as if from a very busy dream! I like your idea of breathing to help you sleep. I have been waking up in the night and having trouble getting back to sleep. Too much on my mind. I will give the breathing a try. Thanks!

  15. Gosh hanks every one of you. I like the idea of that breathing technique 4,7,8 and intend to try it this evening.

  16. How thoughtful of your first husband, a really lovely gift.

  17. I love the butterfly pin! That is a lovely and thoughtful gift and must be a sweet memory for you. Your dreams are very interesting. I looked up a dream description similar to yours and found this: "Positive dreams of carnivals signify a desire for release and fun and a yearning for the simplicity of childhood." Of course who knows if that could be correct or not but it is interesting.

  18. Mindfulness breathing seems so simple, but is in fact very difficult to do properly. I've tried it myself. But even done badly it helps.
    I have some really strange dreams and can't make head or tail of them, or what induced me to dream them. I like Bonnie's interpretation of your dream - probably a reaction to lockdown. I think we have all had enough now.
    Your butterfly brooch is so pretty.

  19. With trying to calm our "Monkey Mind".... Pay attention to breathing in and breathing out.....But don't try to "Pull your mind back from intruding thoughts"...

    Just let intruding thoughts pass by, like clouds in the sky. No "pulling back."

    Just.... when you notice them... Just let them glide by, without engaging them in any way...

    This is a more calm way, to deal with our "Monkey Mind's" intruding thoughts.

    As I learned it.

    And you will not be perfect! Just don't give up. When you engage a thought, calmly let it go... Over and over... All calm... All calm... No pressure...

    Gentle hugs...

  20. Bonnie - thank you - that sounds just about what I would like right now so some truth in it.
    Thanks to all of you for your sufgestions.

  21. I love the little butterfly gift from your husband - you must treasure it. When I need to still my mind before I go to sleep I just 'look' into the blackness with my eyes closed - like trying to see through your eyelids - if you hold this blackness your mind cannot form pictures and wander off into thoughts. x

  22. We used to have a fair like that in my Surrey village, that visited once a year; it was a big occasion. I HAD to win a Coconut, and go on those boat swings; then I was happy. What wonderful fairs they were, now all long gone.

  23. Lovely blog and a pretty butterfly brooch. I remember those boat swings and a flea circus, with fleas riding a bike?? can I have dreamt it I wonder now.

  24. Sometimes I go to bed so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open long enough to brush my teeth, but once I have the light switched off, I find that my mind is whirling about and does not let me sleep. Sometimes it helps me simply making it wander at will until it reaches a peaceful, comfortable place; at other times, I find it helpful to recount my day step by step, and whenever the mind wants to veer off, I pull it back to the "task" of recounting.
    As for dreams, I often have very vivid dreams, amusing or pleasant, and very rarely nightmares or otherwise disturbing scenes. Sometimes they are entire stories from start to finish, at other times all I remember is a scene or a glimpse of something, leaving me with a particular feeling all morning. Most of the time, I know very well what it means in relation to what is going on in my life during the day, what worries me or what I am most (pre-)occupied with.

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  26. Memories, memories, weall have precious ones. Thank you.

  27. I think it was a very thrilling dream! Probably lots of possible interpretations.
    Your butterfly brooch is a delight.
    My father used to say I had a grasshopper mind!
