Monday 25 May 2020

Bank Holiday

Really what's a Bank Holiday at the moment - we are all basically 'on holiday' and our Barclays is only open for a couple of mornings a week.   So what's new?   Well the one thing that is new is that the wind has finally almost died down - and what a relief.   I have been unable to go out with Percy for days - Percy and the wind do not like one another.   And the first day I could have gone out I have not felt well.  I awoke with a bad headache, took a couple of Paracetamol with a cup of tea and went back to bed and slept.   I didn't get up until 12 - had my shower and got dressed ready for my Zoom 'afternoon tea' with P and D in Windermere and W and I over here in Wensleydale.   All very civilised and enjoyable.   Now, in the early evening, I feel more like my normal self and hopefully will be back to normal tomorrow.

And, after watching Dominic Cummings this afternoon, I have more sympathy for him.   Maybe it was a silly thing to do but am not sure he broke rules (and if he did there are plenty of others who went off to their holiday homes for the duration). And when I think of all the stupid things our politicians do and all the U turns (or not as the case may be) they make I think maybe he is more valuable at the moment than things would be if he resigned.    You may disagree with me - but that is your right, just as it is my right.   Thank goodness we are lucky enough to live in a free country    where we can say what we really think.I think we now need to get on with more important things after three days talking about it  and nothing else.

My garden still looks great but then if you can't get a colourful garden in May you never can.   I haven't been up the top of the garden to see - I am not steady enough on my feet - but I suspect the Mares Tail will be peeping through.   It is actually quite a pretty plant - pity that like Ground Elder it is hated so much in gardens.

I shall now go and make myself a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits - then I shall settle down to watch the first episode ever of 'All Creatures Great and Small'.  See you tomorrow.


  1. There seems to be a bit of a witch hunt out there for Dominic Cummings. Such a relief that this wind has died down.

  2. Prayers the headache is gone, and does not return.
    Reading up about who Cummings is, I became distracted. Ended up in the kitchen making homemade pizza with store bought dough. Mr. Cummings gives those who chose to grumble, a distraction as well.

  3. A glorious day here and very warm. Glad I went out for my walk at 10am before it got too hot. I am thoroughly fed up with people so ready to criticise before they know all the facts. I am sure that many of us would have done the same as Dominic Cummings given his circumstances. Enjoy your garden and the virtual cuppas, and I hope you feel better tomorrow.

  4. I am glad you felt better after your extra time in bed and sleep. Perhaps the one or two bad nights had caught up with you. All well now Weave.

  5. It is so good to hear that you are feeling better. I hope you sleep well tonight and wake up feeling your bright and wonderful self!

  6. Nice to read your feeling better.
    I read about the Mum of the 14 year old boy who died and I understand why she feels this way.
    Enjoy your show tonight.

  7. The Cummings business is a lot of fuss about nothing. The Left 'remainers' will never forgive him for his success, and they will keep their knives sharpened as long as possible. They want blood! If I'd been in his situation, I'd have done exactly the same; as would most of the baying hounds who gather outside his home every day.

  8. Cummings is as guilty as hell and he knows it and I'm surprised that his little sob story press conference so easily fooled you. He is a nasty bit of work who is now reaping what he has sown over the years.
    If we get a second spike and need another lock down, a lot of people will ignore it this time and be driving their children to relatives around the country at their will, "doing a Cummings."

  9. The world dances on a pinhead,the only thing I will say in favour of him was that he was brave to sit down and face his accusers but he gave no genuine sympathy to all the people who had abided by the rules. Headaches seem to be part of the weather patterns at the moment I think, so relax.

  10. No idea of the Cummings story, it was not on the news over here.
    As for Bank Holidays, I am very glad about each and every one of them, as work is really busy right now.
    Waking up with a bad headache is the worst start of the day! Good to know you did not force yourself to get on with all your usual activities, but gave your body the rest it obviously needed.

  11. Thanks everyone. I like the way everyone has stated their point of view without falling out over it. That is what democracy is all about. Headache not gone but better today.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I would have more sympathy towards Mr Cummings if he'd had the decency to think up his excuses more quickly. I expect they'll announce in the next few days that eye problems are a new symptom to look out for - and perhaps foresight problems as well. I suspect that, like your mare's tail, he'll be very reluctant to go.

  14. I think why people got so angry with Cummings is that while most people stayed put at home, he decided to travel to another home. So many people haven't been able to travel to be near their families when they needed them. And having watched some of his interview he didn't convince me. Now I'm fed up of hearing his name.

  15. You could always substitute Stephen Kinnock if you are fed up with reading about one name.
